Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition." to be a teacher, then, is to experience these political pressures.
Fact: If a school chooses a program not approved by the federal government, no funding is available to the school.
Chapter 2
Question: How many people who serve at the local, state, and federal levels of government on boards, committees, and departments, actually have in-school experience?
Quote: "...and get back to what education come down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgeable adults who will ensure that every student can learn." -Bill Cosby
Fact: During the first half of the 1990s the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the entire Kentucky school system was "inadquate."
"Among the 14000 school districtsof the nations it seems as if everyone is trying something new in the way of curriculum, organization, fiances, and so on. But the impression left to the observer is that of disorganized focus on problems and remedies."- Frederick Wirt
How do you handle disgruntled co workers?
Children in charter schools are 5.2% more likely to be proficent in reading.
Chapter 2
The number of local public school districts has declined from 119001 in 1937-1938 to 14928 in 1999-2000
"Frequently school board meetings can be 'battle grounds for many special interests.'"- Cibulka
What is the best way for teachers to become politically active?
Fact: Increasingly, politicians, buisness leaders, and citizens are joining the call to hold teachers accountable for student learning. As a result of this emphasis on accountability, teachers are expected to implement higher educational standards and to prepare students for tests that assess students' mastery of these standards.
Questions: How effective are the following forms of parental involvement: home visits, parent volunteers, parent advisory committees, parent-teacher organizations?
Can parental involvment have a negative influence on schools?
Quote: "You may think that politics and teaching should remain seperate. However, it is a fact of life that school policies are developed in a political milieu, and reforming schools is essentially a series of political acts, not technical solutions to problems."
Questions: What is your position regarding teacher strikes?
Other than going on strike, what other actions could teachers take?
Quote: "At times, the roles of the federal, state, and local governments in education are in conflict. As the trend continues toward increased state control over educational policies, teachers and students may be increasingly affected by partiisan politics at the state level."
Fact: The state board of education, the highest educational agency in a state, regulates education and advises the governor and others on important educational policies.
"Let Teachers make the decisions, NOT the corporate test makers!"
In 1995, the percentage of students at or above the national norm in reading was 26.5 percent; by 2001 this percentage had risen to 37.6 percent(Hess 2004).
With all the economic problems in the world, have those numbers decreased? If so, how can we get them back up as teachers?
*Chapter 2
"The quality of school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determinant of school district success or failure" -Rod Paige
Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944, the G.I. Bill has provided millions of veterans with payments for tuition and room and board at colleges and universities and at technical schools.
Why do political educators often say there should be school on Saturday's for all students?
Chapter 1: Quote: When I am eighty years old and someone asks me what I did in life, I will remember those students holding those signs. I will straighten up and proudly say, “I was a teacher.” John Flickinger (p. 11)
Fact: Fewer than half of the 1,300 institutions that prepare teachers are accredited by NCATE. (p.9) Question: What should teachers do if they disagree with their principal about what should be taught to students or how it should be taught?
Chapter 2: Quote: “I still recall that special group of parents and students who taught me that a teacher is someone who becomes part of the family when the family becomes part of the school.” Karen M. Caruso (p. 41)
Fact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 % of school boards and men 61%. Minority membership was 13.6%. Question: If you were able to meet with the chief state school officer in your state, what would you tell him or her about the concerns of prospective teachers?
Fact: Currently, thirty-six states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia have adopted charter school legislation, and 3,300 schools serve almost one million students (Keller 2002).
Quote: "Nevertheless, as a professional teacher, you will have an obligation- to yourself and to your profession- to ensure that your actions are shaped primarily by the needs of students rather than by the intense, often conflicting, political forces that impact schools."
Question: Due to the impact that No Child Left Behind has had on the teaching profession, it is very likely that a teacher would find himself/herself in a situation like the one described on page 3. If you were in that situation, how would you respond? What would you say?
Chapter 2:
Fact: In addition, more than twenty states give state boards of education the authority to intervene in academically "bankrupt" schools whose students score too low as a group.
