Saturday, May 16, 2009

EDU 308 Summer 09 Ch. 14

Post your discussion card and your response to another's post here for Ch. 14.


  1. Question: Do you think diversity training or diversity pairing is a good idea in the work place?

    Quote: "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."

    Fact: Almost 50% of all college students are over twenty-four years old, more than 50% are the first in the family to attend college, and students with learning disabilites are the fastest growing category of disabled students on our campuses.

  2. Holly,

    What do you think about these points?
    Good points?

  3. I think you can guess what I would say.

  4. I think you would say that diversity training and diversity pairing would be a great idea, and I do agree :) However, being from a small town that is predominately white I think that many stubborn, old men that have been at their place of work for decades would disagree.

  5. Quote- The country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in. Theodore Roosevelt (p. 346)

    Fact- In Billings, Montana, a Jewish family decorated their home for Hanukkah and placed a menorah by their front window. After a vandal threw a cinder block through their window, thousands of Christian families put pictures of menorahs in their windows so vandals could not identify for certain which homes in their community had Jewish families. (p. 338)
    I thought this was so cool!

    Question-If we raise the quality of education for students in urban areas (where many students of color reside) would that help to eliminate the need for affirmative action? I have mixed feelings about affirmative action. I think it is necessary, but I think if I were a person of color I would find it offensive. I would want to be hired based on my merit.

  6. Question: Is it a problem that the mility highly recruits minorities?

    Quote: Jones and George report that women and minorities continue to be disadvantaged because of how they are regarded by white colleagues, espe-cially at work sites where they are a numerical mi-nority.

    Fact: Since the 1960s, colleges and universities have im-plemented affirmative action plans to increase the numbers of students of color on their campuses.

    In response to Heidi's question: I agree with your concerns about affirmative action. It is hard for me, as a white female, to know how I would feel if I were in the position of, perhaps, an African American male, finding it hard to find a job.

  7. Fact: Matthews reported results of a survey of 270 male soilders, finding only 36% strongly opposed to serving with gay soilders.

    Question: Would 'diversity pairing' be beneficial to do with our students in the classroom?

    Quote: "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."-Theodore Roosevelt

  8. It seems a lot of people liked Theodore Roosevelt's quote. It basically sums up the kind of attitude we all need to have. This country would not be anything unless we all work together. We are helping each other in ways people may not see or understand every day. If we let hate, prejudice, and discrimination tear that apart, our country would be nothing. We pride ourselves on being the "best" but alone we would be nothing.

  9. this country will not be a good place fro any of us to live unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in. Theodore Roosevelt

    In a diverse society everyone needs to learn more about the diverse groups of people calling themselves americans

    Holly is right I am from a small town but spent 13 years in the city. I had to go to meeting about this or that it was just something else on our plate employers made it a joke and a "we have to for the boss" There has to be a better way and starting with the youth is the only way I can see.

  10. I've never been to diversity training, but it sure would be easier to teach our children about diversity than trying to change the minds of adults.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live." Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)

    Having a positive work environment to accommodate diversity improves productivity and reduces turnover costs.

    What do military leaders do about the gender problem?

  13. Diversity pairing gives colleagues opportunities to interact and to become better acquainted. Some businesses create multiculural teams for more effective problem solving that also provides the co-workers to learn more about each other's culture.

  14. Fact...

    America is the most diverse society in our diverse world.

  15. Quote...

    How many goodly creatures are there here! How beautous mankind is! O brave new world that has such people in it. William Shakespeare

  16. Question...

    How can we use the mass media to teach, apply everyday news and information?

  17. In response to Holly's question...

    I do think that diversity pairing is a good idea, as long as it isn't obvious and also if you have to required resources. In many rual areas diversity pairing isn't even an option.

  18. Sierrah said,

    "Chapter 14:

    Quote: “Democracy is a way of life…a vibrant, living sweep of hope and progress which constantly strives for the fulfillment of its objective in life-the search for truth, justice, and human dignity.

    Fact: Pluralism: The equal coexistence of diverse cultures in a mutually supportive relationship within the boundaries of one nation.

    Question: People of color are often depicted as drug dealers, thieves, and violent criminals in films. Film makers have been criticized for this, however, how can we eliminate this negative image?"

  19. Aren't there good and honorable people of color? What about Rosa Parks, Dr. King, Ghandi, the Tuskegee Airmen etc. The list goes on and on here. Can't we challenge the stereotypes with ones which do not fit at all?

    In rural areas, it is harder to pair, but it is so significant to cover diversity in those places in particular. You may also bring it there too. *Guest speakers *Field trips *On-line field trips etc. Just think about all the ways you can be inclusive.

  20. Abigail,

    What do you think about your question? I think the military preys on young, poor students. NCLB gives them this right actually. If you are a principal and your school receives any federal monies, you are required by law to give the recruiters (if they ask for them and they do) the names, addresses, and numbers of your seniors. Then, they start trying to beguile the seniors--especially the poor seniors--into joining the military. A lot of people say that this is unfair.

  21. Film makers are not the only ones look at what happened in LA and that was after the lakers won. Sadly some people choose to live up to the negetive and I understand for some that is all they see but there has to be a line of personal responsibility

  22. Good point Gwen! We must teach people responsibility and about justice. They must have hope that the world will be a better place. Until they believe that social justice is possible, some of them will not try. Think about this in terms of teaching. There is an article from Rethinking Schools, "Confronting student resistance," and you may want to look that up or get that one from me or through ILL in the library.

