Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Parkay's Ch. 3 and 4 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


    ***Chapter 3
    -What is your educational philosophy(-ies)?

    -"It's really almost immoral if I confront my students with a social problem and then we fail to do anything about it."
    -Martha Vydra

    -In a progressively oriented classroom, the teacher serves as a guide or resource person whose primary responsibility is to facilitate students learning.

    ***Chapter 4
    -Do students TRULY, ultimately benefit from the rights for teachers to have tenure? What if the teacher is known to be below average in their teaching skills, but they have been in the same district for over five years(with tenure)?

    -"In today's litigious society, educators must have a solid understanding of the laws that affect them and their institutions. Every day educators make decisions, may have significant legal implications."
    -Susan D. Looney

    -The right to NONDISCRIMINATION in regard to employment is protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  2. Chapter 3
    What Psychological orientations have influenced teaching philosophies?

    "Let life be lived in such a way, with such dedication to goodness and the highest values, that if, after all, that is annihilation which finally awaits us, thay will be an injustice."
    Miguel de Unamuno

    Our behavior is determined by forces in the environment that shape our behavior.

  3. Chapter 4
    Do Student teachers have the same rights as regular teachers?

    "Any theory which denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man is descended from a lower order of animals."
    John Scopes

    Teachers are responsible for meeting the terms of their teaching contracts.

  4. Chapter 3:

    Quote~ "To be concerned with education, is to be concerned with philosophy"- John Dewey

    Question~ When it comes to ethics in teaching, how can one be sure that the decision they make regarding a student is the right one?

    Fact~ 5 dimensions of teaching include; teaching, learning, students, knowledge, and what is worth knowing.

    Chapter 4:

    Quote~ "The educator accepts the responsibility to adhere to the highest ethical standards"- NEA

    Question~ Can a teacher really be fired because of their sexual orientation? This seems crazy to me.

    Fact~ For a teaching contract to be valid it must include offer and acceptance, competent parties, consideration, legal subject matter and proper form.

  5. Chapter 3

    Question: Are our educational philosophies our own ideas based on the philosophies and our understanding of the philosophies of earlier educational philosophers? Can an educational philosophy be wrong, or it is like an opinion, where we may not all agree but each has their reasons and accuracies?

    Quote: "Your beliefs about teachign and learning, students, the nature of knowledge, and what knowledge is worth knowing, then, are the foundation of your educational philosophy." p.69

    Fact: According to constructivism, students use cognitive processes to construct understanding of the material to be learned - in contrast to the view that they receive information transmitted by the teacher. p.90

    Chapter 4

    Quote: "The legal status of the student teacher is a perennial question with both student teachers and cooperating teachers." p.113

    Fact: Although it is not expected that a teacher be able to control completely the behavior of young, energetic students, a teacher can be held liable for any injury to a student if it is shown that the teacher's negligence contributed to the injury. p.115

    Question: As a teacher do you receive, without payment, such as by the district, training concerning the reporting, seeing, and spotting of child abuse in your classroom?

  6. Marie Barbee

    Chapter 3

    Question: What is currently the most prominent educational philosophy? Does that seem to vary between elementary and secondary schools?

    Quote: "Some students will need to face consequences for their mistakes, but that can never become my focus as a teacher. It would destroy me." (p. 73)

    Fact: A school's philosophy is a public statement of what a school values-a description of the educational goals it seeks to attain." (p. 63-64)

  7. Marie Barbee

    Chapter 4

    Question: Are teaching contracts typically one year in length or longer?

    Quote: "The educator accepts the responsibility to adhere to the highest ethical standards." (p. 104)

    Fact: Teachers are required to report any suspected child abuse.

  8. Jennifer Klepees
    Ch. 3
    Quote(pg. 64)"Stating the nature, the purpose, and the means for education, and then translating these principles into policies to implement them, has been the business of educational philosophy for the greater part of its history," (Power 1996, 191).

    Fact(pg. 76)Robert Hutchins was president of the Univesity of Chicago from 1929 to 1945 and developed an undergaduate curriculum based on the study of the Great Books.

    Question(pg. 74?)As a teacher do you apply philosophy, what you believe in your everyday teaching?

