Question: How do I communicate with parents about their child if they can't speak English? Quote:"Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that have ever happened." - Thomas Payne P.161 Fact: According to multicultural scholars, multicultural education is a phenomenon of the 1960's P. 172.
Question: Would it be appropriate for a teacher to a allow a bilingual student to use both languages through out a school day?
Quote: "By the safegaurd of health and the protection of childhood we further contribute to the equality of opportunity which is the unique basis of American civilization." -President Herbert Hoover (1929)
Fact: The Education for All Handicapped Chidren's Act of 1975, established the rights of young children with disabilities and exceptionalities to recieve free education and services in a least restrictive environment.
Question: On page 179 it says that when Head Start programs opened “Knowing that this was an opportunity for their children to have a better education, people gave their full support to the project.” Why is it that our community and Nation doesn’t give education their ‘full support’ anymore? Like the signs a few years ago with the proposed tax increase all around town that read “say no to our children”.
Quote: “The future is dependent on the ability of today’s children to successfully face tomorrow’s challenges.” Page 160 “…the rights of the humblest citizen are as worthy of protection as are those of the highest…” - Fredrick Douglass- Page 159
Fact: Head Start serves more than 900,000 children, representing almost 40% of those eligible, of those enrolled 67% are ethnic minorities. Page 180
Question: Should kindergarten be mandatory for all students? Since "Head Start" is an effective alternative for kindergarten, why not just have kindergarten a requirement for everybody?
Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
-Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) pg. 175
Fact: Children 5-17 yrs. who speak a language other than English at home: 1995: 14% 2003: 19%
Children 5-17 years who speak a language other than English at home and have difficulty speaking English 1995: 5% 2003: 5%
Question: The author explains the excitement for the opening of Head Start programs by saying society knowingly gave their full support for the project because it was an opportunity for their children to receive a better education, yet today, people are voting no on bills proposed to help the education of their children and schools are receiving less and less money from the government every year. What has changed from 1965 to make society not fully support education for their children?
It also states the need for parents and teachers to work as partners to help their child’s education was realized through the concept of child development centers in the 1960s, but why does it seem that in the year 2010 more and more parents seemingly can care less about their child’s education and choose not to be involved with their child’s education? (p. 179)
Quote: “It is said that the past holds undeniable truths.” -de Melendez (p. 170)
Fact: Maestro Cordero began offering his “classes” three decades before the Spanish government officially instituted elementary education.
Quote: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by color of their skin but by the content of their character. - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Fact: Dr. Maria Montessori was the first Italian women to become a physician.
Question: What can be provided to help us teachers with students that do not speak english very well?
Question: Based on Johann Pestalozzi's pedagogical method that all kids could and should learn I can't help but think of the question how do schools stay well kept and their faculty paid? I'm not disagreeing I just find it hard to understand how the school stays functioning without much help from families. Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -Martin Luther King Jr. Fact: The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, or PL 94-142 established the rights of young children with disabilities and expectations to recieve free education and services in a least restricitve enviornment.
Question: If it is shown that learning other languages allows developmental gains in children, why is support of both English and a student’s home language, as well as foreign language education, so looked down upon?
Quote: “in concept it [the child development center] represents drawing together all the resources- family, community, and professionals- which can contribute to the child’s total development.”
Fact: Census data show that, demographically, the majority of English Language Learners (ELL) are U.S. born.
Question: How many of the children services include parents/family?
Quote: [I]nequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insecurrities, and civil wars that ever happened." -Thomas Payne (1737-1809)
Fact: Project Head Start began during summer of 1965. Approximately 2,500 child development centers established to have serve more than 550,000 children across the nation.
Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."--Martin Luther King Jr. pg 175
Question: Is the Head Start program still used in the United States, and if so, how effective is it?
Fact: In 2003, 'children ages 5-17 who speak a language other than English at home' is 19%.--pg 185.
