Thursday, January 15, 2009

EDU 308 Discussion Cards for Ch. 1 and 2

Put your discussion cards for Ch. 1 and 2 with your question, quote, and fact here.


  1. Ch 1.
    Question: Why do peoples values differ from his or hers behaviors? It seems to be a consistent pattern, but why can't we break the cycle?
    Quote: "When people are free to do as they please they usually imitiate eachother." Hoffer Pg. 8
    Fact: Most Americans believe they know the meaning of the term [race], yet we have no specific set of racial categories acceptable to the scientific community. Pg 12

    Ch. 2
    Question: Why aren't there any positive prejudices? They all can't be negative.
    Quote: "I am in plainer words a bundle of prejudices made up of likings and dislikings." Lamb Pg. 32
    Fact: Instead of being motivated by prejudice, people discriminate against individuals from subordinate groups because of self interest. Pg. 34

  2. Good job here! I like your chapter two question in particular!

  3. Lindsay Hughes
    Chapter 1
    Quote:"When people are free to do as they please they usually imitate each other." Hoffer
    Question:Why are there minority groups and why are they called minority groups?
    Fact:Americans typically present different values then they say they believe in.

    Chapter 2
    Quote:"I am in plainer words a bundle of prejudices made up of likings and dislikings." Lamb
    Question:How does threat to self-esteem cause prejudice?
    Fact:A milder form of prejudice is called a bias.

  4. Lindsay,

    Some people increase their self-esteem/power when they feel as though they are "better" than others. They feel good about themselves or better about themselves when they are putting someone else down or under themselves. Look at the three theories of discrimination here. Good question here and points!!!

    Keep up the good work,
    Dr. Hendrix

  5. Ch 1
    Question: How our society responded to social problems experienced by minority groups?
    Quote: “Consciously we teach what we know; unconsciously we teach who we are”. Herbert Spencer pg.10
    Fact: A person can have a bias, a stereotype, a prejudice, or even be a bigot and still not engage in any kind of negative or positive behavior.
    Ch 2
    Question: What causes prejudice?
    Quote: “There are, in every age, new errors to be rectified, and new prejudices to be opposed“ Samuell Johnson pg.28
    Fact: To understand how prejudices are transmitted in our culture, we need only observe some of the prevalent images or racial of cultural groups in society. Giroux

  6. Katherine Hecker
    Quote: "When people are fre to do as they please, they usually imitate each other."
    Question: How does the way values are taught explain the inconsistency between values and behaviors?
    Fact: There is a consistent inconsistency between what we say we value and our actual behavior.

  7. Carrie Keller
    Question : Why can't minority groups rise above the sterotypes that society has given them ?
    Quote : "How often misused words generate misleading thoughts." spencer page 10
    Fact: Our values are taught to us as small children.

  8. Chapter 2
    Question : why is most advertisments seem to use african American modles to reflect diversity? ( pg. 29)
    Quote : "You can tell the ideas of a nation by its advertisments." Norman Douglas pg.30
    Fact: The use of stereotypes and prejudices are used so much in advertisments that we don't realize that they are negative.

  9. Great points here!
    Bring them up in class please.

    Keep going,
    Dr. Hendrix

  10. Question: In discussing how values should be taught in the classroom is suggests disscussion and debate. What about those students who participate are way to the left or right because of their background? I understand it's great to hear from all sides to really help us all think, but students can be mean to each other how can we help prevent that from happening?

    Quote:Consciously we teach what we know;unconsciously we teach who we are"-Don Hanockek

    Book states: People with disability are invisible. I think this is a struggle we have not only in our communities but in our school districts as well.

    Fact: Competition fosters prejudice attitudes.

  11. Carla,

    I like your point about having students be civil in debates. You establish rules of conduct with them before hand, and you have consequences you and they designed. When someone gets out of hand, go back to the rules you wrote together. You have to be civil. Leaders have to argue their points even when they are passionate about them, and in public, there are rules of conduct for debates. You could bring some in as a model for students to look at before hand as well.

    As a teacher, you must list the pros and cons of both sides, and then have the students try to come to consensus if possible. Otherwise, let them figure out where they stand. That will change over time anyway--as they learn more and more. They must act justly though. You can enforce that ethic. If you do not, they will not.

    I like your competition quote here too. At some point, get me to discuss Dewey's philosophy and competition in class.

    Keep up the good work,
    Dr. Hendrix

  12. ch.1
    Question- What help do minority groups recieve to help fight the stereotypes given by society?
    Quote- "When people are free to do as they please they usually imitate each other."
    Fact- What people say they value and what they actually value are often very different.

    Question- Where do prejudices come from? What are they caused by?
    Quote- I am in plainer words a bundle of prejudices made up of liking and dislikings."
    Fact- Stereotypes are so often and freely used we can forget they are negative.

  13. CHAPTER 1
    Question According to Rokeach does values dteremine our choices?
    Fact Nationally refers to the nation in which one has citizenship.
    Quote "I have striven not to laugh at human actons, nor to hate them, but to understand them."

  14. Chapter 2
    Question Is it right to have a prejudice hate towards someone, when we living in the same country where all rights are equal. Explain?
    Fact According to Baker it is even more insulting to be called a name suggesting that a women controls him.
    Quote "You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements" Norman Douglas (1868-1952)

  15. Misty Roe
    Chapter 1 & 2
    Fact-Values are combinations of attitudes which generate action or deliberate choice to avoid action.
    Quote-When people are free to do as they please they usually imitate each other. (Eric Hoffer)
    Question-Do you think you exlimpify prejudice in your language?
