Monday, August 24, 2009

EDU 308 Fall 09 Discussion Card for Melendez and Beck's Ch. 2

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Fact: "Becoming effective teachers of young children in a multicultural world begins with the following steps:
    1.Discover and clarify your own cultural viewpoints,
    2.Learn to be more culturally competent, 3.Honestly examine the sterotypes about other groups that you have in the classroom or that you have encountered,
    4.Read about people from other countries,
    5.Consider the importance that principles of development have on planning and designing classroom experiences
    Quote:"Everything depends on the color of the glass you look through."
    Question: What is your idea of culture?

  2. Question: How does the social and cultural environment of the community influence the child's concept of "self"?
    Quote: "Todos es del color del cristal con que se mira. (Everything depends on the color of the glass you look through.)"
    Fact: "Culture is the paradigm humans use to guide behavior, find meaning to events, interpret the past, and set aspirations."

  3. Amanda Griffith

    Fact: "Race is a term used to describe the physical characteristics of a large group of people with somewhat similar genetic history."

    Question: Is it hard for you to not stereotype someone when you first meet them?

    Quote: "Since September 11, incidents against ethnic groups have increased to an alarming level, making a fight against intolerance imperative." - Wilma Robles de Melendez and Vesna Beck

  4. Quote:"Sometimes, those who hold prejudices are not aware of their own feelings" Kehoe cited in Hernandez 2001

    Fact:"A culture of peace begins when adults and children together share and participate in activities as equals."

    Question: How can you change/challenge the views of a child regarding race/prejudice without over stepping your boundries with the parents?

  5. Ashlee Stuver

    Question: What is meant by "others say that cultural diversity will endanger the future of the nation."?

    Quote: "Sadly, the world is full of old prejudices." Doris Bergin

    Fact: Culture is the most potent single influence that makes us who we are.

  6. Fact: We begin learning the patterns and shared meanings of the group we belong to at birth.

    Quote: "There is not one aspect of life that is not touched and altered by culture." -Hall

    Question: What are effective ways to help a student in needed without basing it off of stereotypes of that culture?

  7. Fact: "The concept of race has it origins in anthropology, where it was used to describe the physical characteristics(eyes, skin color, size of head, and so on) of people.
    Question: How do we teach children that what they have learned from their families is not okay without offending them or their families?
    Quotation: "Race as a concept still carries a strong social meaning in our country as well as in other societies."

  8. Fact: Prejedice is a predictor of discriminatory behavior.

    Quote: "In our society, elementary school children learn far more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Some of the mere aspects of their knowledge are never taught in a systematic way. They are acquired as part of their culture through interaction with teachers and peers."
    -James Spradely and David McCurdy

    Question: Where can teachers find materials on how to incorporate other cultures in the classroom?

  9. "There is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture."

    Fact: We, as teachers, are responsible for overcoming unfairness and diversity, in our schools.

    Question: How do you discuss a family tradition/culture (Hanukkah/Christmas) without breaking the "no religion in school" law?

    Jessica Walker

  10. Quote: There is not one aspect of life that is not touched and altered by culture" (P. 47)

    Fact: Individual differences in temperament cannot be attributed to race. (p. 69)

    Question: What kind of assistance is available at school/in class to students who are English Language Learners?

  11. Taylor Cunningham

    Quote: "Our culture defines who we are and how we live."

    Question: How can we teach about hate crimes in a way to help students prevent them, without giving them negative images or ideas?

    Fact: Statistics show that incidences of hate crimes have increased during the first decade of the twenty-first century.

  12. "Todos es del color del cristal con que se mira (Everything depends on the color of the glass you look through)."- Pedro Calderon de la Barca

    The Asain population in the US in 2000 was 10,242,998.

    How is the best way to talk about the kids different customs without making one seem better than another?

    Ashley Stanton

  13. Fact: Since September 11, incidents against ethnic groups have increased to an alarming level, making the fight against intolerance imperative.

    Quote: "In our society, elementary children learn far more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Some of the mere aspects of their knowledge are never taught in a systematic way. They are acquired as part of their culture through interaction with teachers and peers." -James Spradley and David McCurdy

    Question: What are some fun and interesting ways to introduce the topic of culture as well as integrate cultural awareness in the classroom?