Question: Why is diversity still such a major cause of issues in classrooms and schools being that we are such a diverse country now and having fought for the right of diversity along time ago. I would think by now the issue would be more resolved.
Quote: "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all distrubances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened." pg 161
Fact: Brown vs Board of Education gave full access to equal school opportunities since 1954 when they affirmed that segregated schools did not provide equal opportunity.
Quote: "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened" Thomas Payne, PG 161
Fact: In 2003, 'children ages 5-17 who speak a language other than English at home' is 19%, pg 185.
Question: How do we deal with students that don't speak English very well? I think it's hard to understand people who have an accent. What will I do as a teacher to help understand all my students and teach them fairly.
I love the quote by Martin Luther King Jr.(1929-1968) "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Informative Fact: Brown vs. Board of Education in Topeka, KS 1954 ignited the civil rights movement.
Question: Would you agree that multi-cultural education could also apply to the gifted child or a child who is different from what is considered "normal?"
Quote:"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
Fact: The percentages for home languages of ELL students in U.S classrooms for spanish in 2001-2002 was 79.9%
Quote-“Project Head Start began during the summer of 1965. At the time, approximately 2,500 Child Development Centers were established to serve more than 550,000 children across the nation.”
Fact-“Linguistic diversity is one of the most visible and fastest growing distinguishing characteristic of society.”
Question-Why does America seem like it wants to blend everyone into the “American Dream”
Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Fact: Slavery was abolished in 1865 after Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Prolamation, but history shows that acceptance and entry of free Africian Americans into society was a slow and painful process.
Question: Slavery was abolished in 1865, that is 145 years ago. So why are we still seeing Africian American students sitting by Africian Americans (generally) and white students sitting by white students?
Question: How do you teach a student that speaks a different language if you don't speak the language yourself?
Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation when they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King jr
Fact: Research shows that waiting to address inequities in the classroom with your students will inevitably not translate as well because moral decisions are established at a young age. Question: Why do teachers avoid bringing to light inequities in the classroom? Quote: "There are ample developmental gains (cognitive, social and emotional) for the young child through the acquisition of another language."
Question-It has been stated many times that children do not know racisim, it has to be taught to them. If a school shows that there is a difference among them does this mean schools are also teaching racims in a way? Here is a direct quote from the text that I am questioning.
Quote-An important step in teaching with a multicultural perspective is helping children develop an awareness of inequality.
Page(s): 165, Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms
Fact-Today, at least 10 percent of its enrollment must be allocated to children with disabilities (Head Start Bureau, 2004)
Page(s): 181, Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteQuote: All people, including the poor, could and should learn- Johann Pestalozzi
ReplyDeleteFact: In many school districts, children speak as many as 40 different languages.
Question: How do we as teachers deal with students who do not speak english?
Question: How do I communicate with parents about their child if they can't speak English?
ReplyDeleteQuote:"Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that have ever happened." - Thomas Payne P.161
Fact: According to multicultural scholars, multicultural education is a phenomenon of the 1960's P. 172.
Quote: "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened" Thomas Payne, PG 161
ReplyDeleteFact: Statistics show that in many school districts, children speak as many as 40 different languages. Pg 185
Question: How do we send out newsletters and other informative papers to parents if some cannot speak or read English?
Question: Would it be appropriate for a teacher to a allow a bilingual student to use both languages through out a school day?
ReplyDeleteQuote: "By the safegaurd of health and the protection of childhood we further contribute to the equality of opportunity which is the unique basis of American civilization."
-President Herbert Hoover (1929)
Fact: The Education for All Handicapped Chidren's Act of 1975, established the rights of young children with disabilities and exceptionalities to recieve free education and services in a least restrictive environment.
Question: On page 179 it says that when Head Start programs opened “Knowing that this was an opportunity for their children to have a better education, people gave their full support to the project.” Why is it that our community and Nation doesn’t give education their ‘full support’ anymore? Like the signs a few years ago with the proposed tax increase all around town that read “say no to our children”.
