Ch. 5 Fact: American Indians practiced frequent bathing while Europeans did not. Europeans believed that exposing one's body to the air could cause colds and other health problems. Quote: "They made many promises, so many I can't remember, but they only kept one. They promised to take our land, and they took it." Cloud Pg. 105 Question: I found it interesting to read about the Chinese women and how they were only brought over for prostitution, but why was it so wrong for the wives to come over with their husbands?
Ch. 6 Question: How can Maryland promote religious freedom if two religious groups [Jews and Unitarians] were not allowed to settle there? Quote: "The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." Adams Pg. 143 Fact: Public schools in the United States did not teach about religious freedom; they reinforced Protestant beliefs, causing Catholics and Jews to establish schools for their children in addition to or instead of public schools.
Chapter 5 Question: Why were Native American treaties consistently violated? Quote: "If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." -Voltaire Fact: In 1913, California legislators passed the Alien Land Law to prohibit any immigrant ineligible for citizenship from owning land or leasing land for more than three years.
Chapter 6 Question: Why was there so little reference to religion in the original Constitution? Quote: "We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another." -Jonathan Swift Fact: The last time the Klan's anit-Catholicism would be seen on the national stage was in the presidential election of 1928.
Chapter 5 Quote:"Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it." Proverb Question:What were black Americans doing to cope with race problems? Fact:The Ku Klux Klan reached its peak of five million members in 1925.
Chapter 6 Quote:"Anti Semitisn is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America." Tait Question:How were Jews affected by the "Americanization of religion"? Fact:In 2002, the court created a controversy in Newdow v. United States Congree by ruling the inclusion of "under God" served a religious not a secular purpose.
Peggy Doolan Chapter 5 Quote-"All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers. Each one owes infinitely more to the human race that to the particular country in which he was born.
Question-Why did it take so long for the United States to take a stand against lynching?
Fact-It is widely known that comtempory Indians operate casinos, but less that 1% of the Native American population make revenue from gambling profits.
Chapter 6 Quote-"Anti Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America"
Question-What influence did that Holocaust have on American attitudes?
Fact- The "Great Awakening" promoted the principle of religious freedom.
Good job all of you, Kerri, Mark, Lindsay, Lindsay, Peggy, and Michelle! These cards will serve your small group discussions well. I also like your quotes from the book here. Make sure that you read your peers cards here too.
Katherine Hecker Quote: "Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it." Fact: The primary contention between European colonists and Indians was land ownership. Question: Why did the Native American and Know-Nothing parties promote anti-Catholicism?
Ch 5 Question: Was there a decrease in discrimination against blacks after World War I? Quote: “Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it” Proverb pg.104 Fact: Although the term Native American has become widely used, there is still not a consensus among native peoples about the generic term they prefer. Ch 6 Question: How schools in America teach about religion? Quote:” The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion”. Adams pg.143 Fact: The number of Catholics in the Unites States had expanded form several hundred thousand to nearly 2 million.
Chapter 5: Question: How did black Americans deal with race problems? Quote: "God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are not alike." -Duwamish Proverb Informative Fact: Model Americans are those who have overcome all obstacles and achieved success. Chapter 6: Question: Why wasn't religious freedom guranteed in the Constitution? Quote: A believer is a bird in a cage: a freethinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wing. Informative Fact: Anti-seminism was employed for the first time by a German journalist to express his opposition to the Jewish "race."
Chapter 5 Question : Was it more common to have an arranged marriage ( picture brides) then a actual couple getting married ? Quote : "What the people want is very simple. They an America as good as its promise."Barbara Jordan pg.129 Fact: American Indian practiced frequent bathing.While the Euopeans did
Chapter 6 Question : Who decided on which religion the community would believe in ? Quote : "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another."Jonathan Swift pg.147 Fact: Schools cannot force students to pray,but they also cannot prevent a student from praying. Pg.156
Chapter 5: How did our country become known as the free melting pot when youu could only be free if you were white?
Everyone likes to give as well as receive. No one wishes only to receive all the time. We have taken so much from your culture. I wish you had taken something from our culture for there were some good and beautiful things in it. Chief Dan George
As I look back at many things I did not know about our history as a nation, I find that there are many more things in which to be ashamed...We began as a nation of hypocrites and I am still trying to decide how much has really changed today.
Chapter 6: I begin by referring to the first paragraph of this chapter..."Usually those who complain believe that one religion, their religion, is the only true faith"...I ask...what kind of faith is it if it does not have your full measure of devotion?
We establish no religion in America, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, seperate. All are free to believe or not to believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief. Ronald Reagan
I can have my religion and believe that it is the only true religion without denying others the same right. I can speak to others about my religion and they to me about the end it is our own choice what we believe. I am a Christian and will always believe that Gods way is the only way and I will keep sharing this with others but I can do so without judgement and without ridicule. Jesus told us to love one another, that is the greatest command...sounds like something good to teach out children no matter their religion, doesn't it?
Question: A large number of catholic immigtants came to the US, what was their impact? Quote: "A believer is a bird in a cage; a free thinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wings." Fact: In 1920 the LULAC was formed. LULAC stands for League of United Latin American Citizens.
Great points here Teresa! I agree. The Christian scripture is, "Love your neighbor as yourself." It does not say, "Love your Christian neighbor as yourself," nor does it say, "Love your white, heterosexual neighbor as yourself."
Usually, history is taught by the conquerors, and it is biased as is the law unfortunately. We must work to make the world more just and more equal.
Get me to discuss the first private schools and the Catholics in class. Get me to discuss how the Catholics were treated in "public" schools and in the curriculum materials too.
Chapter 5 quote:"The basic race hatred in the United States is the amtter of educated and distinguished leaders of white civilization" -WEB Du Bois fact:Although Chinese immigrants constituted of less than one percent of the US population in 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. question: Without the model minority myth, is the statement "a distraction that avoids the reality of ongoing discrimation" suggesting Asian Americans got off easier than other people of color?
chapter 6 fact: Between 1820 and 1865, of approximately 2 million Irish immigrants to the United States, over one million were Catholic. quote: "Anti Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. it has no place in America" -William Howard Tait question: Did the Jewish students in public schools have to suffer reading stereotypes published about their own race in their textbooks?
Did certain advertisements (like Aunt Jeminma p. 115) encourage racism? How do advertisements today still show that racism still exists? How did Americans react to certain advertisements opposed to how they may react to them today?
There are many ethnicities discussed in chapter 5. What particular group seemed to handle the most adversity at this time? Has this changed? Why?
Quotes from reading: "People of color were told that if they were willing to work as hard as asian americans, they could be just as successful, and if they failed it was their own fault." --does this resentmen against Asian americans from african americans still exist?
Interesting fact: Southern states supported segregated private schools, only spending an average of less than $2 annually per student in public schools compared to $20 per student providing in northern states. p. 111
Question about Reading: Why does Christianity seem to be the most accepted religion in America? How often in the classroom do we see this? How as teachers can we promote relgious equality in the classroom and in our daily curriculum?
Quote from reading:
"Mary Baker Eddy responded to the growing importance of scientific research by founding Church of Christ, Scientist. Eddy spoke of an Eternal mind as the source of life, and that disease was a consequence of mental error. Christian scientists sought to overcome the illusions that have been the source of all human troubles." p. 149.
Interesting fact:
As the number of jews at Harvard escalated from %6 in 1908 to %22 in 1922, the president of Harvard proposed establishing a quote for the number of Jews Harvard would accept. Faculty rejected his plan, but Harvard still limited the number of jews for many decades. Other colleges established quotes for Jewish enrollment anywhere from %3 to %16. (p.151) (was this before or after affirmative action act?)
