The total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schoools in 2000-2001 were $454.1 billion
"Educational and finicial equity have changed significanly over the years. The window of oppurtunities and performances for the success of all children is likely more open now than ever before."- Garner
How is funding for schools decided?
Chapter 6
"A failing mark on the state test will be only a temporary embarrassment but a poor education will stigmatize for life."- Diane Ravitch
In South Carolina teachers and principals in the high ranked schools recieve salary bonuses of up to $1000 each.
How do the standarized tests vary from state to state?
"You and the principal decide that the first step will be for you to prepare a statistical profile for the county's two school districts as they currently exist."
To enable schools to participate more fully in the computer revolution, some school districts have passed bond measures to fund educational technology, and a few states have adopted long-term budgets for computers and technical support.
Chapter 6
How are high-stakes tests changing education?
"Education is controversial."
In Massachusetts, diplomas were withheld from 4,800 seniors in 2003 who failed to pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam.
Chapter 5: Question: What would you do to raise funding for schools? Fact: Funding for Headstart was $4.66 billion in 1999. Quote: "Too many people and resources are allocated to activities outside of classrooms, sitting on the sidelines rather than the front lines of teaching and learning." pg 164 Chapter 6 Quote: "Every society faces not merely a succession of porbable futures, but an array of possible futures, and a conflict over probablr futures. The management of change is the effort to convert certain possibles into probables, in pursuit of agreed-on preferables." pg 212 Question: Is there something out there that can take the place of hih-stakes tests? Fact: AYP is determined by students' performance on machine-scored, multiple-choice tests in math and reading. pg 203
Fact: According to the 2003 Gallup Poll of the public's attitude toward the public schools, "lack of financial support/funding/money" was seen as the number one problem confronting local schools.
Quote: "All people want to maximize their benefits from education while reducing their personal costs...The ideal situation for an individual would be an educational system that increased the individual's political power and economic benefits at a cost being paid by other people." - Joel Spring
Question: What can be done so that all schools have access to technology?
Chapter 5: Question: What is Missouri's plan to increase school funding?
Quote: "Educational and financial equity have changed significantly over the years."
Fact: Funding for Head Start was $4.66 billion in 1999.
Chapter 6: Question: How do you feel about testing for teachers?
Quote: "We are moving in this country from a local to a national view of education and we need better arrangements to guide the way."
Fact: Test besting teaches students test-taking skills such as managing time during testing, correctly making responses on answer forms, and clues for commercially prepared test besting programs; others develop on their own.
Quote: "The educational divide [between African Americans and Hispanic students and white students] is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations." -President Bush
Fact: At the conclusion of the 2003-04 school year, several states withheld thousands of diplomas.
Question: How do you feel about raising standards for students?
Question: How is most of the money spend in the district operating budget?
Fact: That National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (1996)found that many other countries tend to invest more resources than the U.S. in hiring teachers.
Quote: "We long for the day that we look at a president and think, "Thank you," because we feel your unparalleled support of our schools." -Jane Butters
Chapter 6
Quote: " During September I focus on note-taking. Lots of people think I'm crazy to do this, but I don't think you're going to really think about what's going on in literature until you know the writing on a literal level." -Eva Benevento
Question: How would national standards help even the playing field for every student?
Fact: On the 2003 Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools, 66% of respondents said that a single test does not provide "a fair picture of whether or not a school needs improvement".
Quote:"it is concerivable that by 2020 as many as a quarter of all students could be enrolled in some "school of choice, whether it be private or public." Grant and Murry
Fact: According to the NEA, modernization needs for the public school infrastructure is the United States totaled more than $268 billion.
Question: How are private school ran, like with what kind of standards?
Chapter 6
Quote: "One could argue that AYP tests are designed not to help students, teachers, or schools but to catch them."
Fact: At least 95 percent of students in grades 3-8 at a school must take tests.
Question: At what point to we teach for the students and for life rather than just teaching for tests?
Chapter 5 Question: How would you describe the current "national tone" toward public education in the United States?
Quote: As a result, some observers contend that many of today's children "are falling behind because they come to learn each day in facilities that are cramped, outdated, inadequate, and deteriorating."
Fact: Many other industrialized nations of the world invest more resources in education than the United States.
Chapter 6 Question: If teachers "teach to the test," is this an effective or ineffective way to promote student learning?
Quote: "The educational divide [between African Americans and Hispanic students and white students] is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations."