ReplyDeleteQuote: “The future is dependent on the ability of today’s children to successfully face tomorrow’s challenges.” Page 160
“…the rights of the humblest citizen are as worthy of protection as are those of the highest…” - Fredrick Douglass- Page 159
Fact: Head Start serves more than 900,000 children, representing almost 40% of those eligible, of those enrolled 67% are ethnic minorities. Page 180
Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened.
ReplyDelete-Thomas Payne
How do we deal with parents who do not care about their child's education?
Hull House was started in 1889 by Jane Addams. It still serves needy children in the Chicago area today.
Quote: "THe mulitcultural approach to education resonctructs the entire education process to promote equality and cultural pluralism."
ReplyDeleteFact: The focus on various minorities in the form of "multiethnic studies" emerged in the 1970's.
Question: What resources are available for us as teachers to use to help us communicate and work with non-English speaking parents?
Question: Should kindergarten be mandatory for all students? Since "Head Start" is an effective alternative for kindergarten, why not just have kindergarten a requirement for everybody?
ReplyDeleteQuote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
-Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) pg. 175
Fact: Children 5-17 yrs. who speak a language other than English at home: 1995: 14% 2003: 19%
Children 5-17 years who speak a language other than English at home and have difficulty speaking English 1995: 5% 2003: 5%
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened."
ReplyDeleteFact: Classroom interactons are an influential experience in becoming aware about diversity.
Question: Why is being diverse still an issuse today when it has been fought for so many years?
Question: The author explains the excitement for the opening of Head Start programs by saying society knowingly gave their full support for the project because it was an opportunity for their children to receive a better education, yet today, people are voting no on bills proposed to help the education of their children and schools are receiving less and less money from the government every year. What has changed from 1965 to make society not fully support education for their children?
ReplyDeleteIt also states the need for parents and teachers to work as partners to help their child’s education was realized through the concept of child development centers in the 1960s, but why does it seem that in the year 2010 more and more parents seemingly can care less about their child’s education and choose not to be involved with their child’s education? (p. 179)
Quote: “It is said that the past holds undeniable truths.” -de Melendez (p. 170)
Fact: Maestro Cordero began offering his “classes” three decades before the Spanish government officially instituted elementary education.
Quote: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by color of their skin but by the content of their character. - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
ReplyDeleteFact: Dr. Maria Montessori was the first Italian women to become a physician.
Question: What can be provided to help us teachers with students that do not speak english very well?
Question: Based on Johann Pestalozzi's pedagogical method that all kids could and should learn I can't help but think of the question how do schools stay well kept and their faculty paid? I'm not disagreeing I just find it hard to understand how the school stays functioning without much help from families.
ReplyDeleteQuote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -Martin Luther King Jr.
Fact: The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, or PL 94-142 established the rights of young children with disabilities and expectations to recieve free education and services in a least restricitve enviornment.
Question: How do we communicate with families that do not speak English?
ReplyDeleteQoute:" all people including poor, could and should learn." smith and smith 1994 pg165
Fact: Head start serves more than 900,000 childern representing almost 40 percent of those eligible
Question: If it is shown that learning other languages allows developmental gains in children, why is support of both English and a student’s home language, as well as foreign language education, so looked down upon?
ReplyDeleteQuote: “in concept it [the child development center] represents drawing together all the resources- family, community, and professionals- which can contribute to the child’s total development.”
Fact: Census data show that, demographically, the majority of English Language Learners (ELL) are U.S. born.
Question: How many of the children services include parents/family?
ReplyDeleteQuote: [I]nequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insecurrities, and civil wars that ever happened." -Thomas Payne (1737-1809)
Fact: Project Head Start began during summer of 1965. Approximately 2,500 child development centers established to have serve more than 550,000 children across the nation.
Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."--Martin Luther King Jr. pg 175
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Is the Head Start program still used in the United States, and if so, how effective is it?
