Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Parkay's Ch. 5 and 6 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact for each chapter here.


  1. Chapter 5
    How are schools financed in the United States?

    "High spending on education in affluent districts coincides with high achievement."
    Jonathan Kozol

    The U S educational system provides an equal and excellent education for all students.

  2. Chapter 6
    What controversies surround the effort to raise
    educational standards?

    "We are moving in this country from a local to a national view of education and we need better arrangements to guide the way."
    Ernest Boyer

    As a mobile society, the United States needs common educational standards so that children from one area will not fall behind when they move to another

  3. Marie Barbee

    Chapter 5

    Question: How common is redistricting and what are the positives and negatives resulting from it from a teaching perspective?

    Quote: "School districts have become big business operations. The financing of public education and the administration of financial resources are increasingly complex." (p. 157)

    Fact: Most funding at the local level for schools comes from property taxes.

  4. Marie Barbee

    Chapter 6

    Question: Do you feel that quality of teachers can be measured by a written test?

    Quote: "Many teachers feel compelled to 'teach to the test,' or to emphasize 'item teaching' rather than 'curriculum teaching.'" (p. 208)

    Fact: NCLB ensures that schools make adequate yearly progress.

  5. amy nester
    question-How do citizens obtain information on how the schools in their district are funded?

    Fact-According to voucher plans, parents would be given government funded vouchers to purchase educational services at the schools of their choice.

    quote-"It is clear that debate over school choice will continue for the foreseeable future.

    question-Do you think the NCLB act will be revised in the near future?

    fact-Benchmarks are content standards that are presented as specific statements of what students should understand and be able to do at specific grade levels or developmental stages.

    quote-A criticism of AYP is that the curriculum often becomes very narrow because teachers tend to teach what's tested.

  6. Chapter 5
    Quote: "Educational and financial equity have changed significantly over the years. The window of opportunity to continue improving educational opportunities and performances for the success of all children is likely more open now than ever before."

    Question: Should education financing be linked to performance?

    Fact:Corporate contributions to education total more than $2 billion annually, with about 9 percent going to elementary and secondary education and the rest to colleges, including grants to improve teacher preparation.

    Chapter 6
    Quote: "Education is controversial. Arguments over the most appropriate aims, the most propitious means, and the most effective control have raged over the centuries." James William Noll

    Question:How can you teach with a constructivist approach while also satisfying the pressures of NCLB/MAPP scores?

    Fact: Test besting teaches students test-taking skills such as managing time during testing, correctly making responses on answer forms, and clues for making "best guesses" on certain test items.

  7. Chapter 5:

    Quote~ "School districts have become big business operations. The financing of public education and the administration of financial resources are increasingly complex"

    Question~ Why is it that politicians and business people have to play such a role in education?

    Fact~ Schools received 43.2% of funding from local and other sources in 1999-2000.

    Chapter 6:

    Quote~ "More and more educators are working in a world of intensifying and rapid change. These include technology, cultural diversity, and sophisticated knowledge-based teaching and learning"

    Question~ Do you think that it is fair to base a schools funding on students tests scores?

    Fact~ The NBPTS assessment in cost $2,300 per teacher in 2004.

  8. Chapter 5:
    Quote: "schools districts have become big business operations. The financing of public education and the administration of financial resources are increasingly complex." -Garner 2004

    Question: When did our society become all about funding the school rather than teaching the students?

    Fact: Many school buildings in the U.S are deteriorating, overcrowded and out-of-date.

    Chapter 6:
    Quote: "You would atleast want your son's fifth-grade teacher to at least know fifth-grade math."-Chute 2003

    Question: Are we outdoing our students with too many standards?

    Fact: Every state has their own mandated standardized test for students.

  9. Chapter 5

    Question-If american's have the right to choice what school they attend with vouchers how can it be a violation of a persons first amendment right?

    fact-There are thirteen different voucher programs in various states.

    Quote- "The unequal distribution ofresources for schools in the United states is perhaps nowhere more evident than in the school buildings themselves.

    Chapter 6

    Question- How can a school be penalized for a childs scores if the child refuses to complete the test to take it seriously?

    Fact-Some states are using comperte-adaptive testing systems to deliver statewide assessment tests.