Quote: "... We can sweep up all of this mess and get back to what education comes down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgable adults who will ensure that every student can learn." -Bill Cosby
Question: What can be done to change school board demographics, so they will better reflect the growing diversity in the United States?
Quote: "Amoung the 14,000 school districts of the nation, it seems as if everyone is trying something new in the way of curriculum, organization, finances and so on. But the impression left to the observer is that of disorganized focus on problems and remedies." Frederick Wirt and Michael Kirst (1997) in The Political Dynamics of American Education
Fact: Since educational reformers cannot change factors that contribute to low student achievement such as family background, they should focus on what they can change - namely, how schools are controlled.
Question: Regarding charter schools, can big business(profitability)and education go hand in hand and sty pure?
Chapter 2
Quote: "Our children's future is more important than a few pennies in federal funding accompanied by dictates. Now is no time to turn control of our reforms over to federal bureaucrats and politicians" (Education Week 1996, 14).
Fact: One characteristic of sucessful schools is that they develop close working relationships with parents. Additionally, children whose parens or guardians support and encourage school activities have a definite advantage in school.
Question: How do you keep a balance between your focus on the children in your classroom and on the politics surrrounding you?
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition."
Fact: Currently, thirty-six, Puerto Rico, and the District of columbia have adopted charter school legislation, and 3,300 school serve almost on million students.
Question: what are the strengths and weaknesses of a charter school?
Chapter 2
Quote: "...School boards should have one job: making sure every child is receiving a good education..."
Fact: A great boost for the development of state departments of education came with the federal government's Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
Question: What motivates parents to become involved with the schools?
Chapter 1 Fact: Politics refer to how people use, power, influence, and authority within an organization to persuade others to act in desired ways.
Questions: How do you feel about restructuring schools? Good or bad?
Quote:"It's not only our right but our responsibility to make our feelings known." -Thoreau
Chapter 2 Questions: What are the negatives do having a dominated power structure within your community?
Quote: "School boards have been criticized for not educating themselves about issues, and education policymaking, being reluctant to seek input from their communities, not communicating a shared vision of educational excellence to thier communities and not developing positive, productive relationships with superintendents."
Fact: The State legislatures are responisble for establishing and maintaining public schools and for determining basic school policy.
Quote: "Politicans compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition."
Fact: Currently, 36 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia have adopted charter school legislation, and 3,300 schools serve almost one million studetns.
Question: Why haven't the remaining 14 states adopted charter schools?
Kailey Stroud Question- Why do you need to understand educational politics? Quote- "I don't know why these teachers won't say what they believe" Fact- To improve the performance of schools, to decentralize school governance, and to enhance the professional status of teachers, some districts are restructuring their school systems.
Question- How does federal government influence education? Quote- " I don't see how you can say we have the freedom to decide what to teach and how to teach it." Fact- Education is usually the center of the issues during election campaigns.
Question: To what extent should teachers be held accountable?
Quote: "is a system in which accountability is so diffused that no one is accountable"
Fact: There are five dimensions of educational poltics influencing teachers.
Chapter 2
Question: How can teacher get more partnerships with the community to aid in more educational experiences?
Quote: "In one situation, the parents had recently seperated and Nat's mom , Holly, had relocated to New Mexico. In order to keep her informed and involved, every week I mailed her one of my home/school communication sheets..." Karen M. Caruso
Fact: The superintendent is invariably the key figure in determining a districts educational policy.
Question: Lets assume, for a minute that are schools are privately controlled. These private entities will "more than likely" produce students directed towards their own personal goals. What happens to creativism, individualism? Do we shift our focus towards a more economical restructuring?
Quote: Clearly, it is difficult to intangle the web of political forces that influence schools.
Fact: Teachers MUST be involved in the construction and/or modification of the curriculum.
Chp 2
Quote: School boards should have one job: making sure EVERY child is receiving a good education.
Fact: Are children need a good, marketable education at the expense of all.