Fact: In 2003, 'children ages 5-17 who speak a language other than English at home' is 19%.--pg 185.
Fact: The focus on various minorities in the form of "multiethnic studies" emerged in the 1970's.
ReplyDeleteQuote: [I]nequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insecurrities, and civil wars that ever happened." -Thomas Payne (1737-1809)
Question: What are some ways we can get through to the non-English speaking students?
Fact: Many consider inequality a concept that eludes the young child...[but] children are already exposed to it.
ReplyDeleteQuote: "The future is dependent on the ability of today's children to successfullly face tomorrow's challenges." p.160
Question: We strive for the important goal of educational equality, but is it possible to have complete equality?
Question: Why is diversity still such a major cause of issues in classrooms and schools being that we are such a diverse country now and having fought for the right of diversity along time ago. I would think by now the issue would be more resolved.
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all distrubances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened." pg 161
Fact: Brown vs Board of Education gave full access to equal school opportunities since 1954 when they affirmed that segregated schools did not provide equal opportunity.
Quote: "Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened" Thomas Payne, PG 161
ReplyDeleteFact: In 2003, 'children ages 5-17 who speak a language other than English at home' is 19%, pg 185.
Question: How do we deal with students that don't speak English very well? I think it's hard to understand people who have an accent. What will I do as a teacher to help understand all my students and teach them fairly.
I love the quote by Martin Luther King Jr.(1929-1968) "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
ReplyDeleteInformative Fact: Brown vs. Board of Education in Topeka, KS 1954 ignited the civil rights movement.
Question: Would you agree that multi-cultural education could also apply to the gifted child or a child who is different from what is considered "normal?"
Question: Who began the "Head Start" program?
ReplyDeleteQuote:"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character
Fact: The percentages for home languages of ELL students in U.S classrooms for spanish in 2001-2002 was 79.9%
Quote-“Project Head Start began during the summer of 1965. At the time, approximately 2,500 Child Development Centers were established to serve more than 550,000 children across the nation.”
ReplyDeleteFact-“Linguistic diversity is one of the most visible and fastest growing distinguishing characteristic of society.”
Question-Why does America seem like it wants to blend everyone into the “American Dream”
Quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
ReplyDeleteFact: Slavery was abolished in 1865 after Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Prolamation, but history shows that acceptance and entry of free Africian Americans into society was a slow and painful process.
Question: Slavery was abolished in 1865, that is 145 years ago. So why are we still seeing Africian American students sitting by Africian Americans (generally) and white students sitting by white students?
Quote: It is said that the past holds undeniable truths.
ReplyDeleteFact: Head start was founded by a holistic perspective of the individual child.
Question: What was "Operation Wetback" that took place in the 50's?
Question: How do you teach a student that speaks a different language if you don't speak the language yourself?
ReplyDeleteQuote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation when they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King jr
Fact: Research shows that waiting to address inequities in the classroom with your students will inevitably not translate as well because moral decisions are established at a young age.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Why do teachers avoid bringing to light inequities in the classroom?
Quote: "There are ample developmental gains (cognitive, social and emotional) for the young child through the acquisition of another language."
Question: Do you ever remember any of your teachers adapting the curriculum to examine perspectives other than those of the majority.
ReplyDeleteQuote: Inequality of rights has been the cause of all disturbances, insurrections, and civil wars that ever happened. Thomas Payne
Fact: Classroom interactions are an influential experience in becoming aware about diversity.
Question-It has been stated many times that children do not know racisim, it has to be taught to them. If a school shows that there is a difference among them does this mean schools are also teaching racims in a way? Here is a direct quote from the text that I am questioning.
ReplyDeleteQuote-An important step in teaching with a multicultural perspective is helping children develop an awareness of inequality.
Page(s): 165, Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms
Fact-Today, at least 10 percent of its enrollment must be allocated to children with disabilities (Head Start Bureau, 2004)
Page(s): 181, Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms