MARK LIBEL CH. 7 What does it mean to describe America as a melting pot?
"We are not fighting for integration...We are fighting for recognition as human beings."
Although economic pressure may not seem to relate to schools but simply to the economic resources one controls, studies show that people earn higher salaries based on the level of education they have completed.(U.S. Dept. of Education)
Good points here! We are discussing the institutional "isms" in class, and you are watching some of those in the video too. Pay attention in the video for institutional sexism, and we will cover the same "ism" in the next video. If that work and experience does not answer your question here, please bring it up again!
Question: On page 170 the author discusses that English Only groups in various states have organized to lobby for legislation establishing English as the official language of that state, with the ultimate goal of eliminating the use of all other languages. I agree with the authors that in diverse language groups a common language is needed. English has been and continues to be the common language. The paragraph eluded that the English Only group is striving to eliminate the use of all other languages. How or what are they trying to eliminate and where?
If we know that Lincoln declared the Thanksgiving holiday, as incoming teachers, do we explain that Thanksgiving was set up to foster patriotism during the Civil Wars?What age goup would you talk about this? Should we introduce Thanksgivign differently? This would contridict what children have been taught since preschool. Is this something we check with our administrators?
Quote:"Two deer, two owls will behave differenly from each other. I have studied many plants. The leaves of one plant, on the same stem, none is exactly alike...If the Great Spirit likes the plants, the animals, even little mice and bugs to do this, how much more will he abhor people being alike, doing the samething." John Lame Deer
What a great statement we can use in our classroomm with the vatriety of students!
Carla, I love your quote here! Use it! You will vary your instruction for different ages, but you can still have a socially just curriculum. Look on Teaching Tolerance's and Rethinking School's websites. They have a lot of activities for elementary grades, and they cover a lot of your concerns too. Last summer, there was an issue of Teaching Tolerance with religion in it. Katherine, good job here too! I like your points! When we get to the video on racism, I think you will see how society reinforces the cultural "ism," but if not, please bring it up in a discussion.
Quote: "It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." -John Andrew Holmes Question: How is racism reflected upon employment? Informative Fact: Steering referms to keeping separate files for white neighborhoods and families of color neighborhoods.
Ch . 7 Quote: "We are not fighting for integration...we are fighting for recognition as human beings." Malcolm X [pg. 169] Question: Why is it so hard for people to ignore a persons skin color, and be color blind to treat everyone as an American? Fact: Terry has developed a matrix based on the idea that people can be either prejudiced against one or more groups or they can demonstrate pluralistic attitudes towards diversity. [pg. 171]
Ch. 8 Fact: Research suggests that 60 to 90% of blue collar workers were hired because of recommendations from family or friends and the same pattern has been observed in hiring decisions for white collar jobs. [pg. 194] Question: Do we still use at large candidates today? Quote: "Washing ones hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral." Paolo Freire [pg. 200]
Ch 7 Question: What it means to have an Anglo conformity perspective? Quote: “it is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others. Holmes og.165 Fact: Pluralism is the greatest philosophical idea of our time. Dewey
Ch 8 Question: How does institutional racism influence hiring decisions? Quote: The sand truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil. Arendt pg. 193 Fact: To speak of remedies for problems as complex and widespread as those stemming
Chap 7 Quote Commandment Number One of any truly civilized society is this: Let people be different. David Grayson
Question What kinds of activities can create social change?
Fact By 2050 non-Hispanic whites will make up 53% of the US population
Chap 8 Quote Most of the people I meet in america are compassionate. Why is it htat individually we can be so compassionate and collectively we can be so harsh? I don't have an anwser to that. Jonathan Kozol
Fact 60%-90% of blue-collar workers were hired because of recommendations from family or friends
Question What remedies have been proposed to address institutional racism?
Chapter 7 QUOTE: "It is imperative that Americans understand how we benefit from diversity and that we learn more about previous and current contributions of diverse groups in our society because the real threat to our nation in not diversity, but ignorance."
FACT: Anglo conformity requires immigrants to stop speaking their native language, and to abandon their ethnic heritages.
QUESTION: What are some ways to teach your students to accept induvidual differences in the classroom?
Chapter 8
FACT; Studies repeatedly show that one of the most important methods used to recruit and hire employees word of mouth hiring.
QUESTION: What are some precautions or steps you should take if you suspect institutional racism in your school?