Question: Has the value of an education been tarnished by the political forces that focus more on test scores and allocation of funds, rather than the importance of developing well-rounded productive citizens?
Fact: One of the most dramatic reforms in U.S. education during the last decade has been the development of charter schools and for-profit schools, both of which were developed to provide an alternative to the perceived inadequacies of the public schools.
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. School supply the arena for such competition." -Joel Spring-
Question: Can parental involvement have a negative influence on schools? page 20
Chapter 2:
Fact: The number of local public school districts has declined from 119,001 in 1937-38 to 14,928 in 1999-2000, as a result of efforts to consolidate districts.
Quote: "We can sweep up all of this mess and get back to what education comes down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgeable adults who will ensure that every student can learn. -Cosby-
Question: How can local educational politics enhance the effectiveness of schools and teachers? page 57
Chapter 1 Fact: Results indicated that underprivileged studetns in charter schools do worse in reading and mathematics than students in other schools.
Quote: "Clearly, it is difficult to untangle the web of political forces that influence schools"
Question: Why are these charter schools receiving low results?
Chapter 2 Fact: A 2001 national survy of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 percent of school boards and men percent."
Quote: "I'm assuming the President of the United States probaly never went to a poor and neglected public school- where books have missing pages, walls have peeling paint, children have nothing to draw or write with, and where there is no library for reading a story or doing homework."
Question: Do we not see many teachers as school board members because they are already overloaded with work, grading papers, and striving to meet "requirements"?
Fact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 percent of school boards and men 61 percent.
Quote: "Our children's future is more important than a few pennies per child in federal funding accompanied by dictates. Now is no time to turn control of our reforms over to federal bureaucrats and politicians."
Fact: Overall, the National Assessment of Educational Progress assessment found that less than one-third of students, regardless of the type of school they attended, were "proficient" in mathematics or reading, according to federal standards (U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences 2004).
Quote: "If teachers desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians."
Question: What are some ways teachers can act politically to influence educational policies?
Quote: "When it comes reforming the nation's schools, these days the leading radicals are likey to be wearing pinned-striped suits and come form oak paneled boardrooms rather than the ivy-colored walls of academia." pg23 Fact: A (charter) school that fails to meet the academic criteria outlined in its charter or fails to follow relavent state and local laws can be closed by the agency that approved the scholl's charter. pg 23 Question: Who monitors private schools to make sure they are teaching students what they need to know?
Chapter 2 Question: Why did Reagan want to dismantle the Department of education? Fact: In general,the state board of education is concerned with policymaking, the state department of education with the day-to-day implementation of those policies. Quote: "Conflict is the DNA of superintendency."
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition."
Fact: Charter schools are independent, innovative, outcome-based, public schools.
Question: Have the professional standards for teaching been changed since NCLB was passed?
Fact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39% of school boards and men 61%.
Quote: "School boards have been criticized for not educating themselves about issues and education policymaking, being reluctant to seek input from their communities, not communicating a shared vision of educational excellence to their communities, and not developing positive, productive relationships with superintendents."
Question: Can teachers serve on school boards while they are teaching?
Question: Do you think that parental involvement has a negative impact on schools?
Fact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39% of school boards and men 61%.
Quote:"I still recall that special group of parents and students who taught me that a teacher is someone who becomes part of the family when the family becomes part of the school." -Karen M. Caruso
Fact:"Amoung the 14,000 school districts of the nation it seems as if everyone is trying something new in the way of curriculum, organization, finances, and so on."
Quote: "To be a teacher then is so experience these political pressures.:
Question: How do we make a change in politics that deal with schools such as no child left behind?
Chapter 1 Fact:Politics refer to how people use, power, influence, and authority within an organization to persuade others to act in desired ways.
Question:Can prental involvement have a neg. efftct on schools? If so how can we as teachers deal with these, what strategies can we use?
Quote:"Let Teachers make the decisions, NOT the corporate test makers!"
Chapter 2 Fact:the quality of school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determination of the school district success or failure.
Question:Can a teacher effectively balance their students and school politics?
