Question: Three years after WWII, the U.S. was the only nation in the Western Hemisphere that refused to sign a statement issued by the newely created United Nation that supported equal rights for women. Why do you think the U.S. was behind other countries in womens civil rights issues?
Women still are only paid around 75 cents on the male dollar even now, and that is still a problem. Why do you think we still do not have pay equity? How many women fuss about this? How many women write their elected officials and demand pay equity? See the American Association of University Women's website and their research on equity. We have a long way to go. With one or two steps forward, there is a major "backlash" that pulls women back because of their gains and the fear of having equity. Too many people out there feel better about themselves when they are "better" than someone else, and isn't that sad? That's the only way they can feel good. With women working and fighting for equity, some men feel threatened, and they fight against the gains. Also, if women do not work or make as much, they are cheap, cheap labor for men to use and benefit from. Remember to ask who is benefitting and for what purpose? Obviously, pay inequity in particular is not good for women and thus the whole family, but it takes a long time for a patriarchal society to figure that out. Economic development and towns are much better in the end when women do better and make more money because they invest it in their children and thus community and education. It helps everyone in the end. Some still believe women should be at home, barefoot and pregnant though. Rape is like this too; it is about power and control. Domestic violence is too. You can see this easily at all three levels--institutional, cultural, and individual.
Question: How can we recognize sexism in the elementary classroom?
Quote: "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good."
Fact: Previously, studies found that married men tend to have fewer mental and physical health problems than single men; however, married women have more mental and physical health problems than single women. (I thought this was kind of funny!)
Fact: Although an unmarried woman could own property and engage in business activities on her own, a married woman could not.
Quote:"What is enough? Enough is when somebody says, 'Get me the best people you can find; and nobody notices when half of them turn out to be women."-Louise Renne
Question: The advertisement, "We can do it!" is so powerful for woman. That was during WWII. How come present days almost always depict women as too skinny, concerned about materialistic things, etc.? Does it seem like we are backtracking in sexism?
In response to Heidi's fact, that is unbelievable. I don't think I would go to college if it required me doing a man's laundry. That is ridiculous. I'm glad things have come a long way since then...And Holly, your fact is great! haha.
I have encounted these situations myself. I worked five years in a bank and reached my "glass ceiling". Once I reached the highest "secretarial" position available I was tapped out, even though I have a degree in Business.
Question ~ Until all types of sexism are ended at all levels is there really any hope of ending sexism? It seems that becuase of cultural sexism we have institutional sexism and thus laws and out cultural norms affect and cause individual sexism. It's like they are all related and until it is all put to an end won't we still face sexism at all levels?
Quote ~ "If Americans create a society that offers opportunities to all and receives the gifts each person has to offer, the male-female power game can cease - a victory for everyone." (page 225)
Fact ~ According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics between 1960-1980 women earned 60 cents to every dollar earned by a man, and by 2004 80 cents to every dollar.
In response to Dr. Hendrix's c question about how many women fuss about pay equity and how many write to their elected officials about the issue....NOT ENOUGH! When a woman does the exact same job as a man and earns on average twenty cents less on the dollar (common knowledge) and women don't take a stand to fix the problem things will never change. How can one complain about something if they choose to do nothing about it and take no action!?!
In response to Dr. Hendrix's post, it's unbelivable how far many societys have come in techonolgy, farming, transportation, and other advancements and we still can't get equality or or our "human relations" straightened out yet. Is it doomed to be a taboo thing that little will speak up for? As mentioned above, as women, are we setting ourselves back in sexism? Do we let society veiw us as skinny, danty items or would we rather be viewed as strong and independent? Why can't we have both or have how ever we want to be choosed to be viewed? I don't understand why they can equal out everyones pay based on abilities not their sex. As mentioned it would help out communities in the long run. I couldn't believe we were viewed as cheap labor, taht's like looking at us as some treat immagrant and aliens.
Question: Women's cases as being violated in the workplace or school were mentioned in the book and I think would be more knowledged of in general. But as future teachers, many of us being women, how are we going to be aware and empathetic to our male students who feel harassed sexually in the classroom? i could be mistaken, but the book didn't talk about that much if at all. (pg 223 is where I was reading and wondering)
Fact: (pg. 217) More than 60% of rapes occur in the victim's home or in a place where the woman would normally feel safe- the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor.
