Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Melendez Ch. 9 Post

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Lacy King

    Quote~ "The arts are humanity's expression of life itself"- Merryl Goldberg

    Question~ If you have a classroom of all white children, how do you know which cultures to teach them about?

    Fact~ The classroom is intended to foster the cognitive, social and emotional development of all children.

  2. Jennifer Klepees

    Fact(pg. 316)According to the accreditation criteria from the Nationl Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), space should be located according to the numbe of children enrolled.

    Quote(pg. 327)The arts are humanity's expression of life itself.
    Merryl Goldberg (2006)

    Question(pg. 333)When using different literature books in the class to teach a lesson about emotional development, does the teacher have to inform the parents or only follow the district guidelines?

  3. Question: how can you add multicultural learning in math or science lessons.

    Fact: Formal operations (11-15+)Learning is based on reasoning of abstract ideas and suppositions about reality.

    Quote: Creativity can be defined as the special ability to see the things in unusual or unconventional ways.

  4. Quote: "the social-emotional environment can be perceived by the 'feeling' a child gets from being in the classroom.

    Question: When discussing items that teachers place in the classroom, are there any items that would be considered culturally neutral?

    Fact: Crafts are an excellent source to help us learn about ourselves and about other people?

  5. Fact-Behaviors are actions exhibited by individuals in response to certain situations or stimuli.

    question-How do you obtain resources that are totally biased free?

    quote-Literature is one of the most powerful sources of ideas, personal values, and wisdom.

  6. Marie Barbee

    Quote: "Young children's learning spaces should be inviting, warm, and colorful." Curtis and Carter (2003)

    Fact: "Journals, magazines, and newspapers are considered part of literature that can be used to enhange the children's learning process." p. 333

    Question: The text discusses how important it is to use art as a means for incorporating multiculturalism in the classroom. When I was in the Art Methods class, we learned a lot about that. Why isn't that class a requirement as opposed to an option with Music Methods? Having not taken the Music Methods course, does it incorporate the same type of multiculturalism into lesson plans?

  7. Quote: "Children don't see colors. They only see children." (King, 199) page 348

    Quesiton: Why is race focused on skin color rather than cultural dress, food, celebrations, etc?

    Fact: Awareness is the stage that the child becomes familiarized, apprise of the existence of an idea or an issue (p.373).

  8. Quote:"The arts are humanity's expression of life itself." Merryl Goldberg (2006)

    Fact: Artwork representative of different ethnic groups is a valuable piece that children can look at and see diversity.

    Question: How do we as a teacher know the distance to go when talking about multicultural education?

  9. Question: What is the best way to encourage students to become more creative?
    Quote: "A carefully designed classroom arrangement can facilitate children's reactions."
    Fact: The physical enviornment- defined by all the objects found within an identified space- is considered the most overt of the four classroom worlds.

  10. Question: How would you avoid token diversity?

    Quote: Adequate classroom space is frequently a problem in early childhood programs.

    Fact: Movement and Dance are young children's favorite activities.

  11. Question: In today’s society with all the efforts to stop racism do you believe that it is getting worse instead of better

    Quote: An environment that is rich in possibilities for exploring gender, race/ethnicity, and different ableness sets the scene for practicing anti-bias curriculum.

    Important Fact: creativity can be defined as the special ability to see things in unusual or unconventional ways.

  12. Quote: Children are encouraged to find solutions to situations presenting unfair treatment to others.

    Fact: Creativity can be defined as the special ability to see things in unusual or unconventional ways.

    Question: How do you know how to create an environment that is best for your students?

  13. Question:
    What are the effects on a student who is not struggling, if even one of the environments’ of a classroom is lacking?
    “The arts are humanity’s expression of live itself.”---- Merryl Goldberg (2006)
    Minimum of 35 square feet of usable space indoors per child is required.


    QUESTION:How many times should a teacher arrange her classroom every year? Can arranging to many times a year create a sense instability?

    QUOTE:"The arts are humanity's expression of life itself."
    -Merryl Goldberg

    FACT:Actions exhibited by individuals in response to certain situations or stimuli.

  15. Question:How could you better explain Thematic Teaching?

    Quote:"Movement and dance are young children's favorite activities." (340)

    Fact:Learning about their heritage is important to young children.

  16. Question:What does everyone think about Figure 10-1 on page 368?

    Quote:"Every school and home will engage in a partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children."--Goals 2000, Educate America Act of 1994

    Fact:Relationships between the young child and family members are essential for positive development.

  17. Question: Where are the best places to search for books and stories to share on social differences?

    Quote "Creativity can be defined as a special ability to see things in unusual or unconventional ways (cropley 1992)

    Fact: The multicultual class room is a place where the teacher attempts to guide young children through the process of learning to live with diversity.

  18. Quote: "One of them said that my classroom made her feel at home, and that, for me, was the best compliment." (314)

    Question: How much do children really pick up from posters on the wall and the unconscious, subliminal messages they may produce?

    Fact: Play and the games children learn offer an excellent foundation for developing and increasing awareness about human diversity. (345)

  19. Chapter 9
    What does organized activities in a classroom include?

    "An environment that is rich in possibilities for exploring gender, race/ethnicity, and different ableness sets the scene for practicing anti bias curriculum."
    Louise Derman Sparks

    The classroom environment is an iomportant teaching vehicle at the early childhood level.