    Ch. 4
    Quote(pg. 106)"However, obtaining a certificate does not guarantee the right to retain it," (Imber and Van Geel 2001, 192).

    Fact(pg. 107)The right to nondiscrimination in regard to employment is protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Question(pg. 108?)If you ever need legal help, is it best to use the union lawyer or hire a lawyer on your own?

  9. amy nester

    quote-"By putting your educational philosophy into practice, you can discover the solutions to problems you may encounter in the classroom."

    question-How lengthy should a philosophy of education be?

    fact-Constructivism focuses on processes of learning rather than learning behavior.

    fact-Teachers, like all citizens, are protected from being treated arbitrarily by those in authority.

    quote-The best interest of students, not the teacher, provide the rule of thumb for determining what is ethical and what is not.

    question-Exactly what is the legal way to search a students locker or other belongings and can they search their car?

  10. Cassandra Pyburn

    Q What rights do student teachers have?
    Q-"It's really almost immoral if I confront my students with a social problem and then we fail to do anything about it."
    F Behavior is shaped by the enviromental forces that changes us.

    Q What is the typical length of a teaching contract?
    QTo be concerned with education, is to be concerned with philosophy
    F Teachers must meet the terms of their contracts

  11. Parkay Chapter 3
    Quote: “Philosophy is concerned with the basic truths about being, knowledge, and conduct.”
    Question: “How can we, as teachers, avoid developing negative views of students?”
    Fact: The writing of John Dewey contributed a great deal to the spread of progressive ideas

    Chapter 4
    Quote: “Every day educators make decisions, many of which have legal implications.” Looney page 100
    Question: Is it illegal to use personally purchased media (music, movies, tv shows) in the classroom?
    Fact: Currently, half the states have school districts with mandatory school uniform requirements.

  12. Chapter 3
    Quote: "We educate and are educated for some purpose we consider good. We teach what we think is a valuable set of ideas. How else could we construct education?" Jack L. Nelson

    Question: What should one consider when determining what is worth knowing (personal opinion, district mandates, etc).

    Fact: Progressivism is based on the belief that education should be child-centered rather than focused on the teacher or the content area.

    Chapter 4
    Quote: "Although public educators do not shed their constitutional rights as a condition of public employment, under certain circumstances restrictions on these freedoms are justified by overriding governmental interests."

    Question: What rights do you have legally as a teacher?

    Fact: Students in private schools do not have 1st Amendment protections provided by Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District because private schools are not state affiliated.

  13. Chapter 3
    "Your beliefs about students will have a great influence on how you teach."

    All children can learn, through they may differ in their predisposition to do so.

    How can teachers not have an extremely positive view on students?

    How can you come up with a correct ethical response to a situation in a classroom?

    A teacher has an obligation to act ethically, to follow what he or she knows to be the most appropriate professional action to take.

    "Teaching is an ethical enterprise."

  14. Chapter 3: Question: how you teach progressively in a conservative area.

    Fact: there are 3 branches of philosophy to help with education. metaphysics, epistemology, axiology.

    quote: a classroom should be a place were curiosity and a natural desire to can e nursed and enhanced.

    chap: 4;

    Question: how can mass firings work? is there due process?

    fact ; brevity means short can e copied.

    quote: you must do the right thing and whats legally right.

  15. Chapter 3

    Question- At the college level why is the development of a persons educational philosophy stressed more prior to placements?

    Important fact- Your behavior as a teacher is strongly connected to your personal beliefs about the world and to your beliefs about the five dimensions.

    Quote- "We educate and are educated for some purpose we consider good. We teach what we think is valuable set of ideas. How else could we construct education?"

    Chapter 4

    Question- Why is teaching insurance not pushed for jouniors and seniors before placement in schools.

    Important fact- Student teachers should be aware that a potential for liability exists with them just as it does with certified teachers.

    Quote-"indeed, given the diversity of religious views in this country, if the standard were merely inconsistency with the beliefs of a particular religion there would be very little that could be taught in the public schools"

  16. chapter 3 Robin Wormsley
    Question? Can Teachers philosophies change through time and through different situations?
    Quote: Educational Philosophy consist of what you believe about education. The set of principles that guides your professional action.
    Fact: The Teacher who has a carefully thought -out educational philosophy-understands that all children can learn though they may differ in their predisposition to do so.