Quote:(pg 225) "What is enough? Enough is when somebody says, 'Get me the best people you can find.' and nobody notices when half of them turn out to be women. I liked this quote becuase to me, in a way, it showed that no matter how much women ( or even any other gruop someone else doesn't want to acknowledge) work for themselves, their familys or others, their work is overlooked becuase of who they are and is unnoticed...Possibly never happenong again for having not be acknowledged.
Question What progress and what resistance to women's rights occured in the early twentieth century?
Fact Increased use of non sexist language is not solely responsible for gender differences reported in career choices studies, but language conveying sexist attitudes has contributed to a perception of certain jobs being for men only and that men are more significant in our culture.
Quote "The limits of my language are the limits of my world" Lugwig Wittgenstein
In response to Brittany...When all as a nation realizes everyone is human no matter what race, religion,or gender and everyone indeed has special unique gifts to offer individually.
In response to Dr. Hendrix- It is sad that people feel the need to be better than others. That is what all the ism's are about. That need to feel superior to someone else.
Question: The text says "Men are still expected to be in control, the leaders and decision makers while women are expected to play a supportive role both at home and in the workplace. Why is it so hard for relationships to be 50/50 when it comes to decision making? Do you think that there always needs to be a leader in a relationship in order for it to work? Why does our culture still think that the man needs to be in control and the decision maker? Quote: "And in the new code of laws...remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could...[women] are determined to foment a rebellion and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation." - Abigail Adams Fact: Cultural Sexism is the societal promotion of negative beliefs and practices that reinforce rigid gender roles in which men are traditionally accorded a superiour role in society while women are assigned to subordinate roles; the artificial superimposition of authority of one gender over another.
In response to Dr. Hendrix: It is not fair that women get paid less for doing the same job as men. I think that there are many women that do fuss about this, but if they do not stand up for themselves and make something happen I am afraid that things will not change.
Quote Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good Charolle Whitton (1896-1975)
Fact Married men tended to have fewer mental and physical problems than single men however married women have more mental and physical health problems than single women (I will use this at the next family reunion)
Question/Commentary For Thought: I was recently a candidate for a management position in a men's clothing store. This store is strictly a men's clothing store and nothing else. The choice to fill the position came down to two candidates; myself (white male) with 20 years sales experience, over 10 years management experience in the sales field and a female candidate that had less than 5 years total experience in sales and no experience in management. I did not get the position because "the company needed to place a female into the position because this store was the only store in this region that did not or had not employed a female for over two years." The store manager, who is a freind of mine, shared that information with me. After one month, this person gave notice that she had found another position in a ladies clothing store. Was I the victim of discrimination in this scenario in an attempt to secure a job while going to school? My point here is that not all discrimination goes against women in our current society. No society is perfect and our job should be to teach ALL children to better themselves whenever possible and do not tolerate discrimination no matter who the victim of it is.
Quote: "I'm just person trapped inside of a woman's body." pg 212 Elaine Boosler
Fact: As much as this author focusse on women and minorities, the term glass ceiling also applies to white men. (This is the reason why I am back in school to become an educator)
In response to all of the various comments here I want you all to know that discrimination is not just a female/minority problem. I feel strongly about this because I have been the victim of discrimination several times in the past 10 years. I recognize the plight of females and minorities because of this but when I speak out on my behalf too many people take the attitude that I'm just making it all up.
In response to Chelsey's questions, I think relationships should be 50/50, however, I think it is portrayed that the man should be the head of the household and should make the decisions. I think alot of the man thinking that he has to be the head of the household is because that is how they were brought up.
I agree with what Holly said in response to Chelsey's question. That is where I was going with my thinking when reading her post. I know I was brought up this way, however the man seems to be more accepting in today's society to allow his spouse equal say in difficult decision making than maybe in the past.
Question: Do you think the glass ceiling will ever be "broken"?
Quote: "People call me feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute."~Dame Rebecca West
Fact: The term glass ceiling was coined to refer to an upper limit, usually middle management, beyond which women are not promoted.
QUESTION- Did the civil war encourage more women to speak out against sexism? QUOTE- "The husband and wife are one, and the husband is that one" (page 210). FACT- Stranger rape only accounts for about 1/3 of all reported rapes. RESPONSE- Holly Crawford as many discussed above women are not speaking out enough about sexism in the work place particularly. I know I haven't heard much about it or any groups/people fighting against it. I think in order for the glass ceiling to ever be broken there has to be a lot more coverage and reaction from people about these issues.
