Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spring 10 Melendez Ch. 1 Post

Please post your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Question: What actions can be taken in order to ensure cultural diversity is not pushed aside in an all white classroom?

    Quote: "Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow." Chief Joseph (1840-1904) page 24

    Fact: Immigration is an ongoing process of change and not a phenomenon of the past. page 8

  2. Lacy King

    Quote~ "Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow". - Chief Joseph

    Question~ Why is it that on exams in high school and college it is necessary to have to disclose your race?

    Fact~ The first national limits on immigration in the form of a quota system, imposed in 1924 were called the National Origins Act.

  3. Fact: The "reunification" law brought 10 million newcomers to this country who were closely and distantly related to earlier immigrants.

    Question: How do you include every child's culture in the classroom without offending anyone?

    Quote: "Treate all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow." Chief Joseph (1840-1904

    The phenomenon known as the "Brain Drain" from India is the significant number of highly educated and well-trained professional that began to enter the United States in 1965.
    In the book (3rd ed.) pg. 20, it stated that in 1882 the Chinese Exclusion Act is the first antiracial law. What about the Black Codes(1865) and Jim Crow Laws(1876)? Are these not antiracial laws also?
    "Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow."-Chief Joseph

  5. Question: If the United States is trying so hard to abolish discrimination then why are we still required to fill out a race identification card?

    Quote: "Treat all men a like give them all he same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow."

    Intersting fact: The construction of the Central Pacific Railroad completed in 1869 was largely a chinese achievement.

  6. Jennifer Klepees

    Quote(pg 4)"You will be a good teacher only if you give each of your students an equal opportunity."

    Fact(pg 19)By the time Californi was annexed to the United States in 1848, the Chinese population provided basic labor on the railroads and servces in laudry and cooking establishments.

    Qiestion(pg 13)Why are we "Americans" asking children under the age of 5 to identify themself as having a mixed racial origin?

  7. Question(Pg.22) Can we teach children about Immigration?

    Quote(Pg.27)Once California belonged to Mexico and its land to Mexicans and a horde of tattered feverish americans poured in. And such was their hunger for land that they took the land..and they guarded with guns the land had stolen...Then, with time, the squatters were no longer squatters, but owners."

    Fact(Pg 26) The Caribbean island of Puerto Rico became part of the United States in 1898

  8. Amy Nester

    Question(p.8) In the sentence, "The classroom is a very polychromatic place that can be considered a microcosm of society," what does polychromatic and microcosm mean?

    Fact(p.21) After the Korean War, an immigration wave, mainly made up of war brides, took place.

    Quote(p.32) From classroom instruction to interactions with families and communities, sensitivity to and respect for the child and family's culture is intrinsic to professional practice.

  9. Fact: (pg13) On the Census 2000 there were 6.8 million people who marked their heritage as multiracial.

    Quote: (pg. 24) "Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow." Chief Joseph (1840-1904)

    Question: How does the U.S "rank" in acceptance of other cultures? We are not the only country with mixed cultures.

  10. Robin Wormsley
    chapter one question: how can figures of populations be predicted for 2050 I mean how do we get the numbers. in the book the prediction is that there will be 392 million people in the US.are these accurate figures?

    Quote: treat all men alike give them all the same law, Give them all an even chance to live and grow.
    Informative: There were laws at one time that limit imigration. So that the U.S. would be mostly people from European Heritage.

  11. Marie Barbee

    Question: Do preschool classrooms incorporate multicultural education in all regions or just culturally diverse regions?

    Quote: "As children begin to notice human diversity, it is just as important to guide them to discover how alike they are." p. 9

    Fact: "In the decades following WWII, both the Japanese and Japanese Americans experienced unprecedented growth and diversity." p. 20

  12. John Davis

    Question: How have natural disasters and wars affect immigration to the U.S.

    Fact: Many of the immigrants who arrived in the 1960's and the early 1970's were political dissidents, artist, intellectuals, and entrepreneurs from eastern European communist countries, from Asia and Cuba.

    Quote: Sadly the world is full of old prejudices.

  13. Question: Are early childhood professionals the only ones who address diversity in the classrooms?

    Quote: The people who inhabit the U.S. illistrate diversity.

    Fact: The classroom is a very polychromatic place that can be consided a microcosm of society.

  14. Question: To read stories about other cultures to preschoolers, would it be best to inform parents prior to the lesson in today's society?

    Quote: The United States has also been described as a land where dreams for a better and more equitable life become a reality.