Fact: A curriculum is a document, usually published by a state education agency, that provides guidelines, recommended instructional and assessment strategies, suggested resources, and models for teachers to use as they develop curricula that are aligned with national and state standards.
Chapter 5 Fact:The total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schoools in 2000-2001 were $454.1 billion
Question:How can we reinforce to the public how important school funding is?
Quote:"Too many people and resources are allocated to activities outside of classrooms, sitting on the sidelines rather than the front lines of teaching and learning."
Chapter 6 Fact:At least 95 percent of students in grades 3-8 at a school must take tests.
Question:Is "teach to test" really useful when I have heard it refered to as the "poke and puke method"?
Quote:"The educational divide [between African Americans and Hispanic students and white students] is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations." -President Bush
Quote “politics play a key role in the struggle to control schools in the United States.”
Fact – Corporate contributions to education total more than $2 billion annually, with about 9 percent going to elementary and secondary education and the rest to colleges, including grants to improve teacher prepeartion.
Question – do you think performance and funding should be linked?
Chapter 6
Quote “it’s like we’ve lost sight of the fact that the purpose of schooling is to learn, not to get good scores on tests.”
Fact – standards can improve achievement by clearly defining what is to be taught.
Question – should we hold students accountable for the same achievements?
Quote: "Educational and financial equity have change significantly over the years. The window of opportunity tocontinue improving educational opportunities and performances for the success of all children is likely more open now than ever before" (Garner 2004,3).
Fact: In little more than 370 years, our educational system has grown from one that provided only a maximal education to an advantaged minority to one that now provides maximal educational opportunity to the majority. In spite of the shortcomings of the U.S. system of ecuation, ours is one of the few countries in the world t offer a free public education to all of its citizens.
Question: Would it make a difference if we made a transition from state funded to federally funded so that each child gets the same education no matter where he is?
Chapter 6
Quote: "The educational divide (between African Americans and Hispanic studens and white students) is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations" (Bush 2004, 114).
Fact: Though teachers, administrators, politicians, parents and cocernedcitizens are often in conflict about how schools should operate, the agree more than disagree about the school's primary mission - to privide studens wih the knowledge and skills needed to live satisfying, productive lives in the future.
Question: What can we do in the future to come full circle and go back to teaching a well rounded education and not teaching to the test?
Quote “… U.S. spending on teachers is among the lowest in the world.”
Fact: Teacher comprise about 60 to 80 percent of total staff in many other countries; in the United States, teachers comprise slightly more than 40 percent.
Question: Will the United States ever reform how education is funded to achieve better and equal funding for schools?
Chapter 6
Quote: “Education is controversial. Arguments over the most appropriate aims, the most propitious means, and the most effective control have raged over the centuries.” James William Noll
Fact: Teachers and principals in high-ranked South Carolina schools receive salary bonuses of up to $1000 each, while lower-rated schools can face state takeovers or reorganization of their staffs.
Question: How can you hold schools accountable that do not have adequate funding?
Fact: Full-funding programs are programs in which the state has set the same per-pupil expenditure for all schools and districts.
Quote: "If we had a system of free choice we would also have a system of competition, innovation, which would change the character of education....Reform has to come through competition from the outside, and the only way you can get competition is by making it possible for parents to have the ability to choose." (Friedman 2003)
Question: Should education financing be linked to the performance of schools? Should underperforming schools receive more or less money?
Chapter 6
Question: What role should standards play in education?
Quote: "Raising standards might lead to a national curriculum and an expanded role of federal government in education."
Fact: 18 states require students to pass exit or end-of-course exams in english and math, and in some cases social studies and science, to receive a high school diploma.
Chapter 5 Fact: Dollars are distributed quite unequally across the stes, districts, and schools. Quote: "Children are falling behind because they come to learn each day in facilities that are cramped, outdated, inadequate, and deteriorating." Question: How do you think one could make school funding more equal?
Chapter 6 Fact: The school curriculum should help them (students) meet the developmental challenges of moving from childhood to adulthood. Quote: "We are moving in this country from a local to a national view of education and we need better arrangements to guide the way." Question: Do you think that standards are as important as educational books stress?
Fact: Corporate contributions to education total more than $2 billion annually, with about 9 percent going to elementary and secondary education and the rest to colleges, including grants to improve teacher preparation.
Quote: "If we had a system of free choice we would also have a system of competition, innovation, which would change the character of eduction....Reform has to come through competition from the outside, and the only way you can get competition is by making it possible for parents to have the ability to choose." -Freidman 2003
Question: What can be done to ensure better funding for every school?
