Saturday, May 16, 2009

EDU 308 Summer 09 Ch. 10

Post your discussion card and your response to another's post here for Ch. 10.


  1. Fact: The word gay became accepted as the self chosen label of the homosexual community.

    Quote: "God loves homosexuals as much as he loves everybody else." -Ryan White

    Question: Do you think the "don't ask don't tell policy" is affective in the army? If not what else could the army be doing?

  2. Quote- God loves homosexuals as much as he loves everybody else. Ryan White (p. 240)

    Fact- Over half of gay youth consider cimmitting suicide, and 30% attempt to commit suicide at least once.

    Question- Since homosexuality is such a controversial subject, should this topic be left up to parents when teaching young children?

  3. Question: If we have student in our classroom that has a mother or father that is gay and other students are making fun of that student, how do we handle that?

    Quote: "God loves homosexuals as much as he loves everybody else."

    Fact: Many gay men and lesbians have been involved in heterosexual relationships, including marriage, because of the hostility directed against homosexuality.

  4. In response to Holly's question; I believe that we need to make the situation a teachable moment for the whole class. Perhaps you could start by talking about how people are different and believe in different things and that we are all different from each other. Or perhaps if this situation was occuring in low level elementary classes then you could read a book highlighting differences in people and how we need to accept and respect other peoples differences.

  5. Quote...

    You don't have to be straight to shoot straight. Barry Goldwater

  6. Fact...

    As the United States has hardened its resistance to gays in the military, attitudes in other countries have become more tolerant.

  7. Question...

    If a child with homosexual parents is being ridiculed in the classroom, what should we do to stop that?

  8. In response to Heidi's question...

    Yes I believe that this should be left up to the parents. You may be able to hit on the fact that everyone's family is differnt, some include grandparents, some only one parent, etc. However any more specifics than that I think should be the responsibility of the parents.

  9. Quote: "If...marriage can keep you in touch with your past, your emotional self, and your humanity, the notion that this should be any less true for gay or lesbian couples than it is for heterosexuals is absurd."-Derrick Bell

    Question: It talked, towards the end of the book, that people young gays and lesbians are using the term "queer" to describe themselves as well as bisexual, transgender, and transsexual. This is still labeling them. Isn't it just as bad as calling them other names? As teachers, we should try to eliminate all labels,right? I mean, would the term queer be acceptable in your classroom?

    Fact:75% of gay men and lesbians have experienced verbal abuse, almost half have been subjected to violent threats, and for 20% or more, the threats were carried out.

  10. In response to Heidi's question, I belive you should talk to students about it. Yes, it is a controversial topic, but more than likely you will have to deal with controversial topics in the classroom. You could use it to your advantage and talk about different lifestyles and the differences between people and how we should embrace each other's similarities and differences. I know there are children's books and movies about this. Perhaps showing one or reading one would be easier than a discussion?

  11. Heidi,

    You have to teach about the family unit in elementary schools. Are all families composed of a man and a woman, a father and a mother? There is a video here called "It's Elementary." You may want to watch that video and even share it with others about this topic and children in elementary schools. It is not long either.

  12. What are some strategies to deal with heterosexism in the classroom? Check out Teaching Tolerance for lesson ideas as well as Rethinking Schools. Also, see the "Justics" on my website. There are several examples in the heterosexism links there. Some are better than others, but you can see that there. You need to deal with it though!!!! 58% of teachers and staff in schools still use homophobic/heterosexist remarks to their students (some of which are gay). That is so sad!!

  13. Question ~ Are there any cultures that don't see heterosexism as the norm? Perhaps we could learn a thing or two about acceptance from this other culture...if it exists.

    Quote ~ "When adults are in a position of authority, such as a teacher, and express prejudicial attitudes to children or youth, they are legitimizing those negative attitudes." (page 247)
    - something for all teachers and future teachers to keep in mind and try to avoid!!

    Fact ~ Over 50% of gay and lesbian students said that they have heard at least one teacher make a homophobic comment.