QUOTE: "As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might." -Marian Anderson
Chapter 7 I had this question in chapter 5 not knowing that it would be here in chapter 7, Who dubbed America the great melting pot since it is clear that white Americans did not feel this way, Now I know that it was not an American at all but a French man...wishful thinking on his part I believe.
I have many questions in this chapter but have narrowed it down to this one in which I ask with a bit of cynicism...Do we believe that Anglo conformity has died in this day and age?
Because plurism promotes billingual education and maintenance of one's native language, those in the English Only movement seem to misunderstand the plurist position as a rejection of the need for English as a common language for all Ameicans.
People of color are offended by the color-blind approach, those who state that they don't see color in people, We see color in everything else in the world we should notice the beautiful colors that God created His people in.
Chapter 8 Are there history books which take us back to the history of this section of North America before white people came here?
If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic, and stable third of all mankind, all races would be represented. Franz Boas
an interesting reference to affirmative action...charges of reverse racism were part of a strategy to "counterattack attempts to promote racial justice". Even a program with the purpose of evening out the scales was used to keep the barriers up!
QUESTION: How is the seeparatist perspective negative? QUOTE: "Comandment Number One of any trulycivilized societyis this: Let people be differnent." David Grayson FACT: The Race Riot in East St Louis took place because blacks were hired to replace white workers on strike.
Chapter 8 OUESTION: How does society reinforce the cultural raceism taught in schools? QUOTE: "Wasing ones hands of the conflict between teh powerful adnd the pwoerfuless means to side with the powerful, no tto be neutral." Paolo Freire FACT: I dont thinik that this is a 'fact' but I really like the table on pg 194 where it compares the jobless rates among the different races in different cities in the US. I just thought that it was interesting to see the comparison.
ch 7 question- How do we teach pluralism in the elementary age? quote- "We are no fighting for integration...We are fighting for recognition as human beings." Malocolm X fact- Seperatism is the conceptual belief in the notion of establishing entirely seperate societies for each distinct racial, ethnic, or other groups that exist within a society.
ch8 question- Are students being made aware of institutional racism? quote- "In a democracy the majority of citizens is capable of exercising the most cruel oppressions upon the minority." Edmund Burke fact- At-large candidates refers to candidates for local offices being elected by an entire community rather than by districts or wards within that community.
Question: What does it mean to describe America as a melting pot?
Quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mohandis K. Gandhi
Fact: As early as 2050, non-Hispanic whites will constitute only 53% of the U.S. population; white men will represent about 26% of the population and many of them will be retired, resulting in about half of the workforce consisting of people of color. (Schaefer, 2004)
Ch 8
Question: How does society reinforce the cultural racism taught in school?
Quote: "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil." -Hannah Arendt
Fact: In terms of housing, about 3 million more African Americans would own their own homes, with $760 billion more in home equity value.
ch.7 Question- How can we describe America as a melting pot when we don't actually accept the melting? Quote- "Be the change you want to see in the world." Fact- In 2050 the non-hispanic white population of the United Sates will be at least 53%.
ch.8 Question- How could one solve institutional racism? Quote- "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil." Fact- Studies show that a large percentage of middle class workers were hired by word of mouth through the suggestions of friends and family.
Chapter 7 Quote:"We are not fighting for intergration...We are fighting for recognition as human beings." Malcolm X Question:How is the separatist perspective negative? Fact:In 2005 Texas became the 4th state to have more people of color in the state's population than white people.
Chapter 8 Quote:"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil." Hannah Arendt Question:What avoidance rationalizations justify individual racism? Fact:Although people of color constitute more than 35% of the U.S. population, only 17% of the members of the House of Representatives and 6% of the Senate are the people of color.
Ch 7 F: In 2005, Texas became the fourth state to have more people of color in the state's population than white people.
Q: What would have to happen in order to achieve a color blind society? Would this ever be possible?
Q: Be the change you want to see in the world.
Ch 8 Q: Why has the real meaning/purpose behind Thanksgiving been misunderstood for so long?
F: A study of a Houston bank reported that 13% of middle income white applicants were denied loans compared to 36% of middle income black applicants...