Quote:"Frequently school board meetings can be 'battle grounds for many special interests.'" -Cibulka
Fact:By 2002, 194 (6.95%) of the nations's 2,790 charter schools and had been closed, but only 0.005% were closed for failure to meet academic outcomes (F.M. Hess 2004)
Question:What groups are competing for control of schools in the United States?
Quote:"Desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians." (Nunnary & Kimbrough 1971)
Fact:The number of local public school districts has declined from 119,001 in 1937-38 to 14,928 in 1999-2000, as a result of efforts to consolidate districts (National Center for Education Statistics 2002).
Question:What powers and influences do states have in governing schools?
Quote:"What we all want for our Children" (Theodore R. Sizer)
CHAPTER 1 Quote: If teachers desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians. Fact: Charter schools are independent, innovative, outcome-based, public schools. Question: How is the NCLB Act helping low performing schools restructure themselves?
CHAPTER 2 Quote: We can sweep up all of this mess and get back to what education comes down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgeable adults who will ensure that every student can learn. Fact: The department of Education was created in 1979 by President Carter. Question: Would the St. Joseph school district be considered a dominated power structure or an inert power structure?
Ashlee Stuver
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
Question: Are there charter school in Missouri?
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition." to be a teacher, then, is to experience these political pressures.
Fact: If a school chooses a program not approved by the federal government, no funding is available to the school.
Chapter 2
Question: How many people who serve at the local, state, and federal levels of government on boards, committees, and departments, actually have in-school experience?
Quote: "...and get back to what education come down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgeable adults who will ensure that every student can learn." -Bill Cosby
Fact: During the first half of the 1990s the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the entire Kentucky school system was "inadquate."
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
ReplyDelete"Among the 14000 school districtsof the nations it seems as if everyone is trying something new in the way of curriculum, organization, fiances, and so on. But the impression left to the observer is that of disorganized focus on problems and remedies."- Frederick Wirt
How do you handle disgruntled co workers?
Children in charter schools are 5.2% more likely to be proficent in reading.
Chapter 2
The number of local public school districts has declined from 119001 in 1937-1938 to 14928 in 1999-2000
"Frequently school board meetings can be 'battle grounds for many special interests.'"- Cibulka
What is the best way for teachers to become politically active?
Ashley Stanton
ReplyDeleteIncreasingly, politicians, buisness leaders, and citizens are joining the call to hold teachers accountable for student learning. As a result of this emphasis on accountability, teachers are expected to implement higher educational standards and to prepare students for tests that assess students' mastery of these standards.
How effective are the following forms of parental involvement: home visits, parent volunteers, parent advisory committees, parent-teacher organizations?
Can parental involvment have a negative influence on schools?
"You may think that politics and teaching should remain seperate. However, it is a fact of life that school policies are developed in a political milieu, and reforming schools is essentially a series of political acts, not technical solutions to problems."
What is your position regarding teacher strikes?
Other than going on strike, what other actions could teachers take?
"At times, the roles of the federal, state, and local governments in education are in conflict. As the trend continues toward increased state control over educational policies, teachers and students may be increasingly affected by partiisan politics at the state level."
The state board of education, the highest educational agency in a state, regulates education and advises the governor and others on important educational policies.
Nikki Cross
ReplyDelete*Chapter 1
"Let Teachers make the decisions, NOT the corporate test makers!"
In 1995, the percentage of students at or above the national norm in reading was 26.5 percent; by 2001 this percentage had risen to 37.6 percent(Hess 2004).
With all the economic problems in the world, have those numbers decreased? If so, how can we get them back up as teachers?
*Chapter 2
"The quality of school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determinant of school district success or failure" -Rod Paige
Signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944, the G.I. Bill has provided millions of veterans with payments for tuition and room and board at colleges and universities and at technical schools.
Why do political educators often say there should be school on Saturday's for all students?