  14. In response to Brooke's question about gays and lesbians labeling themselves as queer I think this is just as bad as African Americans calling each other the "N" word. I mean what does this teach children who hear these words? In my opinion it gives children the idea that calling people these names is acceptable and in my mind and classroom it is not at all ok!

  15. Question What historical evidence has described the existence of homosexuality?

    Fact Cultural heterosexism refers to a dominate culture defining hetrosexuality as the norm and anything else as deviant.

    Quote "God loves homosexuals as much as he loves everybody else."

  16. In response to Heidi, Dr. Hendrix and Brooke's post, as I remember in our intro clas 202/203, we should bring up the issues of families and indivduals being different. We shouldb't say it's bad or ok either way, but we do need to educate our students with the workings of our society. I mean we're teaching them civil lessons in the classroom of how to treat others. It is controversial, but if you leave it up to the parents to teach their child about homosexuality they may say it's bad, bad bad and the student in my fear may either 1. be a homosexual and from that point on feel akward with their family and society and 2. treat those that they feel or know are homosexual badly.

    I think the more you talk about it, even bring it up before it ever becomes an issue, the better off everyone would be.

    Question: As we've talked about other "isms" why does it seem that the U.S. is one country that seems to be going backward on this issue? Why so much hostility? It's not hurting/setting back/ changing anyone. Are wer too much of a mix of so many cultures and belief systems that too many may not accept homosexualism as a norm?

    Fact: Some Native American cultures believed that a homosexual is a special human being, considered to have great power by possessing traits of both males and females. (pg. 237)

    Quote: "In my relationship with others, I have found that it does not help, in the long run, to act as if I am something I am not." (pg. 234)

  17. In response to Hedi's fact...If over half of homosexual students committ suicide and 30% attempt it, there is a major problem. I feel school officals need to be more involved in students lives and provide them with the support they need. If a student is despressed or suicidal they obviously can not be educated in that state. As teachers we need to be aware and when children are not showing the signs of progess we need to observe and research the problem, it can be deeper than, just not wanting or knowing how to.

  18. I agree with Brittany. Name calling is not acceptable. I have often felt the same way about African Americans using the "N" word too. I find it very offensive. In our home it is a bad word.

  19. Question: If you have a LGBT student in your classroom that is being made fun of, how should you address the problem?
    Quote: "Being confronted with such hostility while receiving little support from teachers or others can result in feelings of worthlessness and despair."
    Fact: Almost 40% of LGBT students said they did not feel safe at school.

  20. responce as wrong as it is for people to use the negitive lables on themselves its also a way of owning it so they cant be hurt by it. larger people joke about their size or the blond joke used by the blond its not right but helps it hurt less.

  21. Quote In my relationships with others I have found that it does not help in the long run to act as if I am something Im not
    Carl Rogers (1902-1987)

    Fact Various studies report theat the average age for gay and lesbians to identify themselves publicly called comming out dropped from 14 for males and 17 for females to 10 and 12 respectivly in the 1990s

    Q- Will the change in dont ask dont tell in the military help or hurt. I worry there will be more hate crimes.

  22. Question: After a student has come to you and asked you to explain "gay" or "homosexuality" to them and you decide to explain it to them as professionally and politically correct as possible, Mom and Dad show up in the administrators office and inform you that this subject is "off limits to their child" what do you do?

    Quote: "Tolerance is the positive and cordial effort to understand another's beliefs, practices, and habits without necessarily sharing or accepting them." pg. 244

    Fact: Those who know someone that is homosexual are less homophobic than those who do not. pg. 249

    In response to several posts here about labeling a person's sexual orientation. Maybe there would be less controversy or problems in general if we as teachers just don't refer to anyone by their sexual orientation. If all people are treated equally there would be no need for the offensive labels when in engaged in intelligent conversation.

  23. In response to James' question, I think it will be our job as educators to "teach" the students. I think we should teach them as professionally and politically correct as possible. However, if parents have a problem that the subject is off limits to their child, I think they may have some issues with homosexuality themselves.

