Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Melendez Ch. 4 Post

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Lacy King

    Quote~ "Every time a child is born it brings with it the hope that God is not yet disappointed with man"- Rabindranath Tagore

    Question~ How can I get a better understanding of each child's environment to better help them in the classroom?

    Fact~ Development is an integrated and coherent process experienced by all individuals.

  2. Marie Barbee

    Quote: "The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line." W.E.B. DuBois

    Question: When you have students in your class who speak a language other than English, how much of their language do you incorporate into the classroom?

    Fact: "Racial awareness has also been linked to the color preferences exhibited by children." p. 145

  3. Quote: Every time a child is born it brings with it the hope that God is not yet disappointed with man (humankind). Rabindranath Tagore
    Fact: All children experience and share the process of development in much the same way regardless of where they live.
    Question: Why does culture affect the developmental milestones of children?

  4. Question: How do you explain the bigotry taught at home is wrong?

    Fact: During Pre-school years children begin to acquire self concept.

    Quote: Denying children their culture is denying their identity.

  5. Jennifer Klepees

    Quote(pg 121)Every time a child is born it brings with it the hope that God is not yet disappointed with man [humankind]. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

    Fact(pg 152)Acceptance and integration of people with disabilities was mandated with the approval of Public Law 94-142 in 1975.

    Question: How do we help students understand that children with disabilities are just the same as everyone else.

  6. Question: Is there a thin line to when racial awarness becomes to much?

    Quote: "The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line"

    Interesting fact: Social development is one of the most important developmental tasks of early childhood.

  7. Robin Wormsley
    Question: Why is Socialization so important for young children?
    Quote: The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.
    Fact: "Children with special needs benefit from a positive and acceptng classroom envronment."

  8. Question: When does the school teacher’s involvement in a child’s developing awareness of their own race and culture cross over into the parent’s role of raising their own child?

    Quote: “Where we are born and where we spend our lives growing up molds our unique identities.” Page 127

    Fact: Studies have revealed the existence of an early awareness of one’s own color.

  9. Bailey Kuhnel
    Ch. 4
    Question: How can we as teachers help students find their true identity without pushing our beliefs and thoughts onto them?
    Quote: “I am what I am” Page 134
    Fact: At the age of 2 kids show knowledge of their own sex. Page 141

  10. Question: If every child goes through the same stages of learning language, then how do some develop 3 years apart?

    Quote: "Every time a child is born it brings with it the hope that God is not yet disappointed with man [humankind]." Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

    Fact: Language development is another example of developmental characteristisc shared by all children. Regardless of language, the same stages in learning language are experienced.


    -How do you clarify gender stereotypes?

    -"Denying children their culture is denying their identities."
    -Jaipaul Roopnarine and James Johnson

    -Individuality is a trait of development.

  12. Question: Are teachers given a DCAP handbook to follow?

    Quote: Each child is a unique indevidual

    Fact: Family and classroom experiences are central to forming a sense of identity.

  13. Question: What are 2-3 positive actions to take in order to counteract gender stereotypes in the classroom?

    Quote: "In all children, you will find the one." Carmen Martinez (page 120)

    Fact:Acculturation is a process that occurs where a mainstream (majority) culture and subordinate (minority) cultures coexist in society. page 136

  14. Quote: "Uniqueness is the most common characteristic of all children."
    Fact: Acceptance and integration of people with disabilities was mandated with the approval of Public Law 94-142 in 1975.
    Question: At what age can you explain to a young child that his or her sibling has a developmental disability and the child comprehend it?

  15. Laura Lawson said
    Quote: "Everytime a child is born it brings with
    it the hope that God is not yet disappointed with man (humankind)." Rabindranth Tagore

    Fact: The constancy of change that characterizes development is also what defines it. Development is an integrated and coherent process experienced by all individuals.

    Question: How do teachers ensure that each child is expressing themselves in their own unique way?

  16. Amy Nester

    Fact-At the moment of conception, all human beings enter into a continuous dance of change and development, which is completed at the end of our existence.

    quote-Each child is a unique individual.

    question-How do we help children understand that people with disabilties can learn too?

  17. Question:
    We only have students for 8 hours out of the day, how much does our teaching really affect them compared to what they are learning at home?
    “Every time a child is born it brings with it the hope that God is not yet disappointed with man.” -Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)
    All children develop socially different, depending on their cultural background. No one child is at the same stage in development as another child at the same age.

  18. Quote: "Everytime a child is born it brings hope that God is not yet disappointed with man [humankind]. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) p.121

    Question: Because children are able to pick up on bias and differences in color at an early age, in an early childhood program is this somehting we need to teach about, like equality?

    Fact: Building awareness at a young age about people with disabilities is an important experience that contributes to promoting acceptance of individual diversity.

  19. Social development is one of the most important developmental tasks of early childhood.

    "The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line."

    How can teachers be careful to teach about different ethnic backgrounds?

  20. Quote- "The essential milestone of development is the building of positive selfesteem."

    ?- Do school still allow you to bring in food from outside the school? For a food tasting for your students of differant ethnicity?

    Fact- Opportunities must be provided for children to clarify their preceptions and feelings about children with disabilities.

  21. Quote- "Everytime a child is born it brings with it the hope that God is not yet disappointed with man [humankind]. -Rabindranath Tagore

    Fact- Home experiences are a major force in shaping a child's individual development.

    Qestion- What can we do to help a child become better socialized?

  22. Fact(pg.135)All children go through the same stages in learning language, no matter what their native tongue may be

    Quote(Pg.155)"If young children are highly aware of the social life that goes on in theis midst, then they are certainly cognizant of the sex role behavior that is appropriate in culture"

    Question..Are children aware of there race?

  23. Quote: Everytime a child is born it brings with the hope that God is not yet dissappointed with man (HumanKind) Rabindranath Tagore 1861-1941

    Fact: Adults play a leading role in the socialization of children.

    Question: Should children no the difference between races at such an early age before they are inluenced by whats around them?

  24. Question: Does the DCAP standards change per state or remain the same?

    Quote: Every time a child is born it brings with it the hope that god is not yet disapointed with man.

    Fact: Studies show that during the preschool years children are able to identify themselves as members of an ethnic group.

  25. Chapter 4
    What does development determine in children?

    "In all children, you will find the one."
    Carmen Martinez

    When you enter a classroom of young children, you are faced with the wonder of life in its most vibrant form.
