Monday, January 10, 2011

EDU 308 Spring 2011 Ch. 7 Posts

Please post your question, quote, and fact here for Ch. 7.


  1. Question: Why is it that the large majority of teachers are white Eurpean Ancestry?

    Quote: "A good multicultural teacher must believe in social justice and advancement of democracy."(242)

    Fact: Learning about one's own strength's and weaknses is essential in the educational field.

  2. Chapter 7

    Question: How can we as teachers balance the needs of children with disabilities, language barriers and the “typical” children all while trying to teach the same curriculum to everyone?

    Quote: “Curriculum respects and supports individual, cultural and linguistic diversity. Curriculum supports and encourages positive relationships with children’s families.”

    Fact: Teacher’s must first demonstrate a multi-cultural attitude with no bias’ or stereotypical behaviors or thoughts; children are like sponges and can pick up on these quickly.

  3. Question: In what state is there the most students that speak English as their second language?

    Quote: "The partnership between schools and families is important for the healthy development of any young child."

    Fact: The goal in the multicultural classroom is for every child to find a nurturing and appropriate environment where they are welcomed as they are.

  4. Question: Is early multicultural education harder to teach or is older multicultural education?

    Quote: "A curriculum framework is a dynamic system that should guide all aspects of a high quality program." -Division of Early Childhod

    Fact: A variety of learning experiences provides for the children's diverse needs and learning styles.

  5. Question: As an educator, what can I do if I am placed in a school that can not financially afford appropriate materials for every culture group that attends there?

    Quote: "Every time a child smiles, you can see the future" (p. 240).

    Informative Fact: According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2006, "20 percent of children age 5 and older" spoke a language that was not English. (p. 253).

  6. Quote: Nothing is further from reality than the presumption that all people from a cultural group have identical qualities and values. Just as children from the same family have different characteristics, so do members of cultural groups. Pg 258
    Question: Since the classroom environment; posters, manipulations and literature send messages to the students about what is and what is not important to the teacher, then why don't more teachers incoorporate multicultural art, music and literature into their classrooms? Pg 270
    Fact: Children between the ages of 2-5 begin to form their character and construct their view about the world that surrounds them.What they learn during those formative years, both positive and negative, determines the moral nature of their character for the rest of their lives.

  7. Question: Can parents show a negative view on a culture that a child is learning in a class that will affect other parents and students?

    Quote: "all children are competent and their learning must be rooted in experiences appropriate to their developmental levels and cultures."

    Fact: The knowledge to be built in multicultural teaching includes concepts about oneself and others in the context of a diverse society.

  8. Quote: "A curriculum framework is a dynamic system that should guide all aspects of a high quality program." p255

    Question: How will you know which curriculum works best for certain students in multicultural education?

    Fact: CREDE proposes five standards as a framework for teaching practices in programs serving children with diverse characteristics. Following the definition of pedagogy as an interactive experience between children and teachers and framed in the tenets of developmental and sociocultural theory. p259

  9. QUESTION: Is the goal of all multicultural classrooms the same or do some have added goals?
    QUOTE: PG 261: The development and education of a child is a responsibility of families, teachers, caregivers, and communities.
    FACT: PG 240: Although we have a growing number of students of increasingly diverse backgrounds, the large majority of teachers continues to be white.

  10. Quote: "A curriculum framework is a dynamic system that should guide all aspects of a high quality program" - Division of Early Childhood (2007) (P.255)

    Fact: Parents and teachers need to join forces in shaping accepting attitudes and eliminating prejudiceformation in young children. (P.262)

    Question: What should children learn?

  11. Quote:"Therefore, teachers of young children must be committed to building collaborative relationships with diverse groups in communities and schools to create more equitable and nurturing environments for all children."

    Question: Why are teachers predominantly white?

    Fact:20 % of children ages 5 and older speak a language other than English.

  12. Quote: Making the transition to a multicultural education program requires not only time and careful preperation, but also an examination of curricular practices.
    Question: If we as teachers deviate from our curriculum who do we get ourselves back on track?
    Fact: The goal in the multicultural classroom is for every child to find a nuturing and appropriate environment where they are welcomed as they are

  13. Fact- pg 253 'census statistics show that nearly 20% of children age 5 and older speak a language other than English.'
    Quote- pg 247 'Teaching is an important part of the growth process, complemented by familial and societal experiences.'
    Question- Is it necessary to incorporate multiculture into every subject we teach everyday? Or is it something we just do every so many days or certain subjects?

