Saturday, May 16, 2009

EDU 308 Summer 09 Group Members and Groups

Note: Caprice dropped the class.

Here are your groups for the poverty, book ads, and "Justics."

Red = Race and Gender Groups
Green = Class and Sexual Orientation Groups
Yellow = World Religions and Ethnicity Groups
Blue = (Dis)ability Group

Book Ads:

Race = Lennie Jackson, Gwen McKinley, and Katie Penland

Gender= Caprice Stagner, Brooke Thompson, and Sierrah Willoughby

Ability = Abigail Bonham and Holly Crawford

Ethnicity = Kensey Neely and Kristin Parker

Socio-economic Class = Brittany Winger and Sarah Derr

Sexual Orientation = Holly Taylor, Chelsey S., and Jane Leslie

World Religions = James Richmond and Heidi McKern

"Justics" = Your book ad group members since most people voted to have one group for all projects. I think this will help you in the end!!!

Note: I will send an e-mail with all book ad group members' MWSU e-mail addresses for each group. Please e-mail each other and share contact info. with each other and begin setting up meeting times to work on projects etc. together. Remember the journals are independent assignments, but you may critique each others' papers and help each other too.

Also, remember to make sure you include the "ism" and follow the suggested format for your book ads in the syllabus; that lists each part you need. I do not care what order you cover the info. there; however, you need to cover all of those parts. Also, check the rubrics in the syllabus too and ask questions if you have any. If you want to get to the advanced level, that is fine. Meet those expectations listed on the rubric then.


  1. Book Ad Group pick:

    1. Ability
    2. Gender
    3. Socio-economic Class

  2. Book Add group picks
    1 race
    2 ethnicity

  3. Book ad Book Choices: Updated

    1. Socio-economic Class
    2. Ethnicity
    3. Gender
    4. Race

  4. sorry
    1 race
    2 ethnicity
    3 socio-economic
    4 ability

  5. 1. Gender
    2. Ability
    3. Socio-economic class
    4. Race

  6. My choices;
    1. World Religions-"Three Cups of Tea"
    2. Ethnicity-"Teacher Man"
    3. Disability-"Beyond Ramps"
    4. Race-"Push"

  7. Choices

    Teacher Man
    Three Cups of Tea
    Beyond Ramps

  8. 1. Race- Push
    2. Ethnicity- Teacher Man
    3. Socio-Economic Class-Bastard out of Carolina
    4. Gender- Deadly Secret

  9. Book Ad Picks (Brooke Thompson)

    1)Deadly Secret: Gender
    2)The Dream Keepers: Race
    3)Autobiography of a face: Disability
    4) Three Cups of Tea: World Religion
