Chapter 1: Fact: Educational politics refers to how people use power, influence, and authority to affect instructional and curricular practices within a school or school system (p. 5).
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition" (p. 12-13).
Question: What are ways for teachers to protect themselves against politics that would position them in "the line of fire"?
Chapter 2: Fact: The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution allows the states to organize and to administer education within their boundaries (p. 44).
Quote: "This time, on top of the mess is a new mess--a slew of new directives stretching budgets for more tests, more requirements, more unfunded programs--creating even more gaps in the education given to our wealthiest kids compared to our poorest kids" (p. 53).
Question: What accountability is put in place for school boards to a district? Should there be a requirement for board members to have an education background?
Robin Wormsley Question: Is no child left behind Just a sad attempt at Government helping big business to take over the curriculum in our schools? Fact Whie the Federal government has Idetified the reading program as "scientifically approved". the consensus of most experts on teaching reading is that "there is no research=government or otherwise -that supports the use of any commercial {reading } program (garan 2004,86) quote " To be a teacher ,then , is to experience these political pressures"
Quote~ "Education in the US is a system in which accountability is so diffused that no one is accountable"- Seymore Sarson
Question~ Do you think that SBM is the best form for restructuring schools?
Fact~ About 10% of the nations charter schools are operated on a for-profit basis.
Chapter 2:
Quote~ "In some schools, just changing the position of the bike rack will get the principal called, but shortening the school day from 7 periods to 6 does not."
Question~ Do you think some superintendents get paid more than they should?
Fact~ Currently 17 states require students to pass exit or end of course exams before receiving a high school diploma.
Jennifer Klepees Ch.1 Quote(pg. 23)"When it comes to reforming the nation's schools, these days the leading radicals are likely to be wearing pin-striped suits and come from oak-paneled boardrooms rather than the ivy-covered walls or academia," (Holmes 1990, D2).
Fact(pg. 5)In 2001, federal legisation past the No Child Left Behind Act.
Question(pg. 8)Are federal approved reading programs being placed in every school district across the country?
Ch.2 Quote(pg. 39)"In some schools, changing the location of a bicycle rack will cause parents to call the principal. In other schools, we can cut the school day from seven periods to six periods without neighborhood reaction," (Wirt and Kirst 1982, 145).
Fact(pg. 46)In 1989 the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the state's entire school system was "inadequate."
Question(pg. 42)Is the PTA and PTO an open floor communication for all parents?
Question: What were the main ways schools changed as a resulf of the creation of the Department of Education in 1979?
Quote: "Our children's future is more important than a few pennies per child in federal funding accompaanied by dictates. Now is no time to turn control of our reforms over to federal bureaucrats and politicians." (p. 56)
Fact: A national survey of school board members in 2001 showed 39% women and 61% men, and they lacked cultural diversity.
Chap 1 Quote: I have to be very careful about what i say about ____(school, program) because it's almost heresy to suggest that something might work as well or even better.
Question: if you school decide it could go on with out federal support. what it be advisable to do so?
Fact: No school left behind was passed in 2001.
Chap 2
Question: Are PTA meetings mandatory for teachers?
Quote: The quality of the school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determinate of a school district successes or failure.
Fact: The Constitution does not address public education, the Tenth Amendment is used as a basis for giving states the legal authority to create and manage local school systems.
Question: If politics and lobbying is so important for teachers, why is it so hard and job threatening to do?
Fact: School-based management increases communication among teachers, principals, parents, studnets, and other groups concerned with the operation of schools. (19)
Quote: If teachers "desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians." (5)
Chapter 1 Quote: "When it comes to reforming the nation's schools, these days the leading radicals are likely to be wearing pin-striped suits and come from oak-paneled boardrooms rather than the ivy-covered walls of academia." (Holmes 1990,D2)
Fact: Currently 36 states, Puerto Rico, and District of Columbia have adopted charter school legislation and 3,300 schools serve almost one million students.
Question: If charter schools academics are more proficient than a regular public school, why don't we open more charter schools when the public schools are closing?
Chapter 2:
Quote: "...Poor performance will no longer be hidden. Results will no longer kept from parents. We will continue to work with schools that are performing poorly. Assessment results will be used to guide decisions, target resources and reward success" (Bush 2004, 119).
Fact: The G.I Bill of Rights signed by FDR in 1944 has opened to the doors for many older and nontraditional students at the higher education level.
