Monday, January 10, 2011

EDU 308 Spring 2011 Ch. 9 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for Ch. 9.


  1. Question: Why is the physical environment considered the most overt of the four classroom enviorments?

    Quote: "All classrooms are spaces designated for teachers and children where learning takes place." (320)

    Fact: There are four classroom enviorments: physical socio-emotional, creative and cognitive.

  2. Question: ow do you crate a better multicultural classroom setting?

    Quote: "The arts are humanity's expression of life itself." - Merryl Goldberg

    Fact: Art can help young children dispel the most damaging of myths: that people are divided by the color of their skins.

  3. Question: Which of the four classifications of classroom activities is the most essential?

    Quote: "The arts are humanity's expression of life itself."

    Fact: Literature is one of the most powerful sources of ideas, personal values, and wisdom.

  4. Question: Is there one of the four classifications of classroom activities that is more effective or do they all work together?

    Quote: "Artwork representative of different ethnic groups is a valuable source that brings cultures and diverse images into the classroom." p. 331-332

    Fact: Classroom activities and events can be classified into four major worlds or environments: the physical, the cognitive, the social-emotional, and the creative.

  5. Fact: For a child, a truth is what he or she has gathered, what the child owns. Appropriate environments invite children to explore, ponder, an dconstruct their truths.

    Quote: "An environment that is rich in possibilities for exploring gender, race/ethnicity, and different ableness sets the scene for practicing anti-bias [and multicultural] curriculum." - Louise Derman-Sparks

    Question: Does having to be so immersed in so many other cultures ever take away from learning, knowing and enjoying your own culture?

  6. Question: Pg 318. The emerging social experience of the child underlines the need for making social-emotional development a major focus of the teachers efforts. Do you really think that the childrens social-emotional development is a major focus of teachers efforts? I do not see that.
    Quote: Pg 343. Jean Piaget defines play as a natural and inherit characteristic of individuals found across cultures. He established that children respond spontaneously to any gamelike activity. This inclination facilitates the acquistion of knowledge across cultures. Aside from their recreational aspects, play and games are found to keep their power throughout our lives.
    Fact: Pg 316. According to the accreditation criteria from the National Association for the Education of Young Children(NAEYC), space should be allocated according to the number of children enrolled, a minimum of 35 square feet of usable space indoors per child is required as acceptable physical space.

  7. Question: How can we as teachers ensure that children develop in all the "Classroom Environments"? (Physical, Creative, Social-Emotional and Cognitive)

    Quote: The arts are humanitie's expression of life itself"

    Fact: Sometimes, materials may seem multicultural, but are not. Teachers must constantly be looking for materials that present stereotypes and remove them when necessary.

  8. Question: How can you better incorporate multicultural into every lesson? On the other hand, does it not need to be in every lesson?

    Quote: "I have always believed that learning happens when children have a safe, stimulating, and inviting classroom environment." page 314

    Fact: The multicultural classroom is a place where the teacher attempts to guide young children though the process of learning to live with diversity. Page 319.

  9. Question:

    in the classroom that i am observing i see no form of muilticulture how do i or future teach incorporable different in culture's in the classroom while still having the children learn?


    Fact: The first tangible changes toward multiculturalization should take place in the classroom physical environment.


    curriculum development provides a special opportunity for teachers to implement the wealth of their ideas and explore new ways of transforming classroom teaching. 281

  10. Question: Is there any funding for teachers to make a multicultural classroom?

    Fact: Appropriate content for children is child centered and integrated curriculum.

    Quote:"Arts and crafts activities contribute to the holistic development of the child by providing opportunities for, "actively solving problems, thinking critically, becoming visually literate, making aesthetic decisions, weighing and measuring, expressing themselves, using their imaginations,communicating with peers, and developing motor skills."

  11. Question: What do I do if one of my students refuses to accept other cultures, even though I have implemented a multicultural curriculum?

    Quote: "The arts are humanity's expression of life itself" (p. 327).

    Informative Fact: According to NAEYC, "35 square feet of usable space indoors per child is required" (p. 316). It has been shown that the physical space will affect the behavior and development of the children.

  12. Question: How can a teacher create a classroom that is both welcoming and beneficial to learning?

    Quote: Literature is one of the most powerful sources of ideas, personal values, and wisdom. p. 332

    Fact: Theme teaching is a holistic approach to a broad content area that includes many different related topics. p. 356

  13. Question: what does a good classroom environment look like?

    Quote: "literature is one of those common denominators found across culture."

    fact: sources of good multicultural literature have significantly increased.

  14. Question: How can educators create centers in the classroom that incorporate different cultures to help educate children in diversity?

    Quote: “The arts are humanity’s expression of life itself” (Goldberg, 2006).

    Fact: Good multicultural classroom materials need to be free of biases, stereotypes, and misrepresentations of cultural groups.

  15. Fact:
    The space in early childhood classrooms is best organized and distributed into learning or interest areas. Terms such as learning area, center, or stations refer to those spaces where activities can take place and related materials are displayed for children’s use. Page 321

    “Children don’t see colors, They only see children.” Page 326

    What sources of artwork would you use in your classroom? Page 332

  16. Question: What makes a classroom so powerful?

    Quote: "An environment that is rich in possibilities for exploring gender, race/ethnicity, and different ableness sets the scene for practicing anti-bias curriculum." p313

    Fact: Teaching is defined as developmentally appropriate when it provides chilren with accurate and legitimate views about our contemporary society that help build social knowledge and a valid assortment of interaction skills that are reflective of contemporary society. p348

  17. Quote: PG 332: Literature is one of the most powerful sources of ideas, personal values and wisdom.
    Question: Why do parents, now a days, seem so reluctant to allow their children to play and/or read certain "racy" texts?
    Fact: PG. 317: One of the major ways for children to grow and develop cognitively is through play.

  18. Quote: "The arts are humanity's expression of life itself." Merryl Goldberg

    Question: How can artwork promote student diversity in the classroom; artwork brought in by the teacher; artwork brought in by the student?

    Fact: Literary books are not the only literature tools that are useful for student learning in the classroom. Journals, magazines, and newspapers are also very useful and can enhance student learning. For example, they are a great source of visual stimulants, like pictures.

  19. Quote:
    An environment that si rich in possibilities for exploring gender, race/ethnicity, and different ableness sets the scene for practicing antibias and multicultural curriculum
    (Louise Derman Sparks)(313)
    What are the classroom environments to consider?
    A teachers disposition and usage of words sets the tone for the classroom environment

  20. Quote: The arts are humanity's expression of life itself.

    Question: What should you consider when choosing literature for your classroom?

    Fact: Piaget defines play as a natural and inherent characteristic of individuals found across cultures.
    Mary Sanders

  21. Fact- classrooms activities adn events can be classfies into 4 major worlds or environments: the physical th ecognitivead the social emotional and the creative.
    quote-you never seem to do anything right. Do it again.
    question-how can we teach children to accept other cultures?

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