Chapter 6:
Fact: In Massachusetts, diplomas were withheld from 4,800 seniors in 2003 who failed to pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assesment System (MCAS) exam.
Quote: "One could argue that AYP tests are designed not to help students, teachers or schools but to catch them. It's a gotcha game, not a process to improve [education]." -Merrow 2003
Question: What are your thoughts about standard testing? Do you feel that they are too demanding? Do you think that they take away from the education process?
Fact: Expenditures for educational services and facilities have been rising rapidly and are expected to continue rising through 2013.
Quote: "Those of us who stayed do not see deficits in our students; we see deficits in the larger system that repeatedly fails them."
Question: Do you oppose or support proposals that would allow parents to choose from public and private schools using vouchers?
Chapter 6
Fact: Also, NCLB requires that, by the end of the academic year 2013-14, public schools guarantee that all students are prepared to pass state proficiency tests.
Quote: "A failing mark on the state test will be only a temporary embarassment, but a poor education will stigmatize for life."
Question: How can teachers prepare students for standardized testing, while avoiding "teaching to the test?"
Quote: "Funding for Head Start was $4.66 billion in 1999. Reauthorized by Congress in 1998, Head Start served estimated 830,000 children and their families that year."
Fact: Teachers with seniority, superior preparation and other attributes that make them attractive to "nice" schools can usually avoid teaching the most disadvantaged children in a school district.
Question: How does the system of school funding in the United States contribute to inequities?
Chapter 6
Quote: "They understand thta their expectations for student performance and behavior at the classroom level are at the heart of higher standards."
Fact: Raising standards might lead to a national curriculum and an expanded role of federal government in education.
Question: What might be some of the pressures felt by students and techers as a result of the emphasis on higher academic standards?
Fact:States contribute nearly 50% of the resources needed to operate the public schools.
Question:Do all students have equal access to technology?
Quote:"All people want to maximize their benefits from education while reducing their personal costs ...[T]he ideal situation for an individual would be an educational system that increased the individual's political power and economic benefits at a cost being paid by other people." (Joel Spring)
Fact: During the next five years, the % of students scoring above the norm will increase by at least 2% each year.
Question: What does the future hold for you as a teacher?
Quote: "Education is controversial. Arguments over the most appropriate aims, the most propitious means, and the most effective control have raged over the centuries." (James Williams Noll)
Reauthorized by Congress in 1998, Head Start served an estimated 830,000 children and their families that year.
" too many people and resources are allocated to activities outside of classrooms, sitting on the sidelines rather than the front lines to teaching and learning." -1996 Commission
What are the arguments of school choice? If you were a parent, what qualities would describe the school of your choice?
Chapter 6
About 15 percent of students are from families who live below the poverty line.
" ensure that rigorous academic content is taught by all teachers in all classrooms and raise expectations for all students (2000, 314-315)." -Roy Romer, former Colorado Governor
What might be some of the pressures felt by students and teachers as a result of the emphasis on higher academic standards?
CHAPTER 5 Quote: Change the national tone toward public education and remove fear and humiliation from models of judgment.
Fact: Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools in 2000-01 were $454.1 billion and the total expenditure per pupil was $7524.00
Question: Since studies have proven evidence that the condition of a school facility directly relates to how well students perform, why is the government not doing more to help these students and schools perform to their fullest potential?
CHAPTER 6 Quote: One could argue that AYP tests are designed not to help students, teachers, or schools but to catch them. It's a 'gotcha game' not a process to improve education.
Fact: Teachers and principals in high-ranked South Carolina schools receive salary bonuses of up to $1,000 each, while lower rated schools can face state takeovers or reorganization of their staffs.
Question: In states that exit exams are mandatory for high school graduation, is fair to with hold a diploma from a student who received passing grades in all classes but did pass the exit exam?
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteThe total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schoools in 2000-2001 were $454.1 billion
"Educational and finicial equity have changed significanly over the years. The window of oppurtunities and performances for the success of all children is likely more open now than ever before."- Garner
How is funding for schools decided?
Chapter 6
"A failing mark on the state test will be only a temporary embarrassment but a poor education will stigmatize for life."- Diane Ravitch
In South Carolina teachers and principals in the high ranked schools recieve salary bonuses of up to $1000 each.
How do the standarized tests vary from state to state?
Ashley Stanton
Kailey Stroud
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
What is the condition of U.S. school buildings?