Chapter 5 FACT: Columbus represents one early form of extreme oppression. When he happened across an island that was already inhabitated by people, including the Arawaks, his only concern was power.He sent some of the natives back to Spain to be auctioned as slaves, and punished them when they did not give him what he wanted, including gold which they really didnt have.
QUOTE: "If we beleive absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." -Voltaire
QUESTION:Why do some Americans still feel so endangered by the "unknown"? I wonder what different perspectives children would have on prejusice if some of these stories WERE included in history books?
Chapter 6 FACT: Starting in the 1950's, U.S. federal courts wrote several decisions related to the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom being enforced or contradicted in schools.
QUOTE:"Unfortunately, recent immigrants continue to encounter prejudice as Americans persist in their past animosities and revert to learned stereotypes."
QUESTION: How come when Americans learned the horrors of the holocaust, it changed their views towards Jews, however the own horrors of our own nation's past didn't change opinions of those involved quite as much?
ch.5 Question- Do advertisements encourage rascism? Could they be viewed by others as acceptance? Quote- "Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it." Fact- American Indians had good bathing rituals while the Europeans did not.
ch.6 Question- Did the Holocaust have a negative effect on American views of people who were Jewish? Quote- "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another." Fact- Immigrants to America have and still include those of different faith. (Non-Christians)
Courtnay Menard Ch 5 Quote: God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are different.
Question: Was the European settlers fear and hatred of the Native Americans based on the fact that the Natives knew the land and could survive so the settlers were jealous?
Fact: In 1870, the California legislature passed the Page Law to stop the immigration of Chinese prostitutes, but this resulted in the exclusion of almost all Chinese women. By 1890, the ratio of Chinese men to women was 26 to 1.
Ch 6 Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
Question: What led to the rise of Christianity as the most accepted religion in the United States? What happened to everyone moving here because of our religious tolerance?
Fact: To escape persecution, the Mormons headed west and did not stop until they had left the United States and reached the safety of Mexican territory.
ch. 5 Question- Did the Indians get much input in the formation of the treaties? Qoute- "The basic race hatred in the United States is a matter of the educated and distinguished leaders of white civilization." W.E.B. Du Bois Fact- Ethnocentrism is believing one's race, nation, or culture is superior to all other.
Ch 6: Question- Why was hostility directed against Catholics? Quote- "The government of the United Staes of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." John Adams Fact- Sectarian is a perspective on diverse Christian churches or sects in which an individual regards his or her own sect as the "true faith".
Chapter 5 Question: Why are Indian treaties still important today? Fact: Although slaves represented 20% of all Americans at this time, the word slave does not appear in the Constitution of the U.S.. Quote: "God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are not likable."
Chapter 6 Question: How have schools taught students about the concept of religious freedom. Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love another. Fact: Religious freedom was violently denied to the followers of Mormanism.
chapter 5 Question: What could be done in the classroom to decrease the cultural gap and discrimination that multicultural classrooms face? Fact: Mississippi civil rights leader Medgar Evers was shot and killed on his front porch. Quote: There is nothing quite so effective as a refusal to cooperate economically with the forces and institutions which perpetuate evil in our communities.
Chapter 6 Question: Why do people have such a hard time accepting others that do not believe the same way as they do? Fact:In 1833, Abner Kneeland was arrested and incarcerated in Massachusetts for questioning the divinity of Jesus, his miracles, and his resurrection. Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
Chapter 5 Question What causes each race to become familiar with what happens in their culture? How can we relate this in our classrooms today? Fact European settlers did not want to eat foods initially unfamiliar to them Quote "God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are not alike"
Chapter 6 Question As teachers how do we approach the concept of religion? Fact By 1850s the number of catholics in the U.S. had expanded from severval hundred thousand to hearly two milllion Quote "We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another"
Good points and questions here! Look at some of the lesson plan ideas from Rethinking Schools and Teaching Tolerance. Play around on those websites and in their materials. That will help you with a lot of these concerns. Look at 10 Chairs of Inequality in particular for classism ideas--especially since you are beginning your poverty work now.
