Thursday, January 29, 2009

Discussion Cards for Ch. 13 and 14

Please post your cards here.


    CH. 13
    What does it mean for education to be called multicultural?

    "The role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people. To the teacher, America entrusts her most precious resource, her children,and asks that they be prepared in all their glorious diversity, to face the rigors of individual participation in a democratic society."

    As Murrell observed, The increasing racial, cultural, and ethnic divversity among the populations attending urban schools poses an important challenge to providing quality public education.

    CH. 14

    Is affirmative action good or bad for our society?

    "One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."

    Since the 1960's, colleges and universities have implemented affirmative action plans to increase the number of students of color on their campuses.

  3. Lindsay Meyers

    Ch. 13

    Question: In what different ways do individuals learn?

    Quote: "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." -Chinese Proverb

    Fact: Although the percentage of white teachers is predicted to remain stable, the percentage of students of color is predicted to be 57% by 2035.

    Ch. 14

    Question: How did John F. Kennedy help African Americans?

    Quote: "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in." -Theodore Roosevelt

    Fact: By 2035, experts predict that 40% of students in journalism and mass communication will be students of color.

  4. Chapter 13
    Question: What essential values should be taught in the classroom?
    Fact: Retention refers to student recall of knowledge; transfer is the ability of students to apply that knowledge both inside and outside the classroom.
    Quote: Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
    Chapter 14
    Question: Is diversity an issue in the Education field.
    Fact: According to Katzenstein and Reppy (1999), women represent approximately 14% or enlisted personnel, 14% of officers, and 20% of those in basic training.
    Quote: “ When we dream alone, we are merely dreaming; but when we dream together, that’s the beginning of reality.”

  5. Ch. 13
    Quote: "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."- Chinese proverb [pg. 313]
    Question: Is it less, more, or equal in importance to teach multiculutral education in small town schools as it is in the larger schools?
    Fact: Good teaching is about an exchange of cultures. [pg. 323]

    Ch. 14
    Fact: Americans come from almost every country on the planet; our diversity is represented by differences not only in geographical origins but also in religion, social class, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, age, region, and dialect, as well as individuals in multiple categories. [pg. 338]
    Question: Should all companies be required to do diversity training?
    Quote: "When we dream alone, we are merely dreaming; but when we dream together, that's the beginning of reality." Brazilian proverb [ph. 356]

  6. Michelle,

    Good job here! I like your quote and your fact.
    What do you think about diversity training? I think it should be required.

    Keep going!

  7. Stephanie,

    What do you think about diversity in education? What do you think about Columbine and Jena 6? Good facts here!

    Keep working hard!

  8. Lindsay,

    Good point about the teachers'demographics versus the students' demographics! What does that mean to you then as a socially just educator? I like your Chinese Proverb here.

    Keep going!

  9. Mark,

    Good points and quotes here! Pose these questions for your small group.

    Keep working hard!

  10. chpt 13
    quote: "teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself" -Chinese Proverb
    question: when the book talks about the conceptual approach to curriculum, is that for all ages of children, or the middle and high school levels? i don't see it being too easy for second graders to memorize information or go home and research in more indepth on their own.
    fact:students in these [urban] schools were often frustrated by low test scores, frequent descepline referrals, high dropout rates, and high stress levels for teachers and students.

    chpt 14
    fact: having a positive work environment to accommodate diversity improves productivity and reduces turnover costs.
    question: it is being argued whether to allow gays and lesbians in the army, but how can one really know if someone is gay or lesbian? do they simply ask them and then have to go off their basic trust of that person's word"
    quote: "this country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in" -Theodore Roosevelt

  11. Chap 13
    Quote "Ideals are like stars you will not succeed in touching them with your hands, but like the seafarer ... you choose them as your guides and following them you reach your destiny." Carl Schurz

    Fact When tested for retintion of info students tend to recall no more than 20% of what they had supposedly learned the first time the took the exam.

    Question What must teachers do to implement a multicultural education approach?

    Chap 14
    Quote "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in" Theodore Roosevelt

    Fact 1 out of every 5 soldiers recruited by the army is a women and half are African American.

    Question Why aren't women fighting for the same amount of pay as men when they are just as qualified or more qualified than men for that amount?

  12. Ch13
    Question: Why have school implemented multicultural curriculum?
    Quote: “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.” Chinese Proverb
    Fact: Multicultural education is based on a commitment to pluralism; its guiding purpose is to prepare students to be active participants in a diverse, democratic society.