Question: What is the most debilitating example of instituational sexism still in action today?
Quote: I’m just a person trapped inside a woman’s body. Elayne Boosler (Contemporary)
Fact: Androgyny is the belief that men and women share a variety of human traits that should be encouraged in both as opposed to fostering cer-tain traits in each gender based on traditional cul-tural stereotypes about masculinity and femininity.
In response to James: No, you weren't the victim of discrimination. You were the victim of reverse discrimination. You were passed over (even though more qualified) in order to present a more accepting and diversified employee culture. UNfortunately, this is one the by-products of affirmative action. People haven't been able to find the middle ground between never hiring women and people of other races, and choosing them over more qualified people.
Question: What effect did the Civil War have on women's demands for gender equality?
Quote: "I'm just a person trapped inside a women's body." Elayne Boosler
Fact: In 1993, the American Association of University Women commissioned a Harris poll to examine sexual harassment in schools. Over 1,600 students in grades 8 through 11 from seventy-nine school districts across the United States responded. The AAUW survey reported that 81% of girls and 76% of boys had experienced sexual harassment and that for 30% of girls and 18% of boys, it was a frequent occurrence.
Question: Why is sexual harrassment taken so lightly in many work forces? Many businesses act like it is a big deal, but once it happens many people try to pretend like it doesn't matter, or it isn't an issue. Is it becasue most women don't want to create conflict in their workforce?
Quote: "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good." -Charlotte Whitton
Fact: Women are increasingly entering college, and they earn 55% or more of all college degrees.
Quote: "We can do it!"
ReplyDeleteFact: Currently rape occurs every 8 minutes.
Question: Three years after WWII, the U.S. was the only nation in the Western Hemisphere that refused to sign a statement issued by the newely created United Nation that supported equal rights for women. Why do you think the U.S. was behind other countries in womens civil rights issues?
Women still are only paid around 75 cents on the male dollar even now, and that is still a problem. Why do you think we still do not have pay equity? How many women fuss about this? How many women write their elected officials and demand pay equity? See the American Association of University Women's website and their research on equity. We have a long way to go. With one or two steps forward, there is a major "backlash" that pulls women back because of their gains and the fear of having equity. Too many people out there feel better about themselves when they are "better" than someone else, and isn't that sad? That's the only way they can feel good. With women working and fighting for equity, some men feel threatened, and they fight against the gains. Also, if women do not work or make as much, they are cheap, cheap labor for men to use and benefit from. Remember to ask who is benefitting and for what purpose? Obviously, pay inequity in particular is not good for women and thus the whole family, but it takes a long time for a patriarchal society to figure that out. Economic development and towns are much better in the end when women do better and make more money because they invest it in their children and thus community and education. It helps everyone in the end. Some still believe women should be at home, barefoot and pregnant though.
ReplyDeleteRape is like this too; it is about power and control. Domestic violence is too. You can see this easily at all three levels--institutional, cultural, and individual.
The US is still behind in so many ways!
ReplyDeleteQuote-Culture is the medium through which children fashion their individual and collective identities. Henry A. Giroux (p. 214)
ReplyDeleteFact- Women admitted to Oberlin College had to agree to do the laundry for the male students.
Question- If there are obvious differences in learning styles between boys and girls, how can we use these to help our students without being sexist?
Question: How can we recognize sexism in the elementary classroom?
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good."
Fact: Previously, studies found that married men tend to have fewer mental and physical health problems than single men; however, married women have more mental and physical health problems than single women. (I thought this was kind of funny!)
Fact: Although an unmarried woman could own property and engage in business activities on her own, a married woman could not.
ReplyDeleteQuote:"What is enough? Enough is when somebody says, 'Get me the best people you can find; and nobody notices when half of them turn out to be women."-Louise Renne
Question: The advertisement, "We can do it!" is so powerful for woman. That was during WWII. How come present days almost always depict women as too skinny, concerned about materialistic things, etc.? Does it seem like we are backtracking in sexism?
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Heidi's fact, that is unbelievable. I don't think I would go to college if it required me doing a man's laundry. That is ridiculous. I'm glad things have come a long way since then...And Holly, your fact is great! haha.
ReplyDeleteIn conversation, Americans are often more comfortable talking about gender issues more than racial issues.