Chapter 5 Question: As a teacher, what would happen if you were teaching about different races and the obstacles that people had to face, what if the students or their parents were to get offended? Fact: Ethnocentrism is the belief that one one’s own race, nation, or culture is superior to all the others . Quote: Poor Mexico, so far from God, so near the United States. ( I feel bad that this is a quote from the book and I live in the U.S. I can’t believe that people thought and maybe even still feel this way.)
Chapter 6 Question: If religion is such a main aspect of the history of the different cultures in the world, then why is religion separated from the schools? Fact: Deism is a religious philosophy based on rationality that was devoid of mysticism. Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
Misty Roe Chapters 5 & 6 Fact-Ethnocentrism is believing one's race, nation, or culture is superior to all other. Quote-What the people want is very simple. They want an America as good as its promise.(Barbara Jordan) Question-Do you feel that you have any bias towards any certain religion?
Ch. 5
ReplyDeleteFact: American Indians practiced frequent bathing while Europeans did not. Europeans believed that exposing one's body to the air could cause colds and other health problems.
Quote: "They made many promises, so many I can't remember, but they only kept one. They promised to take our land, and they took it." Cloud Pg. 105
Question: I found it interesting to read about the Chinese women and how they were only brought over for prostitution, but why was it so wrong for the wives to come over with their husbands?
Ch. 6
Question: How can Maryland promote religious freedom if two religious groups [Jews and Unitarians] were not allowed to settle there?
Quote: "The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." Adams Pg. 143
Fact: Public schools in the United States did not teach about religious freedom; they reinforced Protestant beliefs, causing Catholics and Jews to establish schools for their children in addition to or instead of public schools.
Lindsay Meyers
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
Question: Why were Native American treaties consistently violated?
Quote: "If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." -Voltaire
Fact: In 1913, California legislators passed the Alien Land Law to prohibit any immigrant ineligible for citizenship from owning land or leasing land for more than three years.
Chapter 6
Question: Why was there so little reference to religion in the original Constitution?
Quote: "We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another." -Jonathan Swift
Fact: The last time the Klan's anit-Catholicism would be seen on the national stage was in the presidential election of 1928.
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuote:"Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it." Proverb
Question:What were black Americans doing to cope with race problems?
Fact:The Ku Klux Klan reached its peak of five million members in 1925.
Chapter 6
Quote:"Anti Semitisn is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America." Tait
Question:How were Jews affected by the "Americanization of religion"?
Fact:In 2002, the court created a controversy in Newdow v. United States Congree by ruling the inclusion of "under God" served a religious not a secular purpose.
ReplyDeleteCH. 5
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
"If we believe absurdities we shall commit atrocities."
Between 1907 and 1970, large numbers of Filipinos immigrated primarily to Hawaii as agricultural laborers.
ReplyDeleteCH. 6
What caused anti-Catholic sentiments in the U.S. to subside?
"The government of the United States of America is not any way founded on the Christian Religion."
Immigrants to the U.S. included members of non-Christian religious groups.
Peggy Doolan
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
Quote-"All wars are civil wars because all men are brothers. Each one owes infinitely more to the human race that to the particular country in which he was born.
Question-Why did it take so long for the United States to take a stand against lynching?
Fact-It is widely known that comtempory Indians operate casinos, but less that 1% of the Native American population make revenue from gambling profits.
Chapter 6
Quote-"Anti Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. It has no place in America"
Question-What influence did that Holocaust have on American attitudes?
Fact- The "Great Awakening" promoted the principle of religious freedom.
Chap 5
ReplyDeleteQuote "Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it" Arapaho Proverb
Fact Europeans exterminated 1/2 of 500 nations of indigenous people in the Americas.
Question Why are Indian treaties still important today?
Chap 6
Quote We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another. Jonathan Swift
Fact Protestants were the dominant group 1/3 of Americans who claimed church membership in 1920 were Catholic.
