Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Melendez Ch. 10 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Lacy King

    Quote~ "To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve"- NAYEC code of Ethical Conduct

    Question~ How much time should you spend teaching your students about other cultures? Should it be included somewhere in every subject?

    Fact~ Family and parental involvement are central to successful schooling experience.

  2. Jennifer Klepees

    Quote(pg. 370)To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve.
    NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, Ideal 2.2(2005)

    Fact(pg. 391)The IPSP was initially introduced as a result of the statements established in Part H of the Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments(PL 99-457).

    Queston(pg. 408)When getting the community involed with your school, would you need your principles permission or the districts?

  3. Question: Should you address the different family groups as part of multi-cultures.(why timmy [lives with grandparents or has 2 daddies)

    Fact: Two parents families in 2005 make up 69% of families.

    Quote: Home is he 1st classroom.

  4. Quote: "Positive communication in diverse settings built when teachers show their honest desire to help families."

    Question: What is appropriate family/parent involvement with school?

    Fact: The internet has opened doors to a wealth of information for parents and families.

  5. Quote-The need for collaboration among teachers and families of young children is most critical because the parents and the family are the child's first and most influential teachers.

    fact-Intervention consists or any special efforts doen t assist the child who may not be performing to his or her potential.

    question-How do you get a family involved that is just not willing to participate?

  6. Marie Barbee

    Question: If family involvement is key to successful schooling experiences, how do you know how much and what type of involvement is required for success? What can or should be done for those students who do not have family involvement?

    Quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

    Fact: Section II of the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment (2005) addresses practices and responsibilities with families. p. 380

  7. Quote: "No man is an island." (p 395)

    Question: What is an appropriate way to gather family history/information without crossing the line?

    Fact:"A family is a living entity, holding together in a dynamic relationship members of different ages and generations. (United Nations, 1999, p 397)

  8. Quotes: "To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve." (NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, Ideal 2.2 (2005))

    Fact: Family involvement consists of efforts aimed at providing parents and families with opportunities to participate in the children's classroom and school activities.

    Question: You have a student who needs much help outside of the classroom, they try very hard while in the classroom but it is not enough; at home the parents do not care and will not help their child. As a teacher how do you go about helping this child with only so much classroom time, and not outside support?

  9. Question: What if the child's parents don't make an effort to be involed with their child's schooling?

    Quote: Teachers and parents have the best insterests of the child at heart.

    Fact: Families and children now depend on schools as one of their main sources of social support.

  10. Quote: "To develop relationships of mutual trust and create partnerships with the families we serve."
    Fact: Good communication is the key to a successful relationship.
    Question: What are differnt ways to develop good communication with parents?

  11. Question: When asking parents to get involved with your teaching methods is there a proper way to approach the conversation?

    Quote: All individuals know their children mean more than life

    Important fact: Working with families with diverse characteristics calls for early childhood educators to examine their views about what it means to be involved.

  12. Quote: In order to to plan effective involvement activities, it is necessary to learn about families

    Fact: Learning about the home cultures of the children will help readdress curricular planning and guide parent involvement activities.

    Question: The methods used to get to know the home cultures of the children, who would be able to view them?

  13. Question:
    In the book it says that a comprehensive collaborations also includes the community and its resources, What can the community do for those who are English language learners, in the schools?
    “Home is the first Classroom.”
    “Children exhibit higher achievement when parents are directly involved in the children’s school activities.”


    QUESTION:How can you collaborate with educators, families, and communities, if the parents work around the clock and do not have time to be involved?

    QUOTE:"Show your interest in a child, and parents are on your side. Be casual, off-handed, be cold toward the child and parents can never work closely with you....To praise the child is to praise the parent. To criticize the child is to hit the parent. The two are two, but the two are one."
    -educator James Hymes

    FACT:Collaboration, identified by some as a current buzzword in the field of early childhood education, refers to the quest to remedy the inequalities and sparse existence of social programs and services.

  15. Fact: Classroom practices reveal that when parents work together with their children's teachers, there are positive emotional and intellectual gains. (368)

    Quote: Caminante, no hay camino. Se hace camino al andar. [Travler, there is no road. You blaze it as you go.] (409) Antonio Machado (1875-1939)

    Question: For the families who cultural beliefs tell them to respect and admmire the teacher forcing them to not want to work alongside you, how do you convince them working with you is not disrespectful and acceptable?

  16. Chapter 10
    What does the adage "No man is an island" remind us?

    "All individuals know that their children mean more than life."

    Neighborhoods today are experiencing high population mobility, which lessens the possibilities of establishing any stable, long-lasting relationships.