"You and the principal decide that the first step will be for you to prepare a statistical profile for the county's two school districts as they currently exist."
To enable schools to participate more fully in the computer revolution, some school districts have passed bond measures to fund educational technology, and a few states have adopted long-term budgets for computers and technical support.
Chapter 6
How are high-stakes tests changing education?
"Education is controversial."
In Massachusetts, diplomas were withheld from 4,800 seniors in 2003 who failed to pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam.
Chapter 5:
ReplyDeleteQuestion: What would you do to raise funding for schools?
Fact: Funding for Headstart was $4.66 billion in 1999.
Quote: "Too many people and resources are allocated to activities outside of classrooms, sitting on the sidelines rather than the front lines of teaching and learning." pg 164
Chapter 6
Quote: "Every society faces not merely a succession of porbable futures, but an array of possible futures, and a conflict over probablr futures. The management of change is the effort to convert certain possibles into probables, in pursuit of agreed-on preferables." pg 212
Question: Is there something out there that can take the place of hih-stakes tests?
Fact: AYP is determined by students' performance on machine-scored, multiple-choice tests in math and reading. pg 203
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteFact: According to the 2003 Gallup Poll of the public's attitude toward the public schools, "lack of financial support/funding/money" was seen as the number one problem confronting local schools.
Quote: "All people want to maximize their benefits from education while reducing their personal costs...The ideal situation for an individual would be an educational system that increased the individual's political power and economic benefits at a cost being paid by other people." - Joel Spring
Question: What can be done so that all schools have access to technology?
Amanda Griffith:
ReplyDeleteChapter 5:
Question: What is Missouri's plan to increase school funding?
Quote: "Educational and financial equity have changed significantly over the years."
Fact: Funding for Head Start was $4.66 billion in 1999.
Chapter 6:
Question: How do you feel about testing for teachers?
Quote: "We are moving in this country from a local to a national view of education and we need better arrangements to guide the way."
Fact: Test besting teaches students test-taking skills such as managing time during testing, correctly making responses on answer forms, and clues for commercially prepared test besting programs; others develop on their own.
Chapter 6:
ReplyDeleteQuote: "The educational divide [between African Americans and Hispanic students and white students] is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations." -President Bush
Fact: At the conclusion of the 2003-04 school year, several states withheld thousands of diplomas.
Question: How do you feel about raising standards for students?
Ch. 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: What is the condition of U.S. school buildings?
Fact: Expenditures for educational services and facilities have been rising rapidly and are expected to continue rising through 2013.
Quote: "Rather than one national education system, there are fifty state systems that raise revenues from local, state, and federal sources."
Ch. 6
Question: How are high-stakes tests changing education?
Fact: SBE is based on the belief that all students are capable of meeting high standards.
Quote: "The educational divide is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations."
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: How is most of the money spend in the district operating budget?
Fact: That National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (1996)found that many other countries tend to invest more resources than the U.S. in hiring teachers.
Quote: "We long for the day that we look at a president and think, "Thank you," because we feel your unparalleled support of our schools." -Jane Butters
Chapter 6
Quote: " During September I focus on note-taking. Lots of people think I'm crazy to do this, but I don't think you're going to really think about what's going on in literature until you know the writing on a literal level." -Eva Benevento
Question: How would national standards help even the playing field for every student?
Fact: On the 2003 Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools, 66% of respondents said that a single test does not provide "a fair picture of whether or not a school needs improvement".
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuote:"it is concerivable that by 2020 as many as a quarter of all students could be enrolled in some "school of choice, whether it be private or public." Grant and Murry
Fact: According to the NEA, modernization needs for the public school infrastructure is the United States totaled more than $268 billion.
Question: How are private school ran, like with what kind of standards?
Chapter 6
Quote: "One could argue that AYP tests are designed not to help students, teachers, or schools but to catch them."
Fact: At least 95 percent of students in grades 3-8 at a school must take tests.
Question: At what point to we teach for the students and for life rather than just teaching for tests?
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: How would you describe the current "national tone" toward public education in the United States?
Quote: As a result, some observers contend that many of today's children "are falling behind because they come to learn each day in facilities that are cramped, outdated, inadequate, and deteriorating."
Fact: Many other industrialized nations of the world invest more resources in education than the United States.
Chapter 6
Question: If teachers "teach to the test," is this an effective or ineffective way to promote student learning?
Quote: "The educational divide [between African Americans and Hispanic students and white students] is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations."