Question How can public schools teach about religion in a way that respects all religions?
Good job all of you, Kerri, Mark, Lindsay, Lindsay, Peggy, and Michelle! These cards will serve your small group discussions well. I also like your quotes from the book here. Make sure that you read your peers cards here too.
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Dr. Hendrix
Katherine Hecker
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it."
Fact: The primary contention between European colonists and Indians was land ownership.
Question: Why did the Native American and Know-Nothing parties promote anti-Catholicism?
Ch 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Was there a decrease in discrimination against blacks after World War I?
Quote: “Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it” Proverb pg.104
Fact: Although the term Native American has become widely used, there is still not a consensus among native peoples about the generic term they prefer.
Ch 6
Question: How schools in America teach about religion?
Quote:” The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion”. Adams pg.143
Fact: The number of Catholics in the Unites States had expanded form several hundred thousand to nearly 2 million.
Chapter 5:
ReplyDeleteQuestion: How did black Americans deal with race problems?
Quote: "God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are not alike." -Duwamish Proverb
Informative Fact: Model Americans are those who have overcome all obstacles and achieved success.
Chapter 6:
Question: Why wasn't religious freedom guranteed in the Constitution?
Quote: A believer is a bird in a cage: a freethinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wing.
Informative Fact: Anti-seminism was employed for the first time by a German journalist to express his opposition to the Jewish "race."
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion : Was it more common to have an arranged marriage ( picture brides) then a actual couple getting married ?
Quote : "What the people want is very simple. They an America as good as its promise."Barbara Jordan pg.129
Fact: American Indian practiced frequent bathing.While the Euopeans did
Chapter 6
Question : Who decided on which religion the community would believe in ?
Quote : "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another."Jonathan Swift pg.147
Fact: Schools cannot force students to pray,but they also cannot prevent a student from praying. Pg.156
Good questions here! They will stimulate small and large group discussion tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work,
Dr. Hendrix
Chapter 5:
ReplyDeleteHow did our country become known as the free melting pot when youu could only be free if you were white?
Everyone likes to give as well as receive. No one wishes only to receive all the time. We have taken so much from your culture. I wish you had taken something from our culture for there were some good and beautiful things in it.
Chief Dan George
As I look back at many things I did not know about our history as a nation, I find that there are many more things in which to be ashamed...We began as a nation of hypocrites and I am still trying to decide how much has really changed today.
Chapter 6:
I begin by referring to the first paragraph of this chapter..."Usually those who complain believe that one religion, their religion, is the only true faith"...I ask...what kind of faith is it if it does not have your full measure of devotion?
We establish no religion in America, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, seperate. All are free to believe or not to believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief.
Ronald Reagan
I can have my religion and believe that it is the only true religion without denying others the same right. I can speak to others about my religion and they to me about the end it is our own choice what we believe. I am a Christian and will always believe that Gods way is the only way and I will keep sharing this with others but I can do so without judgement and without ridicule. Jesus told us to love one another, that is the greatest command...sounds like something good to teach out children no matter their religion, doesn't it?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA large number of catholic immigtants came to the US, what was their impact?
"A believer is a bird in a cage; a free thinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wings."
Fact: In 1920 the LULAC was formed. LULAC stands for League of United Latin American Citizens.
Great points here Teresa! I agree. The Christian scripture is, "Love your neighbor as yourself." It does not say, "Love your Christian neighbor as yourself," nor does it say, "Love your white, heterosexual neighbor as yourself."
ReplyDeleteUsually, history is taught by the conquerors, and it is biased as is the law unfortunately. We must work to make the world more just and more equal.
Get me to discuss the first private schools and the Catholics in class. Get me to discuss how the Catholics were treated in "public" schools and in the curriculum materials too.
Good job everyone so far!