ReplyDeleteWhatever women do they must do it twice as well as men to be tought half as good. Charlotte Whitton
ReplyDeleteSince the teaching field ,especially elementary, in mostly female, do you think that male teachers feel discrimination in this setting?
In response to Dr. Hendrix's comment...
ReplyDeleteI have encounted these situations myself. I worked five years in a bank and reached my "glass ceiling". Once I reached the highest "secretarial" position available I was tapped out, even though I have a degree in Business.
Question ~ Until all types of sexism are ended at all levels is there really any hope of ending sexism? It seems that becuase of cultural sexism we have institutional sexism and thus laws and out cultural norms affect and cause individual sexism. It's like they are all related and until it is all put to an end won't we still face sexism at all levels?
ReplyDeleteQuote ~ "If Americans create a society that offers opportunities to all and receives the gifts each person has to offer, the male-female power game can cease - a victory for everyone." (page 225)
Fact ~ According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics between 1960-1980 women earned 60 cents to every dollar earned by a man, and by 2004 80 cents to every dollar.
In response to Dr. Hendrix's c question about how many women fuss about pay equity and how many write to their elected officials about the issue....NOT ENOUGH! When a woman does the exact same job as a man and earns on average twenty cents less on the dollar (common knowledge) and women don't take a stand to fix the problem things will never change. How can one complain about something if they choose to do nothing about it and take no action!?!
ReplyDeleteIn response to Dr. Hendrix's post, it's unbelivable how far many societys have come in techonolgy, farming, transportation, and other advancements and we still can't get equality or or our "human relations" straightened out yet. Is it doomed to be a taboo thing that little will speak up for? As mentioned above, as women, are we setting ourselves back in sexism? Do we let society veiw us as skinny, danty items or would we rather be viewed as strong and independent? Why can't we have both or have how ever we want to be choosed to be viewed? I don't understand why they can equal out everyones pay based on abilities not their sex. As mentioned it would help out communities in the long run. I couldn't believe we were viewed as cheap labor, taht's like looking at us as some treat immagrant and aliens.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Women's cases as being violated in the workplace or school were mentioned in the book and I think would be more knowledged of in general. But as future teachers, many of us being women, how are we going to be aware and empathetic to our male students who feel harassed sexually in the classroom? i could be mistaken, but the book didn't talk about that much if at all. (pg 223 is where I was reading and wondering)
Fact: (pg. 217) More than 60% of rapes occur in the victim's home or in a place where the woman would normally feel safe- the home of a friend, relative, or neighbor.
Quote:(pg 225) "What is enough? Enough is when somebody says, 'Get me the best people you can find.' and nobody notices when half of them turn out to be women.
I liked this quote becuase to me, in a way, it showed that no matter how much women ( or even any other gruop someone else doesn't want to acknowledge) work for themselves, their familys or others, their work is overlooked becuase of who they are and is unnoticed...Possibly never happenong again for having not be acknowledged.
Question What progress and what resistance to women's rights occured in the early twentieth century?
ReplyDeleteFact Increased use of non sexist language is not solely responsible for gender differences reported in career choices studies, but language conveying sexist attitudes has contributed to a perception of certain jobs being for men only and that men are more significant in our culture.
Quote "The limits of my language are the limits of my world" Lugwig Wittgenstein
In response to Brittany...When all as a nation realizes everyone is human no matter what race, religion,or gender and everyone indeed has special unique gifts to offer individually.
ReplyDeleteIn response to Dr. Hendrix- It is sad that people feel the need to be better than others. That is what all the ism's are about. That need to feel superior to someone else.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: The text says "Men are still expected to be in control, the leaders and decision makers while women are expected to play a supportive role both at home and in the workplace. Why is it so hard for relationships to be 50/50 when it comes to decision making? Do you think that there always needs to be a leader in a relationship in order for it to work? Why does our culture still think that the man needs to be in control and the decision maker?
ReplyDeleteQuote: "And in the new code of laws...remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could...[women] are determined to foment a rebellion and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation." - Abigail Adams
Fact: Cultural Sexism is the societal promotion of negative beliefs and practices that reinforce rigid gender roles in which men are traditionally accorded a superiour role in society while women are assigned to subordinate roles; the artificial superimposition of authority of one gender over another.