    Chapter 4
    at what point after a student Graduates is the school no longer held responsible, for that students abilities and knowledge in regard to malpractice suits, is there a time limit?
    Fact: few issues related to the rights of students have generated as many court cases as have the dress codes and hairstyles.
    Quote: Balance of the first amendment rights of students to express themselves against the legitimate right of school authorities to maintain a safe disruption free environment
    (LaMorte 2002). 156

  17. Chapter 3:
    Quote: "We educate and are educated for some purpose we consider good. We teach what we think is a valuable set of ideas. How else could we construct education?"- Jack L. Nelson, Kenneth Carlson, and Stuart B Palonsky 2000

    Question: When you set your own educational philosophy, how do you know when you have gone to far?

    Fact: John B Watson was the original promoter of behavioristic psychology.

    Chapter 4: "In today's litigious society, educators must have a solid understanding of the laws that affect them and their institutions. Every day educators make decisions, many of which have significant legal implications." -Susan D. Looney 2004

    Question: Combining legal ethics and your educational philosophy, what do you do when your educational philosphy goes beyond what you cannot do because of legal issues?

    Fact: Mailloux v. Kiley, 1971 case affects educators now allowing school authorities to freely suspend teachers who use teaching methods of which they disapprove of.

  18. Chapter 3

    Question: Are there many educational philosophy conflicts among education?

    Quote: "We are what we are and we do what we do"

    Fact: All children can learn.

    Chapter 4

    Question: What if a teacher's contract fails to meet one of the 5 basic elements? Could the teacher add it to the contract?

    Quote: "Teaching is an ethical enterprise"

    Fact: As a teacher, you are trquired by law to report any suspected child abuse.

  19. Question:
    Teachers must set expectations high, but not too high, how does a teacher know how high to set them?
    “We educate and are educated for some purpose we consider good. We teach what we think is a valuable set of ideas. How else could we construct education?” pg. 60
    71% of elementary school students believe that if expectations are high than the students will rise to meet them. Graph pg.68

    Some of the signs of abuse are common in all elementary age students at some point, at what point to you look into the possibility of abuse?
    “In today’s litigious society, educators must have a solid understanding of the laws that affect them and their institutions. Every day educators make decisions, many of which may have significant legal implications.” Pg100
    Students have rights in the school system, just the same as anyone else in the school system.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. ********SAMANTHA LEVELS******

    Chapter 3
    Question..What is every teachers approach to teaching?

    Quote.."One of the important parts of our educational philosophy is how you view teaching and learning"

    Fact..Belief about knowledge is more important than one may think

    Chapter 4
    Question..Why do we need code of ethics?

    Quote.."Although public educators do not shed their Constitonal rights as a condition of public employment, under certain circumstances restrictions on these freedoms are justified by overriding govermental interests"

    Fact.. Student teachers should have the same rights, student teacher, there teachers too!

  22. Chapter 3

    How can we develop our educational philosophy?
    "The teacher who has carefully thought- out educational philosophy - understands that all children can learn." (67)

    Most teachers develop an electic philosophy of education, they develop their own blend of more than one philosophy.

    Chapter 4

    In Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District the courts ruled that neither students nor teachers shed their rights to freedom of speech and expression at the schoolhouse gate.

    Are school uniforms a good idea for public schools?

    "The educator accepts the responsibility to adhere to the highest ethical standards." (104)

  23. *CHAPTER 3*

    Quote: "We educate and are educated for some purpose we consider good. We teach what we think is a valuable set of ideas. How else could we construct education?"

    Fact: Shorter lessons keep children more interested.

    Question: How can you develop your educational philosophy?

    *CHAPTER 4*

    Quote: "In today's litigious society, educators must have a solid understanding of the laws that affect them and their institutions. Every day educators make decisions, many of which may have significant legal implications.”
    --Susan D. Looney

    Fact: The right to nondiscrimination in regard to employment is protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Question: What are teachers’ legal rights?