    Quote- "I can't remember the last time I learned something new.... I just get sick of the busy work, and usually just end up throwing it aside and not doint it. I want to be LEARNING things."

  10. Chapter 5

    Question: What shoul a school do if they are lacking technology for their school?

    Quote: "Debates about vouchers regularly make national news"

    Fact: Many other industrialized nations of the world invest more resources in education than the United States.

    Chapter 6

    Question: Do the high stakes tests really help the students or do they hinder the knowlege of the students?

    Quote: "Parents must know that schools to which they send their children are educating them well"

    Fact: Futures planning inbolves thinking about the future as a set of possivilities and then taking steps to create a preferred future.

  11. Jennifer Klepees

    Ch. 5
    Quote(pg. 157)"School dstricts have become big business operations. The financing of public education and the administration of financial resources are increasingly complex,"(Garner 2004, 3).

    Fact(pg. 162)The federal government also provides funding for preschool programs such as Project Head Start. Originally started under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to provide preschool experiecnce to poor children, Head Start was later made available to children whose parents were above the poverty level.

    Question(pg. 164)When teachers are teaching our next generation, then why are they not held in a more higher standard of teaching?

    Ch. 6
    Quote(pg. 210)"It's a growing phenomenon. We find that the general movement towards more academic testing, such as No Child Left Behind, might be one of the reasons that more people have been looking [at breakfast programs]" (Gootman 2003).

    Fact(pg. 203)A key piece of the No Child Left Behind Act is for schools to provide evidence each year that students are making adequate yearly progress (AYP).

    Question(pg. 204)If South Dakota became the first state to use an online exam linked to state standards of learning, then how do we know that the students will not cheat on the test?

  12. Chapter 5
    Question: How do we ensure all students have equal access to technology?
    Fact: Expenditures for educational services and facilities have been rising rapidly and are expected to continuerising through 2013.
    Quote: "At the local level, most funding for schools comes from poverty taxes that are determined by the valueof propertyin the school district."

    Chapter 6
    Quote: "Education is controversial."
    Question:What is standards-based eduaction?
    Fact: Becnhmarks are content standards that are presented as specific statements of what students should understand and be able to do at specific grade levels or developmental stages.

  13. Question: With slightly of 40% of the school staff is teachers, where is all the money going for the education of the students? You could have all the technology in the world, but with none to lead you to the knowledge to use it what use is it?
    “A free school system knows no distinction of rich and poor, of bond and free, or between those who in the imperfect light of this world, are seeking, through different avenues, to reach the gate of heaven. …” (Horace Mann (1796-1859) Pg. 156)
    Teachers comprise about 60 to 80 percent of total staff in many other countries; in the United States, teachers comprise slightly more than 40 percent. Pg. 164

    Teachers and administration view the standards differently, is there a way for them both to work together, to help the students both at the class room level and at the end performance level?

    “Education is controversial. Arguments over the most appropriate aims, the most propitious means, and the most effective control have raged over the centuries.” – James William Noll Pg.186

    Fact: “… teachers work in an environment characterized by controversy and change.” Pg 188

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. ****SAMANTHA LEVELS****

    Chapter 5
    Question..Do all students equal access to technology?

    Quote.."School choice is the practice of allowing parents to choose the schools there children attend"

    Fact..The education rate (E-rate) program distribute about $2.25 billion a year to the schools

    Chapter 6
    Question..How are schools and teachers held accountable for student learning?

    Quote..a controversial approach to preparing students to take high-stakes tests is "test-besting"

    Fact..Adequate Yearly Progress is a key piece of the No Child Left Behind Act

  16. ch.5

    Quote: "Schoold districts have become big business operations. The financing of public education and the administration of financial resources are increasingly complex." - Garner 2004, 3)

    Fact: A combination of revenues from local, state, and federal sources is used to finance public elementary and secondary schools in the united states.

    Question: Regarding school funding, should all people even those without children, pay for public schools?

    ch. 6
    Fact: SBE is based on the belief that all students are capable of meeting high standards.

    Quote: "The educational divide between African Americans and hispanic students and white students is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations." - Bush 2004.

    Question: If teachers teach to the test is this an effective or inefective way to promote student learning?

  17. Chap: 5
    Question: How much big business advertisement is enough if they are giving money and other donations?

    Fact: States on average give 50% of the schools budgets.