    Ch 14
    Question: What is corporate litigation?
    Quote: “This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.” Roosevelt
    Fact: Diversity pairing, where people from diverse backgrounds are paired to provide them with opportunities to interact and become better acquainted.

  13. Chapter 13
    Quote:"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." Chinese Proverb
    Question:What must teachers do to implement a multicultural approach?
    Fact: Research studies have confirmed that teacher attitudes can positively or negatively affect student self-confidence

    Chapter 14
    Quote:"For each age is a dream that is dying. Or one that is coming to birth." O'Shaughnessy
    Question:What is discrimination litigation?
    Fact:Since the 1960's colleges have implemented affirmative action plans to increase the number of colored students on their campuses.

  14. Katherine Hecker
    Fact: An essentialist teacher is supposed to be a skillful transmitter of information and an advocate for American values.

    Quote: "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself"

    Question: In the "knowledge explosion" how do you determine which facts are the most important?

  15. Class,

    I am hearing the same themes here about using a multicultural curriculum in your classes and how to do it. Please pose this to me in your big class discussion. There are many ways to do this and have a multicultural class/curriculum. Have me discuss "vulgar multicultural education" versus an authentic multicultural education too.

    Good points! Keep reading!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Question: What is multiethnic education?
    Quote: "Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones." Charlotte Bronte
    Fact: Transfer is the action of applying what is learned in the classroom to everyday situations.

  18. ch.13

    question- is there a wrong way to teach multicuturaly?
    fact- research shows that a teachers attitude can affect a students work positively or negatively.
    quote- "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."


    question- Chould businesses and companies be required to have diverity training for employees?
    fact- By 2035, experts predict that 40% of students in journalism and mass communication will be students of color.
    quote- "When we dream alone, we are merely dreaming; but when we dream together, that's the beginning of reality."

  19. Chapter 13
    How many different cultures are there in the world and how do we decide which to include in our curriculum and which to leave out?

    Text books provide: "A sketchy account of Black history and little sense of contemporary Black life. Asian Americans appear mainly as figures on the landscape with virtually no history or contemporary ethnic experience...Native Americans appear mainly as historical figures."

    The wise person can see a question from all sides without bias. The foolish person is biased and can see a question only from one side.

    Chapter 14
    Considering that our society seems to be very single minded (the me, me, me attitude) has affirmative action been affirmative in reference to our attitudes towards those to whom these quotas are applied?

    Despite a wealth of diversity, American has not yet become a pluralistic society where human differences are percieved as enriching and valuable.

    This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.
    Theodore Roosevelt

  20. Chapter 13
    QUOTE: "Attitudes affect learning. It is generally understood that if students think that they cannot learn something, then they arent likely to learn it."
    FACT: Schools are becoming more and more diverse, multicultural education will help reduce student prejudice.
    QUESTION: Who is the main factor behind the hidden curriculum in schools, the principa;?

    Chapter 14
    FACT: More than 1,400 Muslims and 1,240 Buddhists serve in the U.S. Armed forces. One out of every 5 soldiers recruited is a woman, and half are African American.
    QUESTION: How important do you think affirmative action is in higher education?
    QUOTE: "Pluralism represents a vehicle to move us forward."

  21. Peggy
    Chapter 13
    "The wise person can see a question from all sides without bias. The foolish person is biased and can see a question only from one side."
    How do you introduce a multicutural curriculum at a school that uses essentialism?
    The purpose of multicultural education is to prepare children and youth to be active positive participants in a diverse democratic society.

    Chapter 14
    "When we dream alone we are merely dreaming: but when we dream together, that's the beginning of reality.
    President John F Kennedy first used the phrase affirmative action when he issued Executive order 10025.
    Why do mainsteam media approach progressive African American leaders with such evident contempt?

  22. Emily Ebling
    Chapter 13

    Question:How can multicultural education help to reduce sstudent prejudice when there is such an influence of prejudice at home?

    Quote: "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."-Chinese Proverb

    Fact: Many children cannot remember or comprehend what the teacher has presented.

    Chapter 14
    Question: In the photograph on page 352, if the woman was the one who saved the fisherman and they wanted to put her boyfriend in the photo, why must they focus on him, rather than her and make it look like he was the hero?

    Quote:"One who gains strength by overcomming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."-Albert Schweitzer

    Fact:Since the 1960's, colleges and universities have implemented affirmative action plans to increase the number of students of color on their campuses.

  23. Chapter 13:
    F: Multicultural education is based on a commitment to pluralism; its guiding pripose is to prepare students to be active participants in a diverse, democratic society.

    Q: "Teachers open the door, but you much enter by yourself."

