Monday, January 10, 2011

EDU 308 Spring 2011 Ch. 10 Post

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for Ch. 10.


  1. Question: How do educators develop a relationship/partnership with the families of their students?

    Quote: "The early childhood professional is characterized by an open and tolerant attitude."(378)

    Fact: Educators should recognize school experiences should be collaborated both with teachers and families.

  2. Question: How do you get more families to participate in the chldrens education and schools?

    Quote: "All men [individuals] know their children mean more than life." -Euripides

    Fact: Home is the first classroom.

  3. Question: What is the best way to involve the community in schools and in a child's education?

    Quote: "All men [individuals] know their children mean more than life." p.367

    Fact: The transformation of the U.S. family and the neighborhood have resulted in the need for closer collaboration in the educational arena among the key players-schools, families, relatives, and the community.

  4. Question: What is the best way to form a trusting relationship with your students' families?

    Quote: "Every school and home will engage in partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children."

    Fact: Education for diversity cannot exist without including and considering families as a fundamental element in the lives of children.

  5. Fact: Oral communication is only 7% of communication.

    Quote: "Everything you say from the very first time you meet the family counts."

    Question: What do you do when the family isnt involved and you need their support?

  6. Question: How would I approach and solve the issue if I have one or more parents that hold a different view about education than what I hold, in order for my parents to feel that their child is receiving the best education?

    Quote: "'No man is an island' reminds us that we all need and depend on each other" (p. 368).

    Informative Fact: According to Miller Wackman, Nunnaly, and Miller, our gestures, movements, and tone of voice speak louder than words alone. The spoken word accounts for 7 percent of the input, how we say our words accounts for 38 percent, and our gestures and movements accounts for 55 percent. (p. 401)

  7. Fact:
    The more we know about the values, culture, and ways of the families, the better equipped we are to provide a setting that is responsive to the children’s needs. Page 379

    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead page 409

    What will be your philosophy about families? Page 381

  8. Quote: "All men [individuals] know their children mean more than life." p367

    Question: How do I get a child's parents actively involved in their schoolwork if they partens don't try or put effort in helping the child at home?

    Fact: Every school and home will engage in partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children. p373

  9. Quote: "'No man is an island' reminds us that we all need and depend on each other"

    Fact: Furthermore, the need for collaboration among teachers and families of young children is most critical because the parents and the family are the child's first an dmost influential teachers.

    Question: What's the best way to engage a family who doesn't think that eduation is important and doesn't support the child at home?

  10. Question: How would you, as a teacher, handle a situation where a child believes that his/her family is "better" than another student's family because of their structure?

    Quote: "Working Together: The Essence of a Child's Success" P368

    Fact: Teachers must build trust with families to gain trust and respect. Families will be more open to suggestions regarding their child's education if they respect and trust the person making the suggestions.

  11. QUOTE: PG 370: Creating the atmosphere for learning both in the classroom and at home is a necessary component of effective education.
    QUESTION: Even though it is stressed during the education process, when a teacher is earning their degree, and when they are hired at their job, why do still, several teachers lack good ethical practice?
    FACT:PG. 380: ...Protecting data about children is among what defines ethical practices in early childhood education.

  12. Quote: "All men [individuals] know their children mean more than life." Euripides

    Fact: Collaboration relates to the field of early childhood education, in which it is a "quest to remedy the inequalities and sparse existence of social programs and services." Collaboration is "a kind of joint work ambition" that "is based on 'a vision of better society.'"

    Question: How can we as teachers involve the local community in our classrooms?

  13. Quote:
    Show your interest in a childn and parents are on your side. Be casual, off- handed, be cold toward the child and parents can never work closely with you...To praise the child is to praise the parent. To criticize the childis to hit the parent. The two are two but the two are one
    (James Hymes)(398)
    What are some of the ways a teacher can use to open the doors to a clooaboration witht he parents and families of the students served?
    When planning to talk w/ parents a teacher needs to be aware of their body language as well as how they apprach the parent.

  14. Question: What can teachers do to build stronger trust relationships with students’ parents or family members?

    Quote: Furthermore, the need for collaboration among teachers and families of young children is the most critical because the parents and the family are the child’s first and most influential teachers. p. 368

    Fact: Using community resources facilitates establishing collaborative experiences and promotes partnership. It also creates appreciation of the community’s heritage and diversity. p. 408

  15. Question: what are ways teachers can help communities become a multicultural educational place for everyone?

    Quote: "our classrooms can be the best kind of bridge between home and school."

    fact: successful collaboration also includes the community.

  16. Question: What are some ways educators can get to know parents of multicultural students and make them an active part of the classroom?

    Quote: Educators Sharon Kagan and Ann Rivera define collaboration as “these efforts that unite and empower individuals and organizations to accomplish collectively what they could not accomplish individually” ( Kagan & Rivera, 1991).

    Fact: Planning a multicultural program cannot take place devoid of the community.

  17. Question:

    How do you deal with kids who families are not involved or can't be involve in their children's lives?

    The process of teaching and learning is enriched by bring parents and entire families into the classroom as our partners. one of the main objectives of multicultural education is to have parents sharing with teachers the miracle of the children's learning.


    Research in early childhood education has shown that family and parental involvement are central to successful schooling experiences.

  18. Quote: Every school and home will engage in partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of a child.
    Question: What can you do for a child that has hardships within the home?
    Fact: Neighborhoods are experiencing high population mobility.

  19. quote- WE are all products of our families adn our home environments.
    Fact- All families are imprtant in this classroom.
    question-How should the teacher get the familes of other backgrounds involved in the classroom?