    Fact: Nearly 1 million children age 5 or younger were identified as having mixed racial origins.

  15. Cassandra Pyburn

    Q: When should early childhood educators begin addressing diversity in their classrooms?

    Q: You will be a good teacher only if you give each of your students an equal opportunity. page 4

    F: The majority of Vietnamese Americans came to this country in four waves in the aftermath of the Vietnam War. pg 21

  16. Question: Since a lot of schools are focusing on making sure students of different races don’t feel discriminated against, do Caucasian students ever feel like they are being pushed aside?

    Quote: “No longer does one set of specific physical or ethnic characteristics make up a typical U.S. citizen.” Page 17

    Fact: The McCarran-Walter Act that repealed the quota system and gave a choice to skilled workers in fields that had shortages in the U.S., reunification of families, and protection of the domestic labor force.

  17. Question: When working with students who are children of immigrants, how do we find a balance between preserving their cultural heritage and introducing them to modern U.S. culture and society?

    Quote: "Terms are useful in identifying a specific quality or shared. Sometimes, however, a term can oversimplify the meaning or hide its magnitude." page 30

    Fact: Latinos are expected to surpass African Americans as the largest minority in this country by 2010. page 17

  18. Question: How can we truly be diverse without being unified as one culture to eliminate prejudices?

    Fact: National Origins Act set quotas for each nationality group. Which was set at 2% of the total members of that nationality already residing in the US, with the exception of Western Europeans no limit.

    Quote: Then, with time, the squatters were no longer squatters, but owners.

  19. Question: To be a successful educator should professionals keep learning about multiculturalism every year if it keeps growing?

    Fact: Early childhood educators must hold accurate knowledge about various cultural groups if they are to deliver developmentally appropriate programs that are sensitive and responsive to the world of today's children.

    Quote: Where all is one, and where everyone is equally important, is a reminder of the goals and purposes that define our country.

  20. Question: When is the information you provide from other cultures too much, to the point that you stifle your own cultural background? Is it possible to have too much cultural background in a classroom?

    Quote: “You will be a good teacher only if you give each of your students an equal opportunity. To do that you must adjust your teaching to include the cultural backgrounds of your students.”

    Fact: The classroom is a very polychromatic place that can be considered a microcosm of society.

  21. Chastity Mccourt

    Question: what does e pluribus unum mean?

    Fact: Hispanics have the highest birth rate of any ethnic or racial group in the country.

    Quote: Treat all men alike. Give them all an even chance to live and grow.

  22. Early childhood educators must hold accurate knowledge about various cultural groups if they are to deliver developmentally appropriate programs that are sensitive and responsive to the world of todays children.

    "We are all faced with various degrees of diversity and we are all part of it."

    How are we going to prepare children for the changing future?

  23. ?- If you do not know one of your students ethnicity is there a correct way to find out without just asking the student?

    fact- Between 1985 and 1994, almost 10 millions people came to the United States: 2.5 mil from mexico, 1 mil from the Carribean countries, 1 mil from Europe and approx 5 mil from other parts of the world.

    Quote-"Once California belong to mexico and its land to Mexicans and a horde of tattered feverish Americans poured in."

  24. Question:
    Why were Koreans treated differently than Japanese, even though they were considered Japanese Citizens?
    “Education is a process of guiding and preparing a child to succeed in life.”
    Latinos in 2050, will be the fastest growing minority in the United States going from 9.7% to 22.5% of the population.

  25. Quote- “Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow.” -Chief Joseph

    Fact- In the 2000 census nearly 1 million children age five and younger were identified as having missed racial origins.

    Question- What is the best approach to teaching cultural diversity?

  26. Fact: Census data for 2006 shows that Asian Americans are second-largest growing ethic group

    Question: why does diversity play a major role in education,shouldn't education be colorless?

    Quote: Treat all men alike. Give them all the same law. Give them all an even chance to live and grow. (Chief Joseph) 1840--1904

  27. Chapter 1
    What has culturally diverse groups broght throughout history?

    "Population was in great numbers in Teddy Roosevelt's days as President."
    E. L. Doctorow

    Cultural diversity has not only transformed the composition of the U S population, but it has also enriched the character of life in the United States.

  28. Quote: "Is a system in which sccountability is so diffused that no one is accountable."

    Fact: Underpriviled students in charter school do worse in reading and mathematics than students in other schools.

    Questions: Who do you think about the five dimentsions of education?
