Thursday, June 11, 2009

"Gots and Needs"???


Please post what you have gotten so far in EDU 308; then, post what you still need from me.
This is not for a grade, but I want you to reflect. Also, if there are any needs (especially in an on-line, blended class), I want to meet those needs if I can.


  1. I have enjoyed this class on-line because I think people are more bold about their opinions when posting something versus sitting in a classroom. I have heard a lot of great opinions and ideas and have enjoyed the on-line discussions. Dr. Hendrix, i think you do great with responses and they always make us think. I have been satisfied so far!

  2. I am glad to hear from you Brooke. I care about meeting all of your needs. Communication is so significant in on-line classes.

  3. I also enjoy the class on-line. It has been easier for me to work the class into my schedule. Even while the class is on-line, I still feel like I take a lot away from the readings and discussions. The only need that I think would have helped me would have been to meet on campus for the first class day. I haven't had you before as a teacher so getting the formats, projects, discussion cards, etc. explained in person might of put my mind more at ease. It also would have given us a chance to see who else is in the class and whom we might be grouped with.

  4. For some reason my computer will not bring up the blogs for the chapters. Not for sure what I'm doing or it could just be my computer, it's been having issues! I will post them in morning on campus. Hope this is okay. Thanks Jane

  5. I am in the red poverty group, along with race book ad... We are having a difficult time contacting the third person in our group. Gwen and I have met already, but we are missing Lennie. Any suggestions? We have tried contacting on here, and also through email.

  6. I have not received any emails...the email is My cell is 383-4459.

  7. I hope this helps put people together.

    If I teach a blended, on-line course again, I will meet during the first class then. There are models on my website for the book ads, "justics," and poverty projects though. Seeing those should help guide you.

    Keep posting your "gots and needs" here. Thanks for listing them!!!

    Take care,
    Dr. Hendrix

  8. I don't have an email address for Kensey. Can you contact me about the poverty project? Did you get my email Kristin? Thank you. Heidi

  9. Heidi,

    I just called Kensey and let her know you were wanting to speak with her. I am sending you an email with her info. She will not be back online until probably Monday.

  10. I really enjoy this being an online class. It allows me to work at my my own pace. I also feel that this blogspot helps to keep us updated with what is going on.

  11. I have enjoyed some of the freedom of an on-line class but miss the face to face conections a class like this can bring

  12. I was hoping with the projects that you would have the face-to-face connections as well as in the blended format. Also, with the discussions on-line, there should have been some connections there too. However, there are pros and cons to both styles--in class and on-line, but we are moving towards more and more on-line classes. Some of the on-line pros outweigh the cons such as access for more students to take the courses, more freedom for non-traditional students or traditional students who work and/or have children, and the cost. It is cheaper to have an on-line class. For instance, you do not spend as much on gas. Anyway, thanks for all the posts here!!! Keep those going! Also, after your grades are recorded, please post your own course evaluation in the blog here.