Q: As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might.
chpt 7 quote: "we are fighting for recognition as human beings" -Malcolm X question: if puralism must be practiced, are we going to start teaching ways to practice such or are we going to continue to let people figure it all out on their own? fact: coca-cola commited additional resources to diverstiy issues (after the african american employees brought a class-action lawsuit)
chpt 8 question: institutional racism talks about the boarder impact institutions have on people, is that refering to the fact that people consume products. if the producters were to slow production or stop production completely?? quote:"as long as you keep a person doen, some part of you has to be down there to hold them down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might." -Marian Anderson fact:95% of urban police officers in 1970 were white
Chapter 7 Question: Why should American society become pluralistic? Quote: "Pluralism is the greatest philosophical ideal of our time." Fact: America should become pluralistic for 5 different reasons, they are: the failure of anglo conformity; the impact on self-consciousness and self-determination; the necessity for human interdependence; the recognition of diversity as an ideal; and the current existence of diversity.
Chapter 8 Question: What victim-blaming rationalizations justify individual racism? Quote: "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil." Fact: Research has found that tracking provides minimal value for accelerated learners, and it harms students tracked at lower levels, especially those at the lowest level. Tracking-grouping students into categories by ability and assigning them to specific, ability-related classes.
Chapter 5 Question: As a teacher, what would happen if you were teaching about different races and the obstacles that people had to face, what if the students or their parents were to get offended? Fact: Ethnocentrism is the belief that one one’s own race, nation, or culture is superior to all the others . Quote: Poor Mexico, so far from God, so near the United States. ( I feel bad that this is a quote from the book and I live in the U.S. I can’t believe that people thought and maybe even still feel this way.)
Chapter 6 Question: If religion is such a main aspect of the history of the different cultures in the world, then why is religion separated from the schools? Fact: Deism is a religious philosophy based on rationality that was devoid of mysticism. Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
Chapter 7 Question: Can someone be a pluralist while being involved in change? Fact: People may reject prejudiced ideas or sympathize with victims of social injustice but not express their own views. Quote: A nation without the means of reform is without the means of survival.
Chapter 8 Question: Do you believe that institutional racism is still an issue today? Fact: Institutional racism are the established laws, customs, and practices in a society that allow systematic discrimination between people or groups based on skin color. Quote: The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil.
Good questions about institutional racism. Yes, it still exists today unfortunately. You will see a video and write about institutional, cultural, and individual sexism the same way you are writing about your sexism paper. I think that will help here.
Chapter 8 Question: How can teachers teach our children about racism in our schools today? Fact: Studies report a decline in racial prejudice among Americans, acts of individual racism are still prevalent. Quote: "The problem of race remains Americans greatest moral dilemma. When one considers the impact it has upon the nation, its resolution might well dtermine our destiny" Dr. MLK
Question: What cultural sexism? Fact: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony lobbied sucessfully in many states for womens property rights. Quote: "Im just a person trapped inside a womens body"
q: Is America truly a melting pot? Do we see the individual pieces of culture in society or do they all seem to melt/blur together. Who coined the term "melting pot?"
quote: "You have to be the change you want to see in the world."
Interesting fact: Coca Cola company had a part in helping with diversity issues around the globe. hmm..not just a commericial. ----------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 question: What can we do as teachers to fight institutional racism? What are the most common instances of institutional racism?
quote: (so true it chilled me) "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil."
fact: Fact:In 2005 Texas became the 4th state to have more people of color in the state's population than white people. (does geography have anything to do with this?)
Misty Roe Chapters 7 & 8 Fact-In 2005, Texas became the fourth state to have more people of color. Quote-Be the change you want to see in the world.(Mohandis K. Gandhi) Question-Have you ever lived in a segregated neighborhood?
ReplyDeleteCH. 7
What does it mean to describe America as a melting pot?
"We are not fighting for integration...We are fighting for recognition as human beings."
Although economic pressure may not seem to relate to schools but simply to the economic resources one controls, studies show that people earn higher salaries based on the level of education they have completed.(U.S. Dept. of Education)
ReplyDeleteCH. 8
How does institutional racism affect politics?
"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil."
Studies report that neighborhoods in the U.S. continue to reveal a pattern of racial segregation.
ReplyDeleteGood points here! We are discussing the institutional "isms" in class, and you are watching some of those in the video too. Pay attention in the video for institutional sexism, and we will cover the same "ism" in the next video. If that work and experience does not answer your question here, please bring it up again!
Keep going,
Dr. Hendrix
Question: On page 170 the author discusses that English Only groups in various states have organized to lobby for legislation establishing English as the official language of that state, with the ultimate goal of eliminating the use of all other languages. I agree with the authors that in diverse language groups a common language is needed. English has been and continues to be the common language. The paragraph eluded that the English Only group is striving to eliminate the use of all other languages. How or what are they trying to eliminate and where?