  24. In response to Dr. Hendrix' comment I agree that it is important that we teach our students about the family unit in any form that it may be.

    Question: Did the statement that Miss California made about only believing in same sex marriage set a good example as a roll model for young children?

    Quote: "Tolerance is the positive and cordial effort, to understand another's beliefs, practices, and habits without necessarily sharing or accepting them."~Joshua Liebman

    Fact: Reinforcing the idea of sexual variation among humans, studies of animal behavior have reported sexual activities between same-sex animals.

  25. QUESTION- Many people feel that LGBT should not be teachers, what is their reasoning? Don't they have just as much capability as heterosexuals? Has America not learned anything from how we treated and looked down upon African Americans in the past and currently?
    QUOTE- "I can't understand any discussion of gays and lesbians as if they were something immoral or unsatisfactory. They're just doing what nature wants them to do." R. Buckminster Fuller
    FACT- Homosexual behavior is accepted in most world cultures.
    I think as teachers, we have a duty to teach children about all kinds of families, people, cultures, etc in a way that is informative, politically correct, and nonbiased. If we don't talk about all kinds of families children will only know what their parents/guardians teach them, and as we have read in many cases this will be in a way that is not accepting of all people and families.

  26. In respone to Brooke's question, and Brittany's response: I totsally agree this is as bad as African American's referring to each other by the "n" word. If someone refers to these young people as "queer" how would they take it, would they be offended or would it be the same as someone calling them homosexual? I think it is important if you don't want to be labeled by others, not to label yourself in the first place.

    Question: If you have a student that is openly gay in your classroom, should you take any preventative measures to keep bullying at bay - or is it even worth the risk of singling that student out? Is it a situation to be proactive or reactive in?

    Quote: Men or women who engage in sexual acts with a partner of the same sex in an unusual sit-uation typically do not persist in this behavior when circumstances return to the more typical situation and thus should not be identified as homosexual.

    Fact: In 1973, the American Psychological Association voted to remove homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses.

  27. James,

    You tie it back to the curriculum and standards. You are supposed to teach "respect," and at the elementary level, you are supposed to teach the "family unit." If they have a problem with the standards and curriculum, they can go higher than you. This is one of the reasons you have to know your objectives and standards well for what you are teaching. If the lessons were approved by your chair or principal (which a lot of schools do now), you should be backed by the school officials.

  28. In response to Abigails question- I think a teacher needs to pay attention to what is going on and be aware. I personally think it wouldn't be best to draw attention to this student. If bullying happens to any student for any reason it should be addressed quickly to get it stopped.

  29. Question: How do you deal with homosexuality as a teacher? Its a subject that I struggle with in my own life with friends. I feel emotionally conflicted on the subject. I don't see why teachers should have to deal with the subject any more than they deal with students who are involved with opposite sex partners. I don't believe it is really an appropriate subject for school, but I also don't want to turn my back on a student who may be bullied for his or her orientation.

    Quote: "God loves homosexuals as much as he loves everybody else." Ryan White

    Fact: Some people engage in sexual activity with a person of the same sex one time and never again.

  30. Sarah, I struggle with this as well. It goes agianist my faith and what I believe. I do know this, bullying will not be allowed in my classroom for any reason. It is never acceptable to make fun of or be mean to someone else.

  31. Question: Why do people think they have the right to physically or emotionally abuse someone else because of their homosexuality? I see this all of the time, and it makes me so angry. I struggle with knowing what is right or what is wrong in this subject, but I never "bash" someone else for feeling different. this chapter talked about "gay bashing" and how many people get verbally assaulted for being a gay or a lesbian. Most of the time in shcools the child who is being picked on isn't really a homosexual, but instead just different than the rest. I also won't allow this in my classroom.

    Quote: "God loves homosexuals as much as he loves everybody else" Ryan White

    Fact: studies show that heterosexuals are no more likely to engage in criminal activity than homosexuals.