In response to Dr. Hendrix: It is not fair that women get paid less for doing the same job as men. I think that there are many women that do fuss about this, but if they do not stand up for themselves and make something happen I am afraid that things will not change.
ReplyDeleteQuote Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good Charolle Whitton (1896-1975)
ReplyDeleteFact Married men tended to have fewer mental and physical problems than single men however married women have more mental and physical health problems than single women (I will use this at the next family reunion)
Question/Commentary For Thought: I was recently a candidate for a management position in a men's clothing store. This store is strictly a men's clothing store and nothing else. The choice to fill the position came down to two candidates; myself (white male) with 20 years sales experience, over 10 years management experience in the sales field and a female candidate that had less than 5 years total experience in sales and no experience in management. I did not get the position because "the company needed to place a female into the position because this store was the only store in this region that did not or had not employed a female for over two years." The store manager, who is a freind of mine, shared that information with me. After one month, this person gave notice that she had found another position in a ladies clothing store. Was I the victim of discrimination in this scenario in an attempt to secure a job while going to school? My point here is that not all discrimination goes against women in our current society. No society is perfect and our job should be to teach ALL children to better themselves whenever possible and do not tolerate discrimination no matter who the victim of it is.
ReplyDeleteQuote: "I'm just person trapped inside of a woman's body." pg 212 Elaine Boosler
Fact: As much as this author focusse on women and minorities, the term glass ceiling also applies to white men. (This is the reason why I am back in school to become an educator)
In response to all of the various comments here I want you all to know that discrimination is not just a female/minority problem. I feel strongly about this because I have been the victim of discrimination several times in the past 10 years. I recognize the plight of females and minorities because of this but when I speak out on my behalf too many people take the attitude that I'm just making it all up.
In response to Chelsey's questions, I think relationships should be 50/50, however, I think it is portrayed that the man should be the head of the household and should make the decisions. I think alot of the man thinking that he has to be the head of the household is because that is how they were brought up.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Holly said in response to Chelsey's question. That is where I was going with my thinking when reading her post. I know I was brought up this way, however the man seems to be more accepting in today's society to allow his spouse equal say in difficult decision making than maybe in the past.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Do you think the glass ceiling will ever be "broken"?
Quote: "People call me feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute."~Dame Rebecca West
Fact: The term glass ceiling was coined to refer to an upper limit, usually middle management, beyond which women are not promoted.
QUESTION- Did the civil war encourage more women to speak out against sexism?
ReplyDeleteQUOTE- "The husband and wife are one, and the husband is that one" (page 210).
FACT- Stranger rape only accounts for about 1/3 of all reported rapes.
RESPONSE- Holly Crawford as many discussed above women are not speaking out enough about sexism in the work place particularly. I know I haven't heard much about it or any groups/people fighting against it. I think in order for the glass ceiling to ever be broken there has to be a lot more coverage and reaction from people about these issues.
Question: What is the most debilitating example of instituational sexism still in action today?
ReplyDeleteQuote: I’m just a person trapped inside a woman’s body. Elayne Boosler (Contemporary)
Fact: Androgyny is the belief that men and women share a variety of human traits that should be encouraged in both as opposed to fostering cer-tain traits in each gender based on traditional cul-tural stereotypes about masculinity and femininity.
In response to James: No, you weren't the victim of discrimination. You were the victim of reverse discrimination. You were passed over (even though more qualified) in order to present a more accepting and diversified employee culture. UNfortunately, this is one the by-products of affirmative action. People haven't been able to find the middle ground between never hiring women and people of other races, and choosing them over more qualified people.
Question: What effect did the Civil War have on women's demands for gender equality?
ReplyDeleteQuote: "I'm just a person trapped inside a women's body." Elayne Boosler
Fact: In 1993, the American Association of University Women commissioned a Harris poll to examine sexual harassment in schools. Over 1,600 students in grades 8 through 11 from seventy-nine school districts across the United States responded. The AAUW survey reported that 81% of girls and 76% of boys had experienced sexual harassment and that for 30% of girls and 18% of boys, it was a frequent occurrence.
Question: Why is sexual harrassment taken so lightly in many work forces? Many businesses act like it is a big deal, but once it happens many people try to pretend like it doesn't matter, or it isn't an issue. Is it becasue most women don't want to create conflict in their workforce?
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good." -Charlotte Whitton
Fact: Women are increasingly entering college, and they earn 55% or more of all college degrees.