  14. Question: What is the best way to incorporate multicultural education in an early childhood classroom?

    Quote: "Multicultural education is for all students." p.241

    Fact: Next to parents, teachers are the single most important factor in the lives of children.

  15. Question- why is it so important for the political , social and economic reasons to recognize that the U.S. is a culturally diverse society.
    fact-A good multicultural teacher must believe in social justice and advancement of democracy.
    quote-teacher collaboration is an important element of multicultural education

  16. Question: What kinds of pictures and literature can a multicultural teacher display in his or her classroom to convey positive messages about diversity?

    Quote: “Multiculturalness is the perspective and posture the teacher assumes and imparts through her or his classroom practices, even when teaching an all-European American class” (p.263).

    Informative Fact: Verifying developmentally appropriate practices, analyzing the curriculum, and taking an inventory of the classroom environment are the three tasks that must be performed by every early childhood educator who has made a commitment to teach in a multicultural way.

  17. Question: What are some traits a good multicultural teacher possesses and demonstrates in the classroom?

    Quote: The goal in the multicultural classroom is for every child to find a nurturing and appropriate environment where they are welcomed as they are. p. 248

    Fact: According to DCAP, curriculum for children emerges from the blend of the children’s needs, the teacher’s knowledge, and the expectations of families and communities. p. 258

  18. Quote: "What is in the environment also alerts children to what the teacher considers important or not important. Children are as vulnerable to omissions as they are to inaccuracies and stereotypes: What isn't (seen) can be as powerful a contributor to attitudes as what is seen." - Dermam-Sparks (1989)

    Fact:...learning does not happen in isolated bits and pieces. Teaching is an important part of the growth process, complemented by familial and societal experiences.

    Question: What skills to teachers need in order to facilitate learning and achievement for minority students in a general classroom?

  19. Question: What are the most important characteristics of a multicultural educator?

    Fact: In order to help ELL students to succeed, teachers should first gather information about the students' language diversity by interviewing parents and family members, observing the students' linguistic interactions, or by using questionnaires and surveys. This information will help the teacher design activities that will meet the students' needs.

    Quote: "A curriculum framework is a dynamic system that should guide all aspects of a high quality program." -Division of Early Childhood (2007)

  20. Question: What are the steps toward multicultural friendly teaching? (245)
    Quote: A curriculum framework is a dynamic system that should guide all aspects of a high quality program. (255)
    Fact: Using a conceptual scheme to create multicultural content is invaluable.

  21. Carrie Stewart Jensen posted her blog on 2-12-11 at 6:16

  22. Question: How often should we tie multicultural into everyday subjects?
    Quote: "Curriculum respects and supports individual, cultural and linguistic diverstiy. Curriculum supports and encourages positive realtionships with children's families." page 239
    Fact: Multiculturalness is the perspective and posture the teacher assumes and imparts through her or his classroom practices, even when teaching an all-European American class. page 263

  23. Fact: Learning does not happen in isolated bits and pieces. The same is true of teaching (p 247).

    Quote: "The child is at heart of the curriculum. All children are competent and their learning must be rooted in experiences appropriate to their developmental levels and cultures" (p 255).

    Question: How can I find the best program to use in my classroom to reach out to my students and ensure they are getting a proper multicultural education that will best prepare them and engage them?

  24. Question:

    When planning how to we make sure we covered everything without being long winded


    When you make the decision to infuse the multicultural perspective into your teaching, you make a commitment to invigorate your instructional practice and provide children with learning experices that are valid in the context of today's world.


    There are many steps to teaching with a multicultural perspective. The first step is to look at yourself. you must recognize how important you are as a teacher and, even more, as a professional early childhood educator. as a professional educator, you are the best champion children have. Their hopes for a responsive education are placed on you etc.

  25. Fact: is constantly searching for new approaches and or/methods to imporve multicultural teaching.
    Quote: A curriculum framework is a dynamic system that should guide all aspects of a high quality program.
    Question: What ideas do you have in getting your students involved in their community?
    Mary Sanders