Chapter 1: Quote: When I am eighty years old and someone asks me what I did in life, I will remember those students holding those signs. I will straighten up and proudly say, “I was a teacher.” John Flickinger (p. 11)
ReplyDeleteFact: Fewer than half of the 1,300 institutions that prepare teachers are accredited by NCATE. (p.9)
Question: What should teachers do if they disagree with their principal about what should be taught to students or how it should be taught?
Chapter 2:
Quote: “I still recall that special group of parents and students who taught me that a teacher is someone who becomes part of the family when the family becomes part of the school.” Karen M. Caruso (p. 41)
Fact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 % of school boards and men 61%. Minority membership was 13.6%.
Question: If you were able to meet with the chief state school officer in your state, what would you tell him or her about the concerns of prospective teachers?
Emily Murdock
ReplyDeleteChapter 1:
Currently, thirty-six states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia have adopted charter school legislation, and 3,300 schools serve almost one million students (Keller 2002).
"Nevertheless, as a professional teacher, you will have an obligation- to yourself and to your profession- to ensure that your actions are shaped primarily by the needs of students rather than by the intense, often conflicting, political forces that impact schools."
Due to the impact that No Child Left Behind has had on the teaching profession, it is very likely that a teacher would find himself/herself in a situation like the one described on page 3. If you were in that situation, how would you respond? What would you say?
Chapter 2:
In addition, more than twenty states give state boards of education the authority to intervene in academically "bankrupt" schools whose students score too low as a group.
"... We can sweep up all of this mess and get back to what education comes down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgable adults who will ensure that every student can learn." -Bill Cosby
What can be done to change school board demographics, so they will better reflect the growing diversity in the United States?
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Amoung the 14,000 school districts of the nation, it seems as if everyone is trying something new in the way of curriculum, organization, finances and so on. But the impression left to the observer is that of disorganized focus on problems and remedies." Frederick Wirt and Michael Kirst (1997) in The Political Dynamics of American Education
Fact: Since educational reformers cannot change factors that contribute to low student achievement such as family background, they should focus on what they can change - namely, how schools are controlled.
Question: Regarding charter schools, can big business(profitability)and education go hand in hand and sty pure?
Chapter 2
Quote: "Our children's future is more important than a few pennies in federal funding accompanied by dictates. Now is no time to turn control of our reforms over to federal bureaucrats and politicians" (Education Week 1996, 14).
Fact: One characteristic of sucessful schools is that they develop close working relationships with parents. Additionally, children whose parens or guardians support and encourage school activities have a definite advantage in school.
Question: How do you keep a balance between your focus on the children in your classroom and on the politics surrrounding you?
Chapter 1
ReplyDelete“a system in which accountability is so diffused…no one is accountable.”
Fact – without a basic knowledge of education and the law you will not be able to protect your rights or the rights of your students.
Question – Can parental involvement have a negative influence on a school?
Chapter 2
“Politicians are running the schools more and more.”
Fact – the quality of school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determination of the school district success or failure.”
Question – Other than going on strike, what actions could teachers take?
Jessica Walker
Emily Martin
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition."
Fact: Currently, thirty-six, Puerto Rico, and the District of columbia have adopted charter school legislation, and 3,300 school serve almost on million students.
Question: what are the strengths and weaknesses of a charter school?
Chapter 2
Quote: "...School boards should have one job: making sure every child is receiving a good education..."
Fact: A great boost for the development of state departments of education came with the federal government's Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
Question: What motivates parents to become involved with the schools?
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteFact: Politics refer to how people use, power, influence, and authority within an organization to persuade others to act in desired ways.
Questions: How do you feel about restructuring schools? Good or bad?
Quote:"It's not only our right but our responsibility to make our feelings known."
Chapter 2
Questions: What are the negatives do having a dominated power structure within your community?
Quote: "School boards have been criticized for not educating themselves about issues, and education policymaking, being reluctant to seek input from their communities, not communicating a shared vision of educational excellence to thier communities and not developing positive, productive relationships with superintendents."
Fact: The State legislatures are responisble for establishing and maintaining public schools and for determining basic school policy.