Question: Will our nation ever come to getting away with the State Board and having one universal Board?
Question: If a local school board continues to turn its head and allow for teacher misconduct what can towns do about it, especially mid-term?
Fact: The largest- the New York City school system- has more than a million pupils (from 190 countries), nearly 64,000 teachers (a number that exceeds the number of students in Cincinnati; Minneapolis; Portland, Oregon; Sacramento; Seattle; and St. Loius), 1,200 schools and a total annual expenditures of almost $11 billion. (35)
Quote: Though variations among district spending on education still exists, these are no longer based on "the traditional determinants of educationsl financing...local income and property wealth. Now districts with low incomes or little property value per student are just as likely to have high educational spending as are wealthy districts." (46)
QUESTION: -Can superintendents ever be kicked out of office?
QUOTE: "In large districts, the board's own divisiveness makes it less likely that the board will successfully oppose the superintendent." -Wirt and Kirst 1997
FACT: -New York City school system contains more than a million pupils.
Quote:" Education is not ( and will never be) apolitical." Pg4
Fact: SBM was created to give the faculty and community the feeling of ownership and efficacy over the school and how its ran.
Chapter 2::: Question: What qualifications are needed to be Superintendent?
Quote: " A key element of parental involvement is communication between school and home." Pg 42. Fact: The Department of Education is a law that was signed in 1979 by President Carter.
chapter 1 Question: in detail, what is the praxis III? Are we required to take this in Missouri?
Quote:"The history of education in the United States reveals countless examples of how political forces have influenced our schools."
Fact: Politics refer to how people use power, influence, and authority within an organization to persuade others to act in desired ways.
Chapter 2 Question:How do suoperindentents keep their job and become elected?
Quote::"Parents may not be involved in the governance of schools, but they do play an important role in eduaction."
Fact:The number of local public school districts has declined from 119,001 in 1937-38 to 14,928 in 1999-2000, as a result of efforts to consolidate districts.
Student based management provides the teachers, administrators, staff, and the whole school community with a feeling of empowerment and ownership.
Quote: "Education is not and never will be apolitical." (4)
Question: Is their any way to fix education's political problems?
Chapter 2: Fact: 24% of board members had annual incomes of $50,000 to $74,999; 22% $75,000 to $99,000; and 21.3% $100,000 to $149,000.
Quote: "In the rhetoric of democratic elitism, only the best-the elite-should determine important public matters."
Question: My question follows along with my quote. Why are so many board members wealthy? Why are we not seeing more board members that represent our student and our students families?
Chapter 1 Question What does the history of american education reveal?
Quote "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition." Joel Spring
Fact It is difficult to untangle the web of political forces that influence schools.
Quote "Education is not and never will be apolitical."
Fact Charter schools are to be held accountable for student achievement.
Question Why isnt there more charter schools around?
Chapter 2
Quote "Politicians are running the school more and more."
Fact A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 percent of school boards and men 61 percent.
Question What if school boards are not governed by the best members of the community? What if the members of the school board don't realize the real important public mattters?
Chapter 2 Robin Wormsley Question? What type of school or community power structure does St. Joseph School District have,is it dominated,fational,pluralistic or inert? Fact: In 1989 ruled that the entire state of Kentuky's school system was inadiquate. Out of this came the reform act KERA passed in 1990
Question: If teachers are going to be held accountable for student learning, shouldn’t they have a say in what programs are to be used to do so? Why should someone not in the school systems or in the classrooms be twisting our arms? Quote: “… schools are “not likely to qualify for federal funding” if they do not use an approved program.” Pg. 10 Fact: “If teachers “desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians” Pg. 5
Question: How can we as teachers pull some of the influence of schools off of the government, and back into the community to better the learning of the students? How can we as a community offer more choices to parents, and advocate for parent involvement? Quote: “… The issue of education touches more of your fellow citizens-particularly the young, who are our most vulnerable citizens--- than almost all other policy areas. At the start of your tenure, I beg you to take a step back, to put aside the familiar political and bureaucratic ways of addressing education policy, and t o look afresh at what might and much be at its core if education it to improve our children’s future and the state of our democracy.” Theodore R. Sizer pg. 32 Fact: The higher the teacher pupil ratio, the lower the expenditure per pupil. Pg. 35
Question..Why are politics and U.S. Schools so important?
Quote.."Politicians compete among themselves for political positions and workers and business people compete for higher waes and profits, school supply the arena for such competition"
Fact..What would teachers do without technology now days?..:)
Chapter 2
Question..How much of a influence does Local, State and Regional have on education?