  14. Fact: Race is a term used to describe the physical characteristics of a large group of people with somewhat similar genetic history.

    Quote: "There is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture."

    Question: How does the social and cultural environment of the community influence the childrens concept of self?

  15. Quote: "Sadly the world is full of old prejudices."
    -Doris Bergen

    Fact: Often those who hold prejudices are even unaware themselves that the have those feelings. Their attitudes and nonverbal condemnation are subconscience at times.

    Question: How do we go about finding if we have any underlying prejudices? Second how do we as future teachers work towards elimating all prejudices we might have?

  16. Fact: Children become aware of their differences and similarities at a very young age.

    Quote: "Cities and towns throughout the United States reflect the multiplicity of people's ethnic roots."

    Question: How does the social and cultural environment of the community influence the children's concept of "self"?

  17. Quote: "Despite how unusual rules might look to an outsider, for its members, they are logical. "

    Fact: Althought interracial families families have long existed, they were not officially acknowledged and recorded as a distinct group until 2000.

    Question: Do you have any tips on how to be aware of differences in learning styles between cultures without stereotyping?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Nikki Cross

    Fact: Prejudice has caused more destruction in the world than any war and is the essence of racism and bigotry.
    Quote: Regardless of that element establishes the character of an ethnic group, we all belong to one.
    Question: Why is it so hard to be accepting or to mind one's business?

  20. Question: How does a child's culture affect his or her effectness in education?

    Quote: "Everything depends on the color of the glass you look through" Pedro Calde de la Barca

    Fact: Asian cultures, social orientation is focused on the collective "we" rather than the individual

  21. Question:
    Is cultural diversity crossing into sterotyping? Is it wrong.
    Knowledge about how diversity factors contribute to shaping the character and ways of an individual helps educators to better understand childrens behaviors and learning characteristics" (banks and Banks 2006 Copple 2003)
    Interesting reading:
    I think it is interesting how many different variables go into cultural diversity, in understanding what to say inorder not to offend anyone.

  22. Quote- "Sadly, the world is full of old prejudices."
    Fact- Ethnic groups share common histories, customs, values, lifestyles, religions, and languages.
    Question- How does this social and cultural environment of the community influence the children's concept of "self"?
    Kailey Stroud

  23. Quote: Today, a child is considered an individual with unique characteristics and rights, whereas in the past, the child was not valued as a person. Roopnarine & Johnson, 2004
    Question: What messages are sent in the classroom unconsciously that might affect a child’s self image of their culture?
    Fact: Diversity is found in every single individual because each person is a composite of cultures.

  24. Question: How do we as teachers overcome the stereotypes we already pocess?

    Fact: We, as teachers, are responsible for overcoming unfairness and diversity, in our schools.

    Quote:"Everything depends on the color of the glass you look through."

  25. Fact: Our clasrooms are a mosaic of cultures.
    Additionally, we all have some form of prejudice.
    Quote: Sadly, the world is full of old prejudices.
    Question: Children learn a great deal at school as well as at home. How do we as teachers go about changing opinions based on instituted judgements by the parents?

  26. Question: How can we prevent students from showing racism toward others in the classroom?

    Quote: Nothing has had a more destructive effect on humankind than ideas about races. Banks 2007.

    Fact:Culture demarcates all manners people use to interact in the context of society. Culture is needed by humans to survive in a social group.

  27. Melody Ellsworth

    question: What is Ethnicity?

    quote: "Everything depends on the color of the glass you look through." -Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Pg. 46

    fact: Cultural diversity defines "American Way"

  28. Quote: "Culture is a part of each individual because it is a part of every society."

    Fact:The elements of cultural identity include: ethnic or national origin, family, religion, gender, educational background, geographical region, language, age, socioeconomic level, and job or occupation.

    Question: What is your cultural identity?

  29. Quote: Everything depends on the color of the glass you look through.

    Fact: For the first time you could select multicultural as a category of race on the 2006 Census.

    Question: Is it necessary to "label" people and groups in order to teach children to be accepting of others?

  30. F~We all belong to many more groups than we may be aware of.

    Q~Do you think there will ever be a world that is non-prejudice?

    Qoute~I liked this one-"Who are you?" said the caterpillar...Alice replied rather shyly, "I hardly know, sir, just at present-at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then."