Quote: "Politicans compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition."
ReplyDeleteFact: Currently, 36 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia have adopted charter school legislation, and 3,300 schools serve almost one million studetns.
Question: Why haven't the remaining 14 states adopted charter schools?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
ReplyDeleteQuestion: If the majority of teachers in a school or district are opposed to a reform mandated by their school board, what should they do?
Quote: "If teachers desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians."
Fact: If a school does not use a federally approved reading program, it does not receive federal funding.
Chapter 2
Question: How can partnerships with parents provide support for teachers?
Quote: "The quality of school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determinant of school district success or failure.
Fact: Every state, with the exception of Wisconsin, has a state board of education.
Kailey Stroud
ReplyDeleteQuestion- Why do you need to understand educational politics?
Quote- "I don't know why these teachers won't say what they believe"
Fact- To improve the performance of schools, to decentralize school governance, and to enhance the professional status of teachers, some districts are restructuring their school systems.
Kailey Stroud
ReplyDeleteChapter 2
Question- How does federal government influence education?
Quote- " I don't see how you can say we have the freedom to decide what to teach and how to teach it."
Fact- Education is usually the center of the issues during election campaigns.
Amanda Griffith
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
Question: To what extent should teachers be held accountable?
Quote: "is a system in which accountability is so diffused that no one is accountable"
Fact: There are five dimensions of educational poltics influencing teachers.
Chapter 2
Question: How can teacher get more partnerships with the community to aid in more educational experiences?
Quote: "In one situation, the parents had recently seperated and Nat's mom , Holly, had relocated to New Mexico. In order to keep her informed and involved, every week I mailed her one of my home/school communication sheets..." Karen M. Caruso
Fact: The superintendent is invariably the key figure in determining a districts educational policy.
Chp 1
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Lets assume, for a minute that are schools are privately controlled. These private entities will "more than likely" produce students directed towards their own personal goals. What happens to creativism, individualism? Do we shift our focus towards a more economical restructuring?
Quote: Clearly, it is difficult to intangle the web of political forces that influence schools.
Fact: Teachers MUST be involved in the construction and/or modification of the curriculum.
Chp 2
Quote: School boards should have one job: making sure EVERY child is receiving a good education.
Fact: Are children need a good, marketable education at the expense of all.
Question: Has the value of an education been tarnished by the political forces that focus more on test scores and allocation of funds, rather than the importance of developing well-rounded productive citizens?
Chapter 1:
ReplyDeleteFact: One of the most dramatic reforms in U.S. education during the last decade has been the development of charter schools and for-profit schools, both of which were developed to provide an alternative to the perceived inadequacies of the public schools.
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. School supply the arena for such competition."
-Joel Spring-
Question: Can parental involvement have a negative influence on schools? page 20
Chapter 2:
Fact: The number of local public school districts has declined from 119,001 in 1937-38 to 14,928 in 1999-2000, as a result of efforts to consolidate districts.
Quote: "We can sweep up all of this mess and get back to what education comes down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgeable adults who will ensure that every student can learn. -Cosby-
Question: How can local educational politics enhance the effectiveness of schools and teachers? page 57
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteFact: Results indicated that underprivileged studetns in charter schools do worse in reading and mathematics than students in other schools.
Quote: "Clearly, it is difficult to untangle the web of political forces that influence schools"
Question: Why are these charter schools receiving low results?
Chapter 2
Fact: A 2001 national survy of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 percent of school boards and men percent."
Quote: "I'm assuming the President of the United States probaly never went to a poor and neglected public school- where books have missing pages, walls have peeling paint, children have nothing to draw or write with, and where there is no library for reading a story or doing homework."
Question: Do we not see many teachers as school board members because they are already overloaded with work, grading papers, and striving to meet "requirements"?
Chapter 2
ReplyDeleteQuestion: How do you feel about teacher strikes?
Fact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 percent of school boards and men 61 percent.
Quote: "Our children's future is more important than a few pennies per child in federal funding accompanied by dictates. Now is no time to turn control of our reforms over to federal bureaucrats and politicians."