Keep going,
Dr. Hendrix
Chapter 5
ReplyDeletequote:"The basic race hatred in the United States is the amtter of educated and distinguished leaders of white civilization"
-WEB Du Bois
fact:Although Chinese immigrants constituted of less than one percent of the US population in 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act.
question: Without the model minority myth, is the statement "a distraction that avoids the reality of ongoing discrimation" suggesting Asian Americans got off easier than other people of color?
chapter 6
fact: Between 1820 and 1865, of approximately 2 million Irish immigrants to the United States, over one million were Catholic.
quote: "Anti Semitism is a noxious weed that should be cut out. it has no place in America"
-William Howard Tait
question: Did the Jewish students in public schools have to suffer reading stereotypes published about their own race in their textbooks?
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion about reading:
Did certain advertisements (like Aunt Jeminma p. 115) encourage racism? How do advertisements today still show that racism still exists? How did Americans react to certain advertisements opposed to how they may react to them today?
There are many ethnicities discussed in chapter 5. What particular group seemed to handle the most adversity at this time? Has this changed? Why?
Quotes from reading:
"People of color were told that if they were willing to work as hard as asian americans, they could be just as successful, and if they failed it was their own fault."
--does this resentmen against Asian americans from african americans still exist?
Interesting fact:
Southern states supported segregated private schools, only spending an average of less than $2 annually per student in public schools compared to $20 per student providing in northern states. p. 111
Chapter 6 Card:
ReplyDeleteQuestion about Reading:
Why does Christianity seem to be the most accepted religion in America? How often in the classroom do we see this? How as teachers can we promote relgious equality in the classroom and in our daily curriculum?
Quote from reading:
"Mary Baker Eddy responded to the growing importance of scientific research by founding Church of Christ, Scientist. Eddy spoke of an Eternal mind as the source of life, and that disease was a consequence of mental error. Christian scientists sought to overcome the illusions that have been the source of all human troubles." p. 149.
Interesting fact:
As the number of jews at Harvard escalated from %6 in 1908 to %22 in 1922, the president of Harvard proposed establishing a quote for the number of Jews Harvard would accept. Faculty rejected his plan, but Harvard still limited the number of jews for many decades. Other colleges established quotes for Jewish enrollment anywhere from %3 to %16. (p.151)
(was this before or after affirmative action act?)
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteFACT: Columbus represents one early form of extreme oppression. When he happened across an island that was already inhabitated by people, including the Arawaks, his only concern was power.He sent some of the natives back to Spain to be auctioned as slaves, and punished them when they did not give him what he wanted, including gold which they really didnt have.
QUOTE: "If we beleive absurdities, we shall commit atrocities." -Voltaire
QUESTION:Why do some Americans still feel so endangered by the "unknown"? I wonder what different perspectives children would have on prejusice if some of these stories WERE included in history books?
Chapter 6
FACT: Starting in the 1950's, U.S. federal courts wrote several decisions related to the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom being enforced or contradicted in schools.
QUOTE:"Unfortunately, recent immigrants continue to encounter prejudice as Americans persist in their past animosities and revert to learned stereotypes."
QUESTION: How come when Americans learned the horrors of the holocaust, it changed their views towards Jews, however the own horrors of our own nation's past didn't change opinions of those involved quite as much?
Emily Ebling
ReplyDeleteChapter 5
QUESTION: How does the model minority myth distort reality?
QUOTE: "Almost all people heve this potential for evil, which would be unleashed only under circumstances."-Iris Chang
INTERESTING FACT: Congress passed the Chinesse Exclusion Act even though they representated only 1% of the population.
Chapter 6
QUESTION: Was any group actively persecuted for their religious beliefs?
INTERESTING FACT: The Leauge of United Latin American Citizens was formed in 1920.
ReplyDeleteQuestion- Do advertisements encourage rascism? Could they be viewed by others as acceptance?
Quote- "Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it."
Fact- American Indians had good bathing rituals while the Europeans did not.
ReplyDeleteQuestion- Did the Holocaust have a negative effect on American views of people who were Jewish?