Fact: A curriculum is a document, usually published by a state education agency, that provides guidelines, recommended instructional and assessment strategies, suggested resources, and models for teachers to use as they develop curricula that are aligned with national and state standards.
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteFact:The total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schoools in 2000-2001 were $454.1 billion
Question:How can we reinforce to the public how important school funding is?
Quote:"Too many people and resources are allocated to activities outside of classrooms, sitting on the sidelines rather than the front lines of teaching and learning."
Chapter 6
Fact:At least 95 percent of students in grades 3-8 at a school must take tests.
Question:Is "teach to test" really useful when I have heard it refered to as the "poke and puke method"?
Quote:"The educational divide [between African Americans and Hispanic students and white students] is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations." -President Bush
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Can federal funding for schools only be allocated by grants and programs?
Quote: "All people want o maximize their benefits from education while reducing their personal costs..." Joel Spring
Fact: U.S. spending on teachers is among the lowest in the world.
Chapter 6
Question: Teaching to the test is looked down upon, but with acts like No Child Left Behind, what choice do teachers have?
Quote: "Education is controversial." James William Noll
Fact: Test results are frequently linked to merit rewards, increased funding, and sanctions.
Jessica W. said:
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
Quote “politics play a key role in the struggle to control schools in the United States.”
Fact – Corporate contributions to education total more than $2 billion annually, with about 9 percent going to elementary and secondary education and the rest to colleges, including grants to improve teacher prepeartion.
Question – do you think performance and funding should be linked?
Chapter 6
Quote “it’s like we’ve lost sight of the fact that the purpose of schooling is to learn, not to get good scores on tests.”
Fact – standards can improve achievement by clearly defining what is to be taught.
Question – should we hold students accountable for the same achievements?
Rita Hildebrand
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
Quote: "Educational and financial equity have change significantly over the years. The window of opportunity tocontinue improving educational opportunities and performances for the success of all children is likely more open now than ever before" (Garner 2004,3).
Fact: In little more than 370 years, our educational system has grown from one that provided only a maximal education to an advantaged minority to one that now provides maximal educational opportunity to the majority. In spite of the shortcomings of the U.S. system of ecuation, ours is one of the few countries in the world t offer a free public education to all of its citizens.
Question: Would it make a difference if we made a transition from state funded to federally funded so that each child gets the same education no matter where he is?
Chapter 6
Quote: "The educational divide (between African Americans and Hispanic studens and white students) is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations" (Bush 2004, 114).
Fact: Though teachers, administrators, politicians, parents and cocernedcitizens are often in conflict about how schools should operate, the agree more than disagree about the school's primary mission - to privide studens wih the knowledge and skills needed to live satisfying, productive lives in the future.
Question: What can we do in the future to come full circle and go back to teaching a well rounded education and not teaching to the test?
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuote “… U.S. spending on teachers is among the lowest in the world.”
Fact: Teacher comprise about 60 to 80 percent of total staff in many other countries; in the United States, teachers comprise slightly more than 40 percent.
Question: Will the United States ever reform how education is funded to achieve better and equal funding for schools?
Chapter 6
Quote: “Education is controversial. Arguments over the most appropriate aims, the most propitious means, and the most effective control have raged over the centuries.” James William Noll
Fact: Teachers and principals in high-ranked South Carolina schools receive salary bonuses of up to $1000 each, while lower-rated schools can face state takeovers or reorganization of their staffs.
Question: How can you hold schools accountable that do not have adequate funding?
Amy Brendle
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
Fact: Full-funding programs are programs in which the state has set the same per-pupil expenditure for all schools and districts.
Quote: "If we had a system of free choice we would also have a system of competition, innovation, which would change the character of education....Reform has to come through competition from the outside, and the only way you can get competition is by making it possible for parents to have the ability to choose." (Friedman 2003)
Question: Should education financing be linked to the performance of schools? Should underperforming schools receive more or less money?
Chapter 6
Question: What role should standards play in education?
Quote: "Raising standards might lead to a national curriculum and an expanded role of federal government in education."
Fact: 18 states require students to pass exit or end-of-course exams in english and math, and in some cases social studies and science, to receive a high school diploma.
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteFact: Dollars are distributed quite unequally across the stes, districts, and schools.
Quote: "Children are falling behind because they come to learn each day in facilities that are cramped, outdated, inadequate, and deteriorating."
Question: How do you think one could make school funding more equal?
Chapter 6
Fact: The school curriculum should help them (students) meet the developmental challenges of moving from childhood to adulthood.
