Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Melendez Ch. 5 Post

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Quote- "...Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened." -Thomas Payne

    Fact- Collaboration of teachers and families in culturally diverse settings enhanves opportunities and promotes positive outcomes from children.

    Question- I know what head star is but I would like to know more about what they do.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Question(Pg.206)What are the repercussions for children in your community who do not speak English?

    Fact(Pg.202)Since 1972, Head Start has served chidren with specail needs.

    Quote(Pg.177)Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened

    -Thomas Paine (1737-189)

  4. Question: Should we have (if there is enough students) classes taught in a second language?

    Fact: Children ages 5 to 17 who speak a language other than english at home went from 14% in 1995 to 19% in 2003.

    Quote: By the safeguard of health and the protection of childhood we further contribute to that equality of opportunity which is the unique basis of American civilization.

  5. Lacy King

    Quote~ "Inequalities of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened"- Thomas Payne

    Question~ Do you think that minorities are being viewed more positively in the classrooms since we have gained more knowledge about their races and heritages?

    fact~ Today, 10% of the Head Start programs enrollment must be allocated to children with special needs.

  6. Fact: Quality multicultural education for all children must become one of the mandates of democracy as the United States enters the new century.

    Question: Is it true that the past holds undeniable truths? How can the past change the future for multicultural education?

    Quote: "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King Jr

  7. Quote: "The multicultural approach to education reconstructs the entire education process to promote equality and cultural pluralism." page 198

    Question: What are your thoughts or feelings about people or children who live in the United States who refuse to learn/speak English? (p. 206)

    Fact: In 1995, 14% of children ages 5 to 17 spoke a language other than English at home. In 2003, 19% of children ages 5 to 17 spoke a language other than English at home. (page 207)

  8. Amy Nester
    Fact-Linguistic diversity is one of the most visible and fastest growing distinguishing characteristics in our society.

    Quote-We count on those of you who believe in unity and equality to being equitable and fair education to all children, who will help us build a strong and prosperous nation.

    Question-How are educators supposed to help the ELL's to continue to admire their own heritage if we are supposed to be teaching them English and the English values?

  9. Question: Some states are passing laws that state that English is the only language that will be used for testing and other documents. Do you think that this is fair if we are trying to teach multiculturism?

    Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character"

    Interesting fact: Head start began during the summer of 1965.

  10. Fact: Educational equity is one of the central goals of multicultural education.

    Quote: Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened.

    Question: Wonder one day will MLK dream every come true? will a day come will children want be judge are anybody just because the color of there skin?

  11. Robin Wormsley
    Question: Do you Believe that equality truley exist in The United States today?
    Fact: ( Miles A Cary) organized educational services for thousands of Japonese American Children in the Relocation Camps.
    Quote: " I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character" DR. Martin Luther King Jr.

  12. Marie Barbee

    Question: What do you think is the most important concern in the fight for equality?

    Quote: "All people, including the poor, could and should learn."

    Fact: John Amos Comenius is best known as an educational reformer who strongly advocated for the rights of all people to be educated.

  13. Jennifer Klepees

    Quote(pg 175)I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the contect of their chatracter.
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

    Fact(pg 174)The courts decision of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, in 1954, which ruled that seregated schools did not provide equal opportunities.

    Question(pg 175)Doe the NAACP help families of early childhood educauon in todays society?

  14. Q:If we are a mulitcultural country, then why do we try to force our English values on those students?
    Q:The multicultural approach to education reconstructs the entire education process to promote equality and cultural pluralism
    F:Since 1972, Head Start has served chidren with specail needs


  15. Quote: "By the safeguard of health and the protection of childhood we further contribute to that equality of opportunity which is the unique basis of American civilization." President Herbert Hoover (1929)

    Fact: Interest in ethnic studies was brought to attention in the 1960s and early 1970s.

    Question: Why is it so hard for others to accept other cultures unlike their own?

  16. Quote: The future of a diverse society begins with children.

    Fact: The Edcuation for All Hnadicapped Children Act of 1975, first set the rights of young children with disabilities and exceptionalities to get free edcuation and needed services in the least restrictive environment.

    Question: Is the pay for educators of a Head Start program equivalent to teachers of other early childhood programs? Assuming it is less, do you believe that they receive less qualified educators, in turn the children receiving a less quality education, in turn to grown up and repeat the cycle of poverty?

  17. Quote: "The Brown decision set in motion boundless energies, spawned by the promise of Jeffersonian egalitarianism but penned up by the delay of fulfilling that promise." page 176

    Question: How can we fairly assess the academic progress of English language learners, taking into account that they are not all operating on the same level of language comprehension?

    Fact: Currently, Head Start serves more than 900,000 children.

  18. Question: Are there still "head start" programs for children today?

    Quote: Educational Ewuity is one of the central goals of multicultural education.

    Fact: The emergence of mulicultural education in the U.S. began with a belief in equality.

  19. Quote: "The future of a diverse society begins with children."

    Fact: The U.S. education system was founded on the idea of equity, where all would become one.

    Question: What is the best way to reach out to parents who continously fail to collaborate with teachers to enhance opportunities and promote a positive outcome for their children?

  20. Question: What is "Operation Wetback" that occurred in the 1950s? pg.173

    Quote: "But could I be heard by this great nation, I would call to mind the sublime and glorious truths with which, at its birth, it saluted a listening world... Put away you race prejudice. Banish the idea that one class must rule over another. Recognize... that the rights of the humblest citizens are as worthy of protection as are those of the highest, and... your Republic will stand and flourish forever." Frederick Douglass (1818-1895) pg.159

    Fact: According to multicultural scholars, multicultural education is a phenomenon of the 1960s. p.172

  21. Fact: Head Start began during 1965. At the time, approximately 2,500 Child Development Centers were established to serve more than 550,000 children across the nation. Pg. 178

    Quote: "All children including those with exceptionalities, have a right to quality educational experiences and services"

    Question: What's the difference between head start program and early childhood services?

  22. Question: What kind of programs are there if any to help non english speaking students better adjust in an all english speaking classroom setting?

    Fact: Since 1972, head start has served children with special needs. Today, at least 10 percent of it's enrollment must be allocated to children with disabilities.

    Quote: "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all distubances,insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened." Thomas Payne (p.161)

  23. Question:
    If America is striving for equal opportunity education, then why do we have standardized tests instead of age appropriate?
    " By the safeguard of health and the protection of childhood we further contribute to that equality of opportunity which is the unique basis of America civilization." -President Herbert Hoover(1929), Excerpt from the Announcement of the White House Conference on Children
    In 2004 Hispanic and black Americans were the highest racial and ethnic group that attending Head Start, at 62% of the total children that attended.

  24. QUESTION: Can educational equality ever truly be achieved?

    QUOTE:"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
    -DR. Martin Luther King Jr.

    FACT:In 2003, 19% of children ages 5 to 17 spoke a different language besides English at home.

  25. Chapter 5
    What is the future of children dependent on?

    "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened."
    Thomas Payne

    Understanding humankind's quest for equality will help early childhood teachers gain a better appreciation for the efforts of multicultural educators.