Quote.."Conflict is the DNA of the Superintendency"
Fact..84% of teachers find New letters very effective
Chapter 1 Fact: Today’s teachers are under intense pressure from many sectors of society.
Quote: “Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition”
Question: How effective are charter school?
Chapter 2 Fact: The superintendant is the key figure determining a district’s educational policy.
Quote: “I’m assuming the president of the United States never went to a poor and neglected public school.”
Question: How much damage will have to be done before the government will acknowledge the negative side of NCLB?
Chapter 1:
ReplyDeleteFact: Educational politics refers to how people use power, influence, and authority to affect instructional and curricular practices within a school or school system (p. 5).
Quote: "Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition" (p. 12-13).
Question: What are ways for teachers to protect themselves against politics that would position them in "the line of fire"?
Chapter 2:
Fact: The Tenth Amendment of the Constitution allows the states to organize and to administer education within their boundaries (p. 44).
Quote: "This time, on top of the mess is a new mess--a slew of new directives stretching budgets for more tests, more requirements, more unfunded programs--creating even more gaps in the education given to our wealthiest kids compared to our poorest kids" (p. 53).
Question: What accountability is put in place for school boards to a district? Should there be a requirement for board members to have an education background?
Chaper 1
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Do all schools have some kind of SBM?
Quote: "Teachers are expected to implement higher education standards"
Fact: Schools are not controlled just by principals, superintentdents and boards of education.
Chapter 2
Question: Do the people on the state board of education have backrounds in teaching or politics?
Quote: "Conflict is in the DNA of the superintendency"
Fact: Nearly all school board meetings are opened to the public.
Robin Wormsley
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Is no child left behind Just a sad attempt at Government helping big business to take over the curriculum in our schools?
Fact Whie the Federal government has Idetified the reading program as "scientifically approved". the consensus of most experts on teaching reading is that "there is no research=government or otherwise -that supports the use of any commercial {reading } program (garan 2004,86)
quote " To be a teacher ,then , is to experience these political pressures"
Chapter 1:
ReplyDeleteQuote~ "Education in the US is a system in which accountability is so diffused that no one is accountable"- Seymore Sarson
Question~ Do you think that SBM is the best form for restructuring schools?
Fact~ About 10% of the nations charter schools are operated on a for-profit basis.
Chapter 2:
Quote~ "In some schools, just changing the position of the bike rack will get the principal called, but shortening the school day from 7 periods to 6 does not."
Question~ Do you think some superintendents get paid more than they should?
Fact~ Currently 17 states require students to pass exit or end of course exams before receiving a high school diploma.
Jennifer Klepees
Quote(pg. 23)"When it comes to reforming the nation's schools, these days the leading radicals are likely to be wearing pin-striped suits and come from oak-paneled boardrooms rather than the ivy-covered walls or academia," (Holmes 1990, D2).
Fact(pg. 5)In 2001, federal legisation past the No Child Left Behind Act.
Question(pg. 8)Are federal approved reading programs being placed in every school district across the country?
Quote(pg. 39)"In some schools, changing the location of a bicycle rack will cause parents to call the principal. In other schools, we can cut the school day from seven periods to six periods without neighborhood reaction," (Wirt and Kirst 1982, 145).
Fact(pg. 46)In 1989 the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the state's entire school system was "inadequate."
Question(pg. 42)Is the PTA and PTO an open floor communication for all parents?
Marie Barbee
ReplyDeleteCHAPTER 1
Question: In response to "Thrown to the Wolves" on p. 11, how do you know when it is "crossing lines" to stand up for your students and your beliefs?
Quote: "...reforming schools is essentially a series of political acts, not technical solutions to problems." (Cuban)
Fact: Charter schools are independent, innovative, outcome-based, public schools. (p.23)
Marie Barbee
ReplyDeleteCHAPTER 2
Question: What were the main ways schools changed as a resulf of the creation of the Department of Education in 1979?
Quote: "Our children's future is more important than a few pennies per child in federal funding accompaanied by dictates. Now is no time to turn control of our reforms over to federal bureaucrats and politicians." (p. 56)
Fact: A national survey of school board members in 2001 showed 39% women and 61% men, and they lacked cultural diversity.
Chap 1
ReplyDeleteQuote: I have to be very careful about what i say about ____(school, program) because it's almost heresy to suggest that something might work as well or even better.
