Wednesday, August 11, 2010

EDU 308 On Campus 2010 Ch. 10 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here from chapter 10.


  1. Question: How do we educate our students' families about the education and the way our classroom runs?

    Fact: The process of teaching and learning is enriched by bringing parents and entire families into the classroom as our partners. Pg 373

    Quote: Home is the first classroom. Parents are the first school and the most essential teacher. Pg 370

  2. Fact: Developing and achieving a sense of trust among familes and early educators is essential to a successful program

    Quote: Home is the first classroom

    Question: How do you engage with families when they don't want to engage with the school?

  3. Quote: "We envision a nation of strong, stable families where every child has an equal opportunity to reach his or her full potential and where public policies and personal values give highest priority to healthy, whole children.

    Question: What have you found to work best in regards to including families into your classrooms?

    Informative Fact: Collaborating and building trust with families will assure the child will be most successful.

  4. Question: How important is parental (or guardian) involvement in a child's success in school?

    Quote: "All men know their children mean more than life." -Euripides pg. 367

    Fact: 22% of children live with their mother only while 4% live with their father only.

  5. Quote: "never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world indeed, its the only thing that ever has."
    Question:How do I as a teacher overcome negitive rumors that a parent or other faculty have towards you without meetingthem and they have their mind made up about you?
    Fact:Do not use teacher jargon when talking to parents to show your knowlage

  6. Question: If parents dont believe or buy in to what Im teaching their children about multicultural ed and its purpose. how do i inform them/ have them buy in?
    Quote: Home is the first classroom. Parents are the first school and the most essential teacher. Pg 370
    fact:22% of children live with their mother only while 4% live with their father only.

  7. Quote: "All men (individuals) know their children mean more than life." --pg 367

    Question: How should we become aware of the different cultures and values each and every family may believe, to overcome barriers and have successful family involvement?

    Fact: 69% of children live in two parent families.

  8. Quote: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead page 409

    Question: How can we write notes home to parents who do not speak English if we don't know anyone else who speaks/writes their language?

    Fact: We are all products of our families and our home environments. Page 379

  9. Question: With the economy today and parents having multiple jobs, how can we help parents get involved with their child's education?

    Quote: "We envision a nation of strong and stable families, where every child has an equal opportunity to reach his or her full potential and where public policies and personal values give highest priority to healthy, whole children."-National Commission on Children(1991)

    Fact: Good communication is the key to any successful relationship. p.397

  10. Quote: Traveler, there is no road. You blaze it as you go.

    Question: How do we mix family envolvement in the curriculum while still teaching what the state thinks is important?

    Fact: When communicating with those with cultural differences one should be explicit and free of professional jargon, written communication should be personal and not intimidating, and communication should not be limited to what is sent in writing.

  11. Question: How can you deal with parents who are not involved with their children’s school or even there children and they don’t tend to be involved? (They could care less)

    Quote: “All men [individuals] know their children mean more than life.” (Euripides; 480-406 B.C.) IS THIS REALLY TRUE? WHAT ABOUT THE PARENTS WHO DO NOT CARE FOR THEIR CHLDREN?

    Fact: Good communication is key to any successful relationship.

  12. Question: If a teacher makes a home visit and observes a child performing a behavior that the teacher had reprimanded, but that the parents accept, how should the teacher proceed in handling that behavior if it happens in the classroom again?

    Quote: “Caminante, no hay camino. Se hace camino al andar. [Traveler, there is no road. You blaze it as you go.] -Antonio Machado

    Fact: In schools, collaboration calls for the concerted efforts of educators, families, and communities.

  13. Question: This chapter includes many things to ask parents in order to learn about students' families. What is an appropriate way to ask parents about topics such as religion or beliefs without crossing any boundaries or offending anyone?

    Quote: "All men [individuals] know their children mean more than life." (p. 367)

    Fact: Family configurations are changing. In 2005, 69% of children lived with two parent families, 22% lived with only a mother, 4% lived with only a father, and 4% lived with neither parent. (p. 368)

  14. How do you engage parents if they don't speak your language?

    "All men (individuals) know their children mean more than life." -Euripides

    Planning a multicultural program cannot take place devoid of the community. P.391

  15. Quote: Home is the first classroom. Parents are the first school and the most essential teacher. Pg 370

    Fact: Family configurations are changing. In 2005, 69% of children lived with two parent families, 22% lived with only a mother, 4% lived with only a father, and 4% lived with neither parent. (p. 368)

    Question: With the economy today and parents having multiple jobs, how can we help parents get involved with their child's education?

  16. question: What are the most effective ways we can intervene in a child's life if he or she isn't performing up to par?

    quote"All men (individuals) know their children mean more than life."

    fact: Avoid using figurative language in communications with parents who have limited english language proficiency.

  17. Fact: Today neighborhoods are experiencing high population mobility, which lessons the possibilities if establishing any stable and long lasting relationship

    Quote: Research in early childhood education has shown that family and parential involvement are central to successful schoolilng experiences

    Question: what is the best way to get parents involved with their child education when they have a busy life at home?

  18. Question: What are you suppose to do to help a child who's family just does't care about them? If they are misbehaving, poorly progressing academically, malnourished, and everthing else.
    Quote:"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
    Fact: There are 69% of children living in 2 parent households, 22% love with their mothers only, 4% live with their fathers only, and 4% live with neither parent.