ReplyDeleteIf we know that Lincoln declared the Thanksgiving holiday, as incoming teachers, do we explain that Thanksgiving was set up to foster patriotism during the Civil Wars?What age goup would you talk about this? Should we introduce Thanksgivign differently? This would contridict what children have been taught since preschool. Is this something we check with our administrators?
Quote:"Two deer, two owls will behave differenly from each other. I have studied many plants. The leaves of one plant, on the same stem, none is exactly alike...If the Great Spirit likes the plants, the animals, even little mice and bugs to do this, how much more will he abhor people being alike, doing the samething." John Lame Deer
What a great statement we can use in our classroomm with the vatriety of students!
Katherine Hecker
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Commandment Number One of any truly civilized society is this: Let people be different."
Question: How does society reinforce the cultural racism taught in schools?
Fact: Individual racism includes both racial prejedice and racist behavior.
Carla, I love your quote here! Use it! You will vary your instruction for different ages, but you can still have a socially just curriculum. Look on Teaching Tolerance's and Rethinking School's websites. They have a lot of activities for elementary grades, and they cover a lot of your concerns too. Last summer, there was an issue of Teaching Tolerance with religion in it.
ReplyDeleteKatherine, good job here too! I like your points! When we get to the video on racism, I think you will see how society reinforces the cultural "ism," but if not, please bring it up in a discussion.
Quote: "It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." -John Andrew Holmes
ReplyDeleteQuestion: How is racism reflected upon employment?
Informative Fact: Steering referms to keeping separate files for white neighborhoods and families of color neighborhoods.
Ch . 7
ReplyDeleteQuote: "We are not fighting for integration...we are fighting for recognition as human beings." Malcolm X [pg. 169]
Question: Why is it so hard for people to ignore a persons skin color, and be color blind to treat everyone as an American?
Fact: Terry has developed a matrix based on the idea that people can be either prejudiced against one or more groups or they can demonstrate pluralistic attitudes towards diversity. [pg. 171]
Ch. 8
Fact: Research suggests that 60 to 90% of blue collar workers were hired because of recommendations from family or friends and the same pattern has been observed in hiring decisions for white collar jobs. [pg. 194]
Question: Do we still use at large candidates today?
Quote: "Washing ones hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral." Paolo Freire [pg. 200]
Ch 7
ReplyDeleteQuestion: What it means to have an Anglo conformity perspective?
Quote: “it is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others. Holmes og.165
Fact: Pluralism is the greatest philosophical idea of our time. Dewey
Ch 8
Question: How does institutional racism influence hiring decisions?
Quote: The sand truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil. Arendt pg. 193
Fact: To speak of remedies for problems as complex and widespread as those stemming
ReplyDeleteWhat really creates social change?
Quote: (Katherine posted my original choice! So here is another one I really like.)
"Be the change you want to see in the World." Mohandas K. Gandhi
In 1954 the Brown Vs. The Board of Education verdict desegregated our nations schools.
Chap 7
ReplyDeleteQuote Commandment Number One of any truly civilized society is this: Let people be different. David Grayson
Question What kinds of activities can create social change?
Fact By 2050 non-Hispanic whites will make up 53% of the US population
Chap 8
Quote Most of the people I meet in america are compassionate. Why is it htat individually we can be so compassionate and collectively we can be so harsh? I don't have an anwser to that. Jonathan Kozol
Fact 60%-90% of blue-collar workers were hired because of recommendations from family or friends
Question What remedies have been proposed to address institutional racism?
Peggy Doolan
ReplyDeleteChapter 7
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
What does it mean have an Anglo conformity perspective?
In 2005, Texas became the fourth state to have more people of color in the state population than white people.
Chapter 8
"If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic and stable third of mankind all races would be represented."
How does institutional racism occur in schools?
The only nation as segrepated as the US is today was South Africa under apartheid.
Chapter 7
ReplyDeleteQUOTE: "It is imperative that Americans understand how we benefit from diversity and that we learn more about previous and current contributions of diverse groups in our society because the real threat to our nation in not diversity, but ignorance."
FACT: Anglo conformity requires immigrants to stop speaking their native language, and to abandon their ethnic heritages.
QUESTION: What are some ways to teach your students to accept induvidual differences in the classroom?