    Quote: All people want to maximize their benefits while reducing their personal costs.

    Chap: 6
    Question: Is there anything we could give to the schools that lose students to vouchers?

    Fact: Missouri does not require a exit exam for high school graduation.

    Quote: "A failing mark on a state test will only be a temporary embarrassment, but a poor education will be a stigmatism for life"

  18. Chapter 5

    Quote: "If we had a system of free choice we would also have a system of competition, innovaion, which would change the character of education...Reform has to come through competition from the outside, and the only way you can get competition is by making it possible for parents to have the ability to choose" (Friedman 2003). (71)

    Question: I have heard parents get to choose if a child remains at a school or changes within the district and its based on test scores, is this true? What exactly gives them the ability to choose?

    Fact: A key feature of our nation's educational system is the continuing quest for equity in distributing resources for schools. (156)

    Chapter 6

    Question: How do you balance out teaching to the tests and making learning fun?

    Quote: "A failing mark on the state test will be only temporary embarrassment, but a poor education will stigmatize for life." (199)

    Fact: A key piece of the No Child Left Behind Act is for schools to provide evidence each year that students are making adequate yearly progress (AYP). (203)

  19. Chapter 5

    Is it fair how our public schools are funded?


    In a 2001 poll, 60% of the public believed that the amount of money spent on public schools in their state differs from school district to school district a "great deal."

    "Access to technology is a necessary resource if a school is to provide a quality education for all students." (179)

    Chapter 6
    During the next five years, the percentage of students scoring above the norm will increase by at least 2 percent each year. (190)

    Are standardize test fair?

    "The positive changes all educators desire will require the dedicated effort of professional teachers." (212)

  20. Chapter 5

    Fact: Most State revenues for education come from sales tax and income tax.

    Quote: “The window of opportunity to continue improving educational opportunities and performances for the success of all children is likely more open now than ever.”

    Question: How effective is the voucher program?

    Chapter 6

    Fact: Sanctions imposed on low-performing schools will not ensure that students in those schools are not left behind.

    Quote: “The educational divide is caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations.”

    Question: “Can the quality of an experienced teacher be measured by a written test?”

  21. CHAPTER 5

    Districts with higher property wealth are able to generate more money per pupil than districts with lower property values.
    "School districts have become big business operations. The financing of public education and the administration of financial resources are increasingly complex."
    Do you believe that universal, equal educational funding will someday be the law,(like the new healthcare reform?)instead of the rich having the educational advantage?


    Standards-Based education(BSE) is based on the belief that all students are capable of meeting high standards.
    "A failing mark on a state test will only be a temporary embarrassment, but a poor education will be a stigmatism for life."
    Do you believe the Adequate Yearly Progress(AYP) should have been judged on more than the machine-scored, multiple choice tests?

  22. Robin Wormsley Chapter 5
    Technology is so improtant to all children these days both in and out of class. How can we get these techknologies in the hands of all children and all schools?
    Fact:I came from a rule School in southern Missouri and the simple fact is there is a significant income difference in the amount of money and programs in our schools.
    Quote:Jothan Kozol's SAVAGE INEQUALITIES: Children in America's Schools 1991 documented inequalities in school funding, especially for schools in the inner-city neighbor hoods.

  23. Robin wormsley Chapter 6
    Why is Testing so important. They do not really measure what a person really know some people have difficulty in taking test but can tell some one what they know?
    Fact:Current effects at educational reform in the United States emphasize Standards based education(SBE)
    Qote:Benchmarks are content standards that are presented as specific statementsof what students should understand and be able to do at specific grades levels or developental stages.

  24. *CHAPTER 5*

    Quote: “All people want to maximize their benefits from education while reducing their personal costs…The ideal situation for an individual would be an educational system that increased the individual’s political power and economic benefits at a cost being paid by other people.”
    --Joel Springs

    Fact: 69.8% of school districts operating budget in 2001-02 went to instructional services.

    Question: Do all students truly have equal access to technology?

    *CHAPTER 6*

    Quote: “During the next five years, the percentage of students scoring above the normal will increase by at least 2% each year.”

    Fact: About 30% of students go on to college and 20% enroll in other forms of post secondary programs.

    Question: How are High-Stakes tests changing education?