Question: if you school decide it could go on with out federal support. what it be advisable to do so?
Fact: No school left behind was passed in 2001.
Chap 2
Question: Are PTA meetings mandatory for teachers?
Quote: The quality of the school board governance effectiveness is the single most important determinate of a school district successes or failure.
Fact: The Constitution does not address public education, the Tenth Amendment is used as a basis for giving states the legal authority to create and manage local school systems.
Chapter 1:
ReplyDeleteQuestion: If politics and lobbying is so important for teachers, why is it so hard and job threatening to do?
Fact: School-based management increases communication among teachers, principals, parents, studnets, and other groups concerned with the operation of schools. (19)
Quote: If teachers "desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians." (5)
ReplyDeletechap 1-
-What are the qualifications for being a sponsor to a charter school?
"The teacher acts as an advocate for students."
-Charter schools are independent, innovative, outcome-based, public schools.
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteQuote: "When it comes to reforming the nation's schools, these days the leading radicals are likely to be wearing pin-striped suits and come from oak-paneled boardrooms rather than the ivy-covered walls of academia." (Holmes 1990,D2)
Fact: Currently 36 states, Puerto Rico, and District of Columbia have adopted charter school legislation and 3,300 schools serve almost one million students.
Question: If charter schools academics are more proficient than a regular public school, why don't we open more charter schools when the public schools are closing?
Chapter 2:
Quote: "...Poor performance will no longer be hidden. Results will no longer kept from parents. We will continue to work with schools that are performing poorly. Assessment results will be used to guide decisions, target resources and reward success" (Bush 2004, 119).
Fact: The G.I Bill of Rights signed by FDR in 1944 has opened to the doors for many older and nontraditional students at the higher education level.
Question: Will our nation ever come to getting away with the State Board and having one universal Board?
Chapter 2:
ReplyDeleteQuestion: If a local school board continues to turn its head and allow for teacher misconduct what can towns do about it, especially mid-term?
Fact: The largest- the New York City school system- has more than a million pupils (from 190 countries), nearly 64,000 teachers (a number that exceeds the number of students in Cincinnati; Minneapolis; Portland, Oregon; Sacramento; Seattle; and St. Loius), 1,200 schools and a total annual expenditures of almost $11 billion. (35)
Quote: Though variations among district spending on education still exists, these are no longer based on "the traditional determinants of educationsl financing...local income and property wealth. Now districts with low incomes or little property value per student are just as likely to have high educational spending as are wealthy districts." (46)
ReplyDeleteCHAPTER 2-
-Can superintendents ever be kicked out of office?
"In large districts, the board's own divisiveness makes it less likely that the board will successfully oppose the superintendent."
-Wirt and Kirst 1997
-New York City school system contains more than a million pupils.
Chapter 1:::
ReplyDeleteQuestion: What is the Praxis III?
Quote:" Education is not ( and will never be) apolitical." Pg4
Fact: SBM was created to give the faculty and community the feeling of ownership and efficacy over the school and how its ran.
Chapter 2:::
Question: What qualifications are needed to be Superintendent?
Quote: " A key element of parental involvement is communication between school and home." Pg 42.
Fact: The Department of Education is a law that was signed in 1979 by President Carter.
chapter 1
ReplyDeleteQuestion: in detail, what is the praxis III? Are we required to take this in Missouri?
Quote:"The history of education in the United States reveals countless examples of how political forces have influenced our schools."
Fact: Politics refer to how people use power, influence, and authority within an organization to persuade others to act in desired ways.
Chapter 2
Question:How do suoperindentents keep their job and become elected?
Quote::"Parents may not be involved in the governance of schools, but they do play an important role in eduaction."
Fact:The number of local public school districts has declined from 119,001 in 1937-38 to 14,928 in 1999-2000, as a result of efforts to consolidate districts.
Chapter 1:
ReplyDeleteStudent based management provides the teachers, administrators, staff, and the whole school community with a feeling of empowerment and ownership.
"Education is not and never will be apolitical." (4)
Is their any way to fix education's political problems?
Chapter 2:
Fact: 24% of board members had annual incomes of $50,000 to $74,999; 22% $75,000 to $99,000; and 21.3% $100,000 to $149,000.
"In the rhetoric of democratic elitism, only the best-the elite-should determine important public matters."
My question follows along with my quote. Why are so many board members wealthy? Why are we not seeing more board members that represent our student and our students families?