Chapter 8
FACT; Studies repeatedly show that one of the most important methods used to recruit and hire employees word of mouth hiring.
QUESTION: What are some precautions or steps you should take if you suspect institutional racism in your school?
QUOTE: "As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might." -Marian Anderson
Chapter 7
ReplyDeleteI had this question in chapter 5 not knowing that it would be here in chapter 7, Who dubbed America the great melting pot since it is clear that white Americans did not feel this way, Now I know that it was not an American at all but a French man...wishful thinking on his part I believe.
I have many questions in this chapter but have narrowed it down to this one in which I ask with a bit of cynicism...Do we believe that Anglo conformity has died in this day and age?
Because plurism promotes billingual education and maintenance of one's native language, those in the English Only movement seem to misunderstand the plurist position as a rejection of the need for English as a common language for all Ameicans.
People of color are offended by the color-blind approach, those who state that they don't see color in people, We see color in everything else in the world we should notice the beautiful colors that God created His people in.
Chapter 8
Are there history books which take us back to the history of this section of North America before white people came here?
If we were to select the most intelligent, imaginative, energetic, and stable third of all mankind, all races would be represented.
Franz Boas
an interesting reference to affirmative action...charges of reverse racism were part of a strategy to "counterattack attempts to promote racial justice". Even a program with the purpose of evening out the scales was used to keep the barriers up!
Emily Ebling
ReplyDeleteChapter 7
QUESTION: How is the seeparatist perspective negative?
QUOTE: "Comandment Number One of any trulycivilized societyis this: Let people be differnent." David Grayson
FACT: The Race Riot in East St Louis took place because blacks were hired to replace white workers on strike.
Chapter 8
OUESTION: How does society reinforce the cultural raceism taught in schools?
QUOTE: "Wasing ones hands of the conflict between teh powerful adnd the pwoerfuless means to side with the powerful, no tto be neutral." Paolo Freire
FACT: I dont thinik that this is a 'fact' but I really like the table on pg 194 where it compares the jobless rates among the different races in different cities in the US. I just thought that it was interesting to see the comparison.
ch 7
ReplyDeletequestion- How do we teach pluralism in the elementary age?
quote- "We are no fighting for integration...We are fighting for recognition as human beings." Malocolm X
fact- Seperatism is the conceptual belief in the notion of establishing entirely seperate societies for each distinct racial, ethnic, or other groups that exist within a society.
question- Are students being made aware of institutional racism?
quote- "In a democracy the majority of citizens is capable of exercising the most cruel oppressions upon the minority." Edmund Burke
fact- At-large candidates refers to candidates for local offices being elected by an entire community rather than by districts or wards within that community.
Lindsay Meyers
ReplyDeleteCh 7
Question: What does it mean to describe America as a melting pot?
Quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mohandis K. Gandhi
Fact: As early as 2050, non-Hispanic whites will constitute only 53% of the U.S. population; white men will represent about 26% of the population and many of them will be retired, resulting in about half of the workforce consisting of people of color. (Schaefer, 2004)
Ch 8
Question: How does society reinforce the cultural racism taught in school?
Quote: "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil." -Hannah Arendt
Fact: In terms of housing, about 3 million more African Americans would own their own homes, with $760 billion more in home equity value.
ReplyDeleteQuestion- How can we describe America as a melting pot when we don't actually accept the melting?
Quote- "Be the change you want to see in the world."
Fact- In 2050 the non-hispanic white population of the United Sates will be at least 53%.
Question- How could one solve institutional racism?
Quote- "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil."
Fact- Studies show that a large percentage of middle class workers were hired by word of mouth through the suggestions of friends and family.
Chapter 7
ReplyDeleteQuote:"We are not fighting for intergration...We are fighting for recognition as human beings." Malcolm X
Question:How is the separatist perspective negative?
Fact:In 2005 Texas became the 4th state to have more people of color in the state's population than white people.
Chapter 8
Quote:"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil." Hannah Arendt
Question:What avoidance rationalizations justify individual racism?
Fact:Although people of color constitute more than 35% of the U.S. population, only 17% of the members of the House of Representatives and 6% of the Senate are the people of color.
Ch 7
ReplyDeleteF: In 2005, Texas became the fourth state to have more people of color in the state's population than white people.
Q: What would have to happen in order to achieve a color blind society? Would this ever be possible?
Q: Be the change you want to see in the world.
Ch 8
Q: Why has the real meaning/purpose behind Thanksgiving been misunderstood for so long?