    Q: What assumptions do multicultural educators make about curriculum?

    Chapter 14:
    Q: "One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."

    F: Starting in 1856, records exist showing a significant percentage of ethnic immigrants serving in the army- a shortcut to being granted citizenship...

    Q: How can a diverse workforce create unity in America?

  24. Chapter 13
    Question What is Multicultural Education?

    Fact Many schools across the united states, especially in ubran areas have developed their own multiculture materials

    Ouote "It is probably never really wise, or even necessary, or anything better than harmful, to educate a human being toward a good end by telling him lies"

  25. CHAPTER 14
    Question As teachers can we create and unite diverse in America?
    Fact America is the most diverse society in our diverse world.
    Quote "For each age is a dream that is dying. Or one that is coming to birth"

  26. This is from Carla...
    Question: As Educators using Multicultural education as a backdrop for education, how much do we emphasize "race", versus the pioneer of topics?
    Quote from the reading: If students feel powerless, they have little motivation to learn; when students are active, they develop skills and demonstrate abilities that reinforce self-confidence and give a sense of personal competence and they acquire an enthusiasm for learning.

    Fact: 2000 census data reported 86% of all teachers are white; students of color constitute almost 40% of the school population ; although the percentage of white teachers is predicted to remain stable the percentage of students of color is predicted to be 57% by 2035

  27. Sanbria,

    Good points here! You have to find common ground. Multicultural education is more about similarities than differences.

    Keep reading!

  28. Chapter 13
    Fact:In classrooms, students and teachers must work together to create a learning environments responsive to student's questions, interests, and aspirations.
    Question:Why are students not learning in essentialist schools?
    Quote: "Teachers open the door, by you must enter by yourself."

    Chapter 14
    Fact:Affirmative action plans in higher education and the increased diversity they have helped produce have been the subject of much critism.
    Question:What is affirmative action?
    Quote:"When we dream alone, we are merely dreaming; but when we dream together,thats the beginning of reality."

  29. Question:What does it mean to put democratic practices in school?
    Quote:"The wise person can see a question from all sides without bias. The foolish person is biased and can see a question only from one side." -Confucius
    Informative Fact: Affirmitive action plans have been implemented in school since the 1960s to increase the number of students of color on their campuses.

  30. ch 13
    question: What assumptions do multicultural educators make about curriculum?
    fact: Hidden curriculum are indirect means by which schools teach the norms and values of a society.
    quote: "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." chinese proverb

    ch 14
    question: Is affirmative action very prevelent in schools?
    fact: Proposition 209 is a California statute prohibiting preferential treatment to individuals or groups in hiring, awarding public contracts, and college admissions.
    quote: :For each age is a dream that is dying. Or one that is coming to birth." Arthur O'Shaugnessy

  31. Chapter 13:

    Question: How is our state legislatures and budget reflect our need for multicultural education? Is enough money being set back for multicultural studies and methods for educators?

    Fact: Transfer is the action of applying what is learned in the classroom to everyday situations.

    Quote: Quote: "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."

    Chapter 14:

    Question: How much of an emphasis is put on diversity training in big businesses? Small businesses? How necessary do employers find diveristy assessment compared to 20 years ago?

    Fact: According to Katzenstein and Reppy (1999), women represent approximately 14% or enlisted personnel, 14% of officers, and 20% of those in basic training. (i thought these numbers would have been higher)

    Quote: "One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."

  32. There is a lot of criticism for teacher-centered classes and teachers who have those beliefs.
    Essentialism falls under that part of the spectrum, and there is a lot of criticism there because how does that type of an educational philosophy really promote critical thinking and democratic ideals? If I dictate to you, you regurgitate information. You do not create information in the end. If I am teacher centered, then you do not have a voice, and you do not learn to lead or to be democratic in the end either.

    Look at Dewey's work too. He advocates a student-centered philosophy.

  33. Sanbria,

    Good points here! We can unite and come together. This is difficult work though. Isn't it? What do you think a true multicultural education looks like versus a vulgar multicultural education? Ask this in class for the whole class to discuss too.

  34. Emily,

    With the cultural and institutional "isms" out there as well as the individual "isms" too, your question is a good one here. Look at the guides to dealing with hate I just passed out today. I think those will help you with this point.

    Good points!

  35. Misty Roe
    Chapter 13 & 14
    Fact-Retention refers to student recall of knowledge.
    Quote-For each age is a dream that is dying. Or one that is coming to birth.(Arthur Shaighnessy)
    Question-Do you think affirmative action is important in classrooms?