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteFact: Overall, the National Assessment of Educational Progress assessment found that less than one-third of students, regardless of the type of school they attended, were "proficient" in mathematics or reading, according to federal standards (U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences 2004).
Quote: "If teachers desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians."
Question: What are some ways teachers can act politically to influence educational policies?
Quote: "When it comes reforming the nation's schools, these days the leading radicals are likey to be wearing pinned-striped suits and come form oak paneled boardrooms rather than the ivy-colored walls of academia." pg23
ReplyDeleteFact: A (charter) school that fails to meet the academic criteria outlined in its charter or fails to follow relavent state and local laws can be closed by the agency that approved the scholl's charter. pg 23
Question: Who monitors private schools to make sure they are teaching students what they need to know?
Chapter 2
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Why did Reagan want to dismantle the Department of education?
Fact: In general,the state board of education is concerned with policymaking, the state department of education with the day-to-day implementation of those policies.
Quote: "Conflict is the DNA of superintendency."
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition."
ReplyDeleteFact: Charter schools are independent, innovative, outcome-based, public schools.
Question: Have the professional standards for teaching been changed since NCLB was passed?
Ch. 2
ReplyDeleteFact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39% of school boards and men 61%.
Quote: "School boards have been criticized for not educating themselves about issues and education policymaking, being reluctant to seek input from their communities, not communicating a shared vision of educational excellence to their communities, and not developing positive, productive relationships with superintendents."
Question: Can teachers serve on school boards while they are teaching?
Question: Do you think that parental involvement has a negative impact on schools?
ReplyDeleteFact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39% of school boards and men 61%.
Quote:"I still recall that special group of parents and students who taught me that a teacher is someone who becomes part of the family when the family becomes part of the school." -Karen M. Caruso
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
ReplyDeleteFact:"Amoung the 14,000 school districts of the nation it seems as if everyone is trying something new in the way of curriculum, organization, finances, and so on."
Quote: "To be a teacher then is so experience these political pressures.:
Question: How do we make a change in politics that deal with schools such as no child left behind?
Chapter 2
ReplyDeleteFact: A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 percent of school boards and men 61 percent.
Quote:"Since the birth of the United States, the federal government has played a major role in shaping the character of schools. "
Question: How can we get politians on board with some of the ideas teacher have for education requirements?
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteFact:Politics refer to how people use, power, influence, and authority within an organization to persuade others to act in desired ways.
Question:Can prental involvement have a neg. efftct on schools? If so how can we as teachers deal with these, what strategies can we use?
Quote:"Let Teachers make the decisions, NOT the corporate test makers!"
Chapter 2
Fact:the quality of school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determination of the school district success or failure.
Question:Can a teacher effectively balance their students and school politics?
Quote:"Frequently school board meetings can be 'battle grounds for many special interests.'" -Cibulka
ReplyDeleteFact:By 2002, 194 (6.95%) of the nations's 2,790 charter schools and had been closed, but only 0.005% were closed for failure to meet academic outcomes (F.M. Hess 2004)
Question:What groups are competing for control of schools in the United States?
Quote:"Desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians." (Nunnary & Kimbrough 1971)
Fact:The number of local public school districts has declined from 119,001 in 1937-38 to 14,928 in 1999-2000, as a result of efforts to consolidate districts (National Center for Education Statistics 2002).
Question:What powers and influences do states have in governing schools?
Quote:"What we all want for our Children" (Theodore R. Sizer)
ReplyDeleteQuote: If teachers desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians.
Fact: Charter schools are independent, innovative, outcome-based, public schools.
Question: How is the NCLB Act helping low performing schools restructure themselves?
Quote: We can sweep up all of this mess and get back to what education comes down to: caring, intelligent, trustworthy, and knowledgeable adults who will ensure that every student can learn.
Fact: The department of Education was created in 1979 by President Carter.
Question: Would the St. Joseph school district be considered a dominated power structure or an inert power structure?