F: A study of a Houston bank reported that 13% of middle income white applicants were denied loans compared to 36% of middle income black applicants...
Q: As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might.
chpt 7
ReplyDeletequote: "we are fighting for recognition as human beings" -Malcolm X
question: if puralism must be practiced, are we going to start teaching ways to practice such or are we going to continue to let people figure it all out on their own?
fact: coca-cola commited additional resources to diverstiy issues (after the african american employees brought a class-action lawsuit)
chpt 8
question: institutional racism talks about the boarder impact institutions have on people, is that refering to the fact that people consume products. if the producters were to slow production or stop production completely??
quote:"as long as you keep a person doen, some part of you has to be down there to hold them down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might." -Marian Anderson
fact:95% of urban police officers in 1970 were white
Chapter 7
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Why should American society become pluralistic?
Quote: "Pluralism is the greatest philosophical ideal of our time."
Fact: America should become pluralistic for 5 different reasons, they are: the failure of anglo conformity; the impact on self-consciousness and self-determination; the necessity for human interdependence; the recognition of diversity as an ideal; and the current existence of diversity.
Chapter 8
Question: What victim-blaming rationalizations justify individual racism?
Quote: "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil."
Fact: Research has found that tracking provides minimal value for accelerated learners, and it harms students tracked at lower levels, especially those at the lowest level. Tracking-grouping students into categories by ability and assigning them to specific, ability-related classes.
Chapter 5
ReplyDeleteQuestion: As a teacher, what would happen if you were teaching about different races and the obstacles that people had to face, what if the students or their parents were to get offended?
Fact: Ethnocentrism is the belief that one one’s own race, nation, or culture is superior to all the others .
Quote: Poor Mexico, so far from God, so near the United States. ( I feel bad that this is a quote from the book and I live in the U.S. I can’t believe that people thought and maybe even still feel this way.)
Chapter 6
Question: If religion is such a main aspect of the history of the different cultures in the world, then why is religion separated from the schools?
Fact: Deism is a religious philosophy based on rationality that was devoid of mysticism.
Quote: We have just enough religion to make us hate. But not enough to make us love one another.
Chapter 7
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Can someone be a pluralist while being involved in change?
Fact: People may reject prejudiced ideas or sympathize with victims of social injustice but not express their own views.
Quote: A nation without the means of reform is without the means of survival.
Chapter 8
Question: Do you believe that institutional racism is still an issue today?
Fact: Institutional racism are the established laws, customs, and practices in a society that allow systematic discrimination between people or groups based on skin color.
Quote: The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil.
ReplyDeleteGood questions about institutional racism. Yes, it still exists today unfortunately. You will see a video and write about institutional, cultural, and individual sexism the same way you are writing about your sexism paper. I think that will help here.
Keep up the good work,
Dr. Hendrix
Chapter 8
ReplyDeleteQuestion: How can teachers teach our children about racism in our schools today?
Fact: Studies report a decline in racial prejudice among Americans, acts of individual racism are still prevalent.
Quote: "The problem of race remains Americans greatest moral dilemma. When one considers the impact it has upon the nation, its resolution might well dtermine our destiny" Dr. MLK
Question: What cultural sexism?
ReplyDeleteFact: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony lobbied sucessfully in many states for womens property rights.
Quote: "Im just a person trapped inside a womens body"
Good points here Sanbria!!!!
ReplyDeleteKeep doing a good job!!!! Watch your spellings and grammar.
Your class and peers' discussion about the racism in the first video was great! Keep that up!!
Chapter 7
ReplyDeleteq: Is America truly a melting pot? Do we see the individual pieces of culture in society or do they all seem to melt/blur together. Who coined the term "melting pot?"
quote: "You have to be the change you want to see in the world."
Interesting fact: Coca Cola company had a part in helping with diversity issues around the globe. hmm..not just a commericial.
Chapter 8
question: What can we do as teachers to fight institutional racism? What are the most common instances of institutional racism?
quote: (so true it chilled me) "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be either good or evil."
fact: Fact:In 2005 Texas became the 4th state to have more people of color in the state's population than white people.
(does geography have anything to do with this?)
Misty Roe
ReplyDeleteChapters 7 & 8
Fact-In 2005, Texas became the fourth state to have more people of color.
Quote-Be the change you want to see in the world.(Mohandis K. Gandhi)
Question-Have you ever lived in a segregated neighborhood?