Amy Nester
ReplyDeleteCh. 1
quote-If teachers 'desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians.'
question-Why are politicians who have virtually never been in the teaching field allowed to set the standards for student achievement?
fact-Increasingly, politicians, business leaders, and citizens are joining the call to hold teachers accountable for student learning.
Question-Since Wisconsin does not have a state BOE, does that state have the NCLB act too?
Fact-Every state, except Wisconsin, has a state board of education.
quote-Children whose parents or guardians support and encourage school activities have a definite advantage in school.
Chapter 1
What does the history of american education reveal?
"Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition."
Joel Spring
It is difficult to untangle the web of political forces that influence schools.
Chapter 2
How does the organizational structures of school districts differ?
"The issue of education touches more fellow citizens than almost all other policy areas."
Theodore R. Sizer
The National Governors' Association is active in teacher education and school reform.
ReplyDelete"Education is not and never will be apolitical."
Charter schools are to be held accountable for student achievement.
Why isnt there more charter schools around?
Chapter 2
"Politicians are running the school more and more."
A 2001 national survey of school board members revealed that women constituted 39 percent of school boards and men 61 percent.
What if school boards are not governed by the best members of the community? What if the members of the school board don't realize the real important public mattters?
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteQuestion- how can corporations dictate what a teacher does if they are not in the classroom to see what is going on?
Important fact-political influences at the federal, regional, state, and local levels impact schools and teachers in the United States.
Qoute-"It's not only out right but our responsiblility to make out feelings known"
Chapter 2
Question- How can the government justify taking away funds to a school that needs the money to improve the quality of education?
Important fact- the superintendent is invariably the key figure in determining a district's educational policy.
Qoute- "The board has a histroy of failing to live up to its promises"
Chapter 2
ReplyDeleteRobin Wormsley
Question? What type of school or community power structure does St. Joseph School District have,is it dominated,fational,pluralistic or inert?
Fact: In 1989 ruled that the entire state of Kentuky's school system was inadiquate. Out of this came the reform act KERA passed in 1990
ReplyDeleteIf teachers are going to be held accountable for student learning, shouldn’t they have a say in what programs are to be used to do so? Why should someone not in the school systems or in the classrooms be twisting our arms?
“… schools are “not likely to qualify for federal funding” if they do not use an approved program.” Pg. 10
“If teachers “desire change in school programs, they must be good politicians” Pg. 5
How can we as teachers pull some of the influence of schools off of the government, and back into the community to better the learning of the students? How can we as a community offer more choices to parents, and advocate for parent involvement?
“… The issue of education touches more of your fellow citizens-particularly the young, who are our most vulnerable citizens--- than almost all other policy areas. At the start of your tenure, I beg you to take a step back, to put aside the familiar political and bureaucratic ways of addressing education policy, and t o look afresh at what might and much be at its core if education it to improve our children’s future and the state of our democracy.” Theodore R. Sizer pg. 32
The higher the teacher pupil ratio, the lower the expenditure per pupil. Pg. 35
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete*********SAMANTHA LEVELS***********
ReplyDeleteChapter 1
Question..Why are politics and U.S. Schools so important?
Quote.."Politicians compete among themselves for political positions and workers and business people compete for higher waes and profits, school supply the arena for such competition"
Fact..What would teachers do without technology now days?..:)
Chapter 2
Question..How much of a influence does Local, State and Regional have on education?
Quote.."Conflict is the DNA of the Superintendency"
Fact..84% of teachers find New letters very effective
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Is a system in which sccountability is so diffused that no one is accountable."
Fact: Underpriviled students in charter school do worse in reading and mathematics than students in other schools.
Questions: Who do you think about the five dimentsions of education?
Quote:"What we all want for each of our cihldren."
Fact: A 2001 national survey o school board members revealed that women constituted 39% of school boards and men 61%.
Question: Do people think that we schold have a more queal ratio of men to women on school boards?
Chapter 1
ReplyDeleteFact: Today’s teachers are under intense pressure from many sectors of society.
Quote: “Politicians compete among themselves for political positions, and workers and business people compete for higher wages and profits. Schools supply the arena for such competition”
Question: How effective are charter school?
Chapter 2
Fact: The superintendant is the key figure determining a district’s educational policy.
Quote: “I’m assuming the president of the United States never went to a poor and neglected public school.”
Question: How much damage will have to be done before the government will acknowledge the negative side of NCLB?