Quote- "We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another."
Fact- Immigrants to America have and still include those of different faith. (Non-Christians)
Courtnay Menard
ReplyDeleteCh 5
Quote: God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are different.
Question: Was the European settlers fear and hatred of the Native Americans based on the fact that the Natives knew the land and could survive so the settlers were jealous?
Fact: In 1870, the California legislature passed the Page Law to stop the immigration of Chinese prostitutes, but this resulted in the exclusion of almost all Chinese women. By 1890, the ratio of Chinese men to women was 26 to 1.
Ch 6
Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
Question: What led to the rise of Christianity as the most accepted religion in the United States? What happened to everyone moving here because of our religious tolerance?
Fact: To escape persecution, the Mormons headed west and did not stop until they had left the United States and reached the safety of Mexican territory.
ch. 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion- Did the Indians get much input in the formation of the treaties?
Qoute- "The basic race hatred in the United States is a matter of the educated and distinguished leaders of white civilization." W.E.B. Du Bois
Fact- Ethnocentrism is believing one's race, nation, or culture is superior to all other.
Ch 6:
Question- Why was hostility directed against Catholics?
Quote- "The government of the United Staes of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." John Adams
Fact- Sectarian is a perspective on diverse Christian churches or sects in which an individual regards his or her own sect as the "true faith".
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Why are Indian treaties still important today?
Fact: Although slaves represented 20% of all Americans at this time, the word slave does not appear in the Constitution of the U.S..
Quote: "God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are not likable."
Chapter 6
Question: How have schools taught students about the concept of religious freedom.
Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love another.
Fact: Religious freedom was violently denied to the followers of Mormanism.
chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: What could be done in the classroom to decrease the cultural gap and discrimination that multicultural classrooms face?
Fact: Mississippi civil rights leader Medgar Evers was shot and killed on his front porch.
Quote: There is nothing quite so effective as a refusal to cooperate economically with the forces and institutions which perpetuate evil in our communities.
Chapter 6
Question: Why do people have such a hard time accepting others that do not believe the same way as they do?
Fact:In 1833, Abner Kneeland was arrested and incarcerated in Massachusetts for questioning the divinity of Jesus, his miracles, and his resurrection.
Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
ReplyDeleteGood job here! Look back at the theories of discrimination. I think that will help you with your questions. Good quotes here!
Take care,
Dr. Hendrix
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion What causes each race to become familiar with what happens in their culture? How can we relate this in our classrooms today?
Fact European settlers did not want to eat foods initially unfamiliar to them
Quote "God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are not alike"
Chapter 6
Question As teachers how do we approach the concept of religion?
Fact By 1850s the number of catholics in the U.S. had expanded from severval hundred thousand to hearly two milllion
Quote "We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another"
ReplyDeleteGood points and questions here! Look at some of the lesson plan ideas from Rethinking Schools and Teaching Tolerance. Play around on those websites and in their materials. That will help you with a lot of these concerns. Look at 10 Chairs of Inequality in particular for classism ideas--especially since you are beginning your poverty work now.
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: As a teacher, what would happen if you were teaching about different races and the obstacles that people had to face, what if the students or their parents were to get offended?
Fact: Ethnocentrism is the belief that one one’s own race, nation, or culture is superior to all the others .
Quote: Poor Mexico, so far from God, so near the United States. ( I feel bad that this is a quote from the book and I live in the U.S. I can’t believe that people thought and maybe even still feel this way.)
Chapter 6
Question: If religion is such a main aspect of the history of the different cultures in the world, then why is religion separated from the schools?
Fact: Deism is a religious philosophy based on rationality that was devoid of mysticism.
Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
Misty Roe
ReplyDeleteChapters 5 & 6
Fact-Ethnocentrism is believing one's race, nation, or culture is superior to all other.
Quote-What the people want is very simple. They want an America as good as its promise.(Barbara Jordan)
Question-Do you feel that you have any bias towards any certain religion?