  23. Question ~ I have to wonder if without affirmative action laws would Americans, more specifically white males, have the initiative and insightfulness to hire women and minorities on an equal basis?
    -It's sad that it has taken a federal law for this to happen

    Quote ~ "Committing outselves to being pluralistic represents a committment to the American dream, a committment to make our nation's motto- "out of the many, one"- a description of the nation we are becoming." (page 356)

    Fact ~ Salary data documents that women and minorities earn substantially less money than white men and are still underrepresented in management.

  24. In response to Heidi's comments on affirmative action I agree it is kind of a funny thing. I mean to be hired solely because a company needs more women or more minorities rather than because of skill or merit could definitely be offensive. I have a friend who when filling out job applications leaves the spot blank that asks for race because that is not what he wants to be given a job due to, he wants to be hired because the company thinks he could bring great things to the table and be an asset to them.

  25. Question: How will affirmative action effect the classrooms?

    Quote: "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in." Theodore Roosevelt

    Fact: Affirmative action requires plan in higher education and the increased diversity they have helped produce have been the subject of much criticism.

  26. I agree that the military probably does prey on the poor. On the positive side, the military can be a great opportunity. Education can be very costly and out of reach for some. This could give them an option that they might not have without the help of the military.

  27. Question:Media has the power to provide positive images of people and promote social change.It always seems that the media focuses on the negative aspects. Why do we as a society feed off the negative and how do we educate our students on this issue?

    Quote:"When we dream alone, we are merely dreaming; but when we dream together, that's the beginning of reality."~Brazillian Proverb

    Fact:In Billings, Montana, a Jewish family decorated their home for Hanukkah and placed a menorah by their front window. After a vandal threw a cinder block through their window, thousands of Christian families put pictures of menorahs in their windows so vandals could not identify for certain which homes in their community had Jewish families.

  28. Holly, I've noticed that too. I tend to be a positive person and I get really tired of hearing about all the negative. I think hearing about the good things people do can help encourage others.

  29. Fact: Since the 1960's, colleges and universities have implemented affirmative action plans to increase the numbers of students of color on their campuses.

    Question: Why does the glass ceiling effect still prevent women from rising today? Shouldn't we as women be trying harder to changed the fact that we get paid less than men in the workforce?

    Quote: "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in, unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in." -Theodore Roosevelt

  30. I used the same fact as Holly. I thought that was so cool that so many people put menorahs in their windows. We live in a country that was establised on the freedom of religion. It's important that we remember that and respect each other's faiths.

  31. Question: Do you think that diversity pairing would be a good thing to do in the classroom?
    Fact: Diversity pairing is a diversity training strategy where two people from diverse backgrounds are paired to provide them with opportunities to interact and become better acquanted.
    Quote: "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in." - Theodore Roosevelt

  32. Question: Isn't this class supposed to provide some diversity training? Obviously I believe it does.

    Quote: "Committing outselves to being pluralistic represents a committment to the American dream, a committment to make our nation's motto- "out of the many, one"- a description of the nation we are becoming." (page 356)

    Fact: The military can be a springboard for the poor to escape the cycle of poverty.

    In response to comments on the military and affirmative action.

    How many poor students do you see the military academies actively recruiting? No many, but they do recruit some because those poor students have the ability and qualifications to get in. Rich, poor, whatever, many individuals sometimes have nowhere else to turn than the military at a young age. As far as affirmative action goes, it has been a necessary tool for getting corporate America to recognize qualified applicants of color. Now that it has been in place for awhile, certain people use their minority status to get preference for jobs others are more qualified for. I think its time for us to re-examine Affrirmative Action with an African-American president, a female Secretary of State, a new femal member of the Supreme Court, a female superintendent of our own local school district, etc. These people got their jobs based on ability, not race or sex. The purest goals of Affirmative Action have been accomplished. However, in some cases the law is being abused and qualified candidates for jobs loose out because they are not a minority. I'll be happy to share personal experiences with anyone that might be interested in this comment.

  33. Quote- "One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity.”
    Question- Is affirmative action very common in schools?
    Fact- America is the most diverse society in our diverse world

  34. Quote: "This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all us us to live in." (pg 346)

    I like this quote becuase it makes me think of Hollywood, big business, and crimes. I know society is much different than the 1950's and before. Crime rates are so high I know parents have to protect their children so much more. They may not be able to play outside and sexual preditors and kidnappers lerk around. I think of Hollywood and all the money actors get for entertaining us. Why don't they recieve less money and money go to the middle and lower classes? In our economy CEO are still asking for bonuses. Why? This country is good for them but not for the rest of us.

    In response to Chelsey's question i think diversity pairing would be an excellent tool in the classroom. We know students can learn a lot from one another.

    Question: How much more difference do you think putting minorites in palce like the media will up viewing by minoriites? Do you think it's more likely that a person of color would listen to another person of color in the media, rather than a white male? like on community service or other important community issues? How do you think that relates to our classroom and how our students may respect someone more or less based on the religion, race, ethnicity, class, or gender?

    Fact:"...reported that 70% of women soldiers want to be assigned combat roles becuase becuase major promotions are the most avaliable to those who prove themsleves on the battlefield." (pg. 354)