Quote: "We are moving in this country from a local to a national view of education and we need better arrangements to guide the way."
Question: Do you think that standards are as important as educational books stress?
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteFact: Corporate contributions to education total more than $2 billion annually, with about 9 percent going to elementary and secondary education and the rest to colleges, including grants to improve teacher preparation.
Quote: "If we had a system of free choice we would also have a system of competition, innovation, which would change the character of eduction....Reform has to come through competition from the outside, and the only way you can get competition is by making it possible for parents to have the ability to choose." -Freidman 2003
Question: What can be done to ensure better funding for every school?
Chapter 6:
Fact: In Massachusetts, diplomas were withheld from 4,800 seniors in 2003 who failed to pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assesment System (MCAS) exam.
Quote: "One could argue that AYP tests are designed not to help students, teachers or schools but to catch them. It's a gotcha game, not a process to improve [education]."
-Merrow 2003
Question: What are your thoughts about standard testing? Do you feel that they are too demanding? Do you think that they take away from the education process?
Emily Murdock
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
Fact: Expenditures for educational services and facilities have been rising rapidly and are expected to continue rising through 2013.
Quote: "Those of us who stayed do not see deficits in our students; we see deficits in the larger system that repeatedly fails them."
Question: Do you oppose or support proposals that would allow parents to choose from public and private schools using vouchers?
Chapter 6
Fact: Also, NCLB requires that, by the end of the academic year 2013-14, public schools guarantee that all students are prepared to pass state proficiency tests.
Quote: "A failing mark on the state test will be only a temporary embarassment, but a poor education will stigmatize for life."
Question: How can teachers prepare students for standardized testing, while avoiding "teaching to the test?"
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Funding for Head Start was $4.66 billion in 1999. Reauthorized by Congress in 1998, Head Start served estimated 830,000 children and their families that year."
Fact: Teachers with seniority, superior preparation and other attributes that make them attractive to "nice" schools can usually avoid teaching the most disadvantaged children in a school district.
Question: How does the system of school funding in the United States contribute to inequities?
Chapter 6
Quote: "They understand thta their expectations for student performance and behavior at the classroom level are at the heart of higher standards."
Fact: Raising standards might lead to a national curriculum and an expanded role of federal government in education.
Question: What might be some of the pressures felt by students and techers as a result of the emphasis on higher academic standards?
ReplyDeleteFact:States contribute nearly 50% of the resources needed to operate the public schools.
Question:Do all students have equal access to technology?
Quote:"All people want to maximize their benefits from education while reducing their personal costs ...[T]he ideal situation for an individual would be an educational system that increased the individual's political power and economic benefits at a cost being paid by other people." (Joel Spring)
Fact: During the next five years, the % of students scoring above the norm will increase by at least 2% each year.
Question: What does the future hold for you as a teacher?
Quote: "Education is controversial. Arguments over the most appropriate aims, the most propitious means, and the most effective control have raged over the centuries." (James Williams Noll)
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteReauthorized by Congress in 1998, Head Start served an estimated 830,000 children and their families that year.
" too many people and resources are allocated to activities outside of classrooms, sitting on the sidelines rather than the front lines to teaching and learning." -1996 Commission
What are the arguments of school choice? If you were a parent, what qualities would describe the school of your choice?
Chapter 6
About 15 percent of students are from families who live below the poverty line.
" ensure that rigorous academic content is taught by all teachers in all classrooms and raise expectations for all students (2000, 314-315)." -Roy Romer, former Colorado Governor
What might be some of the pressures felt by students and teachers as a result of the emphasis on higher academic standards?
ReplyDeleteQuote: Change the national tone toward public education and remove fear and humiliation from models of judgment.
Fact: Total expenditures for public elementary and secondary schools in 2000-01 were $454.1 billion and the total expenditure per pupil was $7524.00
Question: Since studies have proven evidence that the condition of a school facility directly relates to how well students perform, why is the government not doing more to help these students and schools perform to their fullest potential?
Quote: One could argue that AYP tests are designed not to help students, teachers, or schools but to catch them. It's a 'gotcha game' not a process to improve education.
Fact: Teachers and principals in high-ranked South Carolina schools receive salary bonuses of up to $1,000 each, while lower rated schools can face state takeovers or reorganization of their staffs.
Question: In states that exit exams are mandatory for high school graduation, is fair to with hold a diploma from a student who received passing grades in all classes but did pass